Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/205

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A. D. 1716. Anno tertio Georgii Regis. C. 19 — 21. 165 Difability or Incapacity (hall have recovered fuel) Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements and Hcrcdita- recovered before reditaments lie or arife, and bona fide and with due Diligence purfued his Remedy in a proper Courfe of rrcdat thcQuar- Jufticc far the Recovery thereof : The faid feveral Acts above-mentioned and referred to, or any Thing ,cr_fl: ' r " ,ns - therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. V. Provided neverthelefs, That ' whereas it was, amongft other Things, enacted by the faid Act or "„ ^ , 2 a1 ^' m ' Parliament made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of the Reign of the late King William the Third, whereby

  • That from and after the tenth Day of April which fhould be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven Fapifts are dif-

' hundred, every Papift or Perfon making Profeffion of the Popiffi Religion fhould be difabled, and was ablcd iVnm pur-

  • thereby made incapable to purchafe either in his or her own Name, or in the Name of any other Perfon chafing any_A^Ta-
  • or Perfons, to his or her Ufe, or in Truft for him or her, any Manors, Lands, Profits out of Lands, "ot'b'ehercby'ai-

c Tenements, Rents, Terms or Hereditaments within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of IVales and ter cd or repealed. ' Town of Berwick upon Tweed ; and that all and fmgular Eftates, Terms and any other Interefts or Pro c fits whatfoever out of Lands, from and after the faid tenth Day of April to be made, fufrered or done, to ' or for the Ufe or Behoof of any fuch Perfon or Perfons, or upon any Truft or Confidence mediately or ' immediately, to or for the Benefit or Relief of any fuch Perfon or Perfons, fhould be utterly void and of

  • no Effect, to all Intents, Conftructions and Purpofes whatfoever:' It is hereby declared and enacted, 'i & uW, 3,

That the faid recited Part of the faid Aft of Parliament fhall not be hereby altered or repealed, but the c - 4- fame fhall be and remain in full Force, as if this Act had never been made. VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the nine and twentieth After Sept. 29, Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and feventeen no Manors, Lands, "7'7> no Ma- Tenements, Hereditaments or any Intereft therein, or Rent or Profit thereout, fhall pafs, alter or change J5,° a r i S |' hf"^ „ c ' from any Papift or Perfon profefling the Popifh Religion, by any Deed or Will, except fuch Deed within p ap ifts by Deed fix Months afrer the Date, and fuch Will within fix Months after the Death of the Teftator, be inrolled or Will, uniefa in one of the King's Courts of Record at Weftminfler, or elfe within the fame County or Counties wherein inrolled in fix the Manors, Lands and Tenements lie, by the Cujhs Rotulorum and two Juftices of the Peace, and the Momh !; Clerk of the Peace of the fame County or Counties, or two of them at the Ieaft, whereof the Clerk of the c'^™, Peace to be one. [Such Deeds, &>. are good, if mrolled on 29 September 1731. 3 Geo. Geo. 2. c. 29. pavilion is -feet. 6. A/ld fee 8 Geo. 2. C. 25.] made tor Deeds, &c. not. intellect Once Sept. 20, 1717, if inrolled on 29 Sept. 172 J-. Farther Provijions concerning Pafift;, 9 do. I. c. 18 £f 24. JJ Geo. 2. c. 17. 33 Geo. 2. c. 13. CAP. XIX. An Act for the King's moft gracious, general and free Pardon. CAP. XX. An Act to enlarge the Time for making Claims before the Commiffioners appointed to enquire of the for- feited Eftates. EXP. CAP. XXI. An A<5t for continuing the Liberty of exporting Irifh Linen Cloth to the Britijh Plantations in America Duty-free; and for the more effectual Difcovery of and profecuting fuch as fhall unlawfully export Wool and Woollen Manufactures from Ireland; and for Relief of John Fletcher in refpedt of the Duty by him paid for a Quantity of Salt loft in the Exportation for Ireland. PAG 1 Itiu.ff.'l •_ .i. .i'.l 1 r , tr r , T.. - , .»«■.„ & 4 Ann, c. S. 1 the Plantations, ..pport of the Protc- ftant Intereft in Ireland, and for the Encouragement of the Linen Manufacture of that Kingdom, That it fhould and might be lawful to export from Ireland directly to the Briiffh Plantations, all Sorts of white and brown Linen Cloths, being the proper Manufacture of the faid Kingdom, under certain Reftric- tions and Conditions in the faid Act mentioned, for the Term of eleven Years ; which Act hath been iince continued for one Year and to the End of this prefent Seflion of Parliament, by an Act patted in Continued by the htft Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty King George, intituled, An Ail for continuing feverah Geo. j. ft. 3, Laws therein m ntioned relating to Coals, Hemp and Flax, Irifh and Scots Linen, aid the Affize of Bread, c - l(l - and for giving Power to adjourn the gfuarter-Seffions for the County of Anglefca, for the Purpofes therein mentioned: And whereas it hath been found by Experience, That the Continuance of the faid Act is and may be beneficial to both the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland :' Be it therefore enacted by the TneAfl 3 & 4 King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tempo- Ano - c - &- lo ral, and Commons, in Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid recited Act t5r ," L 1 rela, ' s . of the third and fourth Years of Queen Anne, fc> far forth as the fame relates to the Exportation of Irifh 0° oVlriftLine«  Linen to the Planta-