Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/223

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A. D. 17 1 8. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. C. 3. 183 former Law, Statute, Provifion, Reftriclion, Claufc or Claufes, Matter? or Things whatfotver to the R ' ■ •" b / contrary notwithft. nding. Ha " :i ' u '-* " All the Monies to be entrcd in a Book. The aggregate Fund appropriated. Penalty on Officers mif- " applying the Monies. How the Monies fliall be iliucd and applied to the Rank, isc. i20,oco/. for " his Majefty during Life, Provlfo for the Deficiencies of Xl6,573 /. 12). Deficiencies to be made good " by Parliament. The Annuities of 88,751/. ~s. and iod. naif-penny, and ioo,cx)o/. per Annum pay- " able to the Bank, redeemable. On fix Months Notice to the Bank, and Repayment. Annuities to " ceafe. After Redemption of the fevcral Annuities, aggregate Fund to be redeemed. [See 13 Geo. I. " c. 3. fccL i.J Till the Lottery Annuities are redeemed, Bank to employ a chief Cafhier and Account- " ant General. 'J 'his Annuity a pcrlonal Kltatc. The principal Monies of thefe Annuities to be dcem- " ed a capital Stock, and aflignable. No Stamp-duty on Transfers, Z3c, No Fee for paying thefe An- " unities. The Powers of 3 Geo, J. c. 8. continued. The Surpluses of the aggregate Fund, £sV, made: " liable to fatisfy the Loans hereafter-mentioned. Further Loan for difcharging Exchequer-bills. Trea- " fury every Quarter to enter in a Book a juft Account ot the fevcral Surplufles for the preceding Quar- " ters. Another Book for Entry of Orders of Loan. 520,000/. may be advanced at 5/. per Centum. " Mont*)' lent 'lax-free. of Loan to be ftruck, Uc. No Fee for rcgiltring, or undue Prefe- " rence. Tallies dated the fame Day, no undue Preference. Orders aflignable. All the Monies of the " fevcral Funds arifen before 25 March 1719. to be applied towards paying oft" and cancelling Exchccjuer- " bills. Notice to be affixed on the Royal Exchange, and publifhed in the London Gazette, of the 1 ime. " On Oath before a Baron of the Exchequer, of Bills being loft, is. Treafury to pay the fame. After " 25 March 1719. the Annuity after the Rate of 3/. per Centum fliall ceafe, and the Bank not obliged to circulate Exchequer-bills. The Refidue of the Bills to be circulated by fuch Perfons as the Treafury fliall " appoint. Treaiury to allow a Salary for the fame. Treafury to contract with Perfons for circulating. " Treafury to take Subscriptions from fuch Perfons as will advance Money for circulating Exchequer- " bills. ContracTt to be in Writing, and regiftred in the Auditor of the Receipts and Clerk of the Pells " Offices. No Stamps on fuch Contracts. Such Perfons not difabled from being Members of Parlia- " ment. Perfons circulating the Bills, and Contractors, to keep an Office in London or We/lminfter.

  • ' Relufing to exchange the Bills for ready Money may be fued, Isfc. Treafury to iil'uc out Money for

" difcharging Exchequer-bills, &c. Exchequer-bills to be current in the Revenue, &c. Receivers and " Collectors to give ready A4oney for Exchequer-bills, &c. Exchequer-bills paid or lent into the Exchc- " qucr ; Officers to caufe Tallies to be levied for the fame. Receivers to allow the Intereft on Exchc- " quer-bills. No Intereft on Bills in Receivers Hands or in the Exchequer. How it fliall be known, " how long Time the Bills have been in Receivers Hands, (Jc. Such Bills may be re-iftued. Bills to " be re-illued tor the principal Money only. Tellers to be re-imburfed the Intereft they pay on Exche- " quer-bills. Receivers of Taxes to keep Books for Entry. Exchequer-bills filled up by Indorfements, " new Bills to be iilued in lieu of them. Forging fuch Bills, Felony. No intereft to be paid to any " leflcr Sum than one Penny. Treafury to iftue Bills for large Sums not exceeding 5000/. each. Trea- " fury to allow Salaries to Perfons for circulating, &c." Exp. 13 Geo. 1. c. 3. LXVI. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforcfaid, That all rheTIic Overplus Monies, which at the End of every or any Quarter of a Year fliall or may be produced for the refpeclive ^ lo , nc y Jt tl ' e Surplufles, Excefles or Overplus Monies of the laid feveral Funds, commonly called the aggregate Fund, o^ane/t^hc and the Fund of the South-Sea Company, and of the faid Duties and Revenues charged with the laid ge- ,,icrved for ,!ir~- neral yearly Fund of feven hundred twenty-four thoufand eight hundred forty-nine Pounds fix Shillings charging natio- and ten Pence and one fifth Part of a Penny, as alfo the Excefs or Overplus of the fame general yearly ml ® cb ~' 3 before Fund, when and as often as any fuch Surplufles, Excefles or Overplus Monies fliall be (over and above 15 Qec ' I 7 I& ' the Monies at lie End of every fuch Quarter relpectively due or demandable, to be fir ft paid or referved for Payment out of the fame, by virtue of this and the faid recited Acts, or any of them) fliall be appro- priated, referved and applied, to and for the further difcharging the Principal and Intereft of fuch national Dents and Incumbrances as were incurred before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fixtecn, and are declared to be national Debts, and were provided for by Act or Acts of Par- liament, in fuch Manner and Form as fliall be directed or appointed by any future Ail or Acts of Par- liament to be difcharged therewith, or out of the fame, and to or for none other Ufe, Intent or Purpbfe whatfoever. " If Provifion be made by Parliament in lawful Coin to pay ofF Principal and Intereft on Exchequer- " bills, then full Bills to be cancelled, &c. If the Sum of 520,000/. be not lent by 1 May 1719. then " fo much of the Surplufles to be applied towards cancelling Exchequer-bills." EXP. FartlirPrcviBta ctr.ccrnvig Ex;bc^uer~bUh , 16 Gso. 2. c t lz. 33 Geo. a. c. 1, iS, 21 &y 23. 1 Geo. 3. s. it & 20. C A P,