Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/228

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i88 C. 9. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. A. D. 171 E. and do moft humbly pray, That it may be, and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Coals and Culm Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That for all Sorts of Coals, and Culm which, before 25 March or the River of Thames within the Liberty of the faid City upon the fame River, there (hall be paid to his 3751. to pay, Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, by way of Imposition thereupon (over and above all other Impofitions viz. 3s. perChal- anc j J3 ut i es j according to the Ratrs hereafter-mentioned, (that is to fay) For all fuch Sorts of Coals and Theft Duties Culm as are ufually fold by the Chalder, for every Chalder thereof, containing thirty-fix Bufhels Winche- are made perpe-^«- Meafure, the Sum of three Shillings, and for fuch Sort of Coals as are fold by the Tun, for every tuaiby6Geo".i. Tun thereof, containing twenty hundred Weight, the Sum of three Shillings. c. 4. §. 1. See 13 Geo. I. c. si. §. i, be^dc^h" t0 !!• And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid refpedtive Sums of three Shillings Management of ^ or ever y Chalder of Coals and Culm and Tun of Coals, which from Time to Time, from and after the theCommiffion- Feaft of the Annunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, and be- ers of the Cu- fore the faid Feaft of the Annunciation of the Bleffed Virgin Mary which fhall be in the Year of our Lord Horns. one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, (hall be imported or brought into the faid Port or River within 9 Ann. c. j.a. the Liberty of the faid City, as aforefaid, and payable by virtue of the faid recited A£is of the ninth Year 1 Geo. 1. flat. 2. f ner ] ate Majefty's Reign and the firft Year of his Majefly's Reign, and by virtue of this prefent Act, ' * 3 " every or any of them, fhall from Time to Time be under the Management of the Commiflioners and Of- ficers of his Majefty's Cuftoms for the Time being, according to fuch Orders and Directions as are or fhall from Time to Time be given by the Commiflioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or by the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time Duties how to being ; and fhall or may from Time to Time bs raifed, levied, collected and paid to his Majefty, his e levied. Heirs and Succeffors, in fuch Manner, Method and Form, and at fuch Places and by fuch Rules, Ways and Means, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, as are mentioned, expreffed and referred unto in and by any Act, Law or Statute, A£ts, Laws or Statutes now in Force, for raifing, levying, collecting or anfwering any other Duty or Duties now payable to his Majefty for or upon any Coals or Culm what- foever imported or brought Coaftwife into the faid Port of London ; and that all and every the Powers, Au- thorities, Penalties, Forfeitures, Difabilities, Articles, Rules and Claufes in the fame Acts, Laws and Statutes, or any of them, mentioned or contained (except fuch and fo much of them, for and concerning which it is otherwife provided in this and the faid recited Acts, or any of them) fhall be of fuch Force and Effect, to all Intents and Purpofes, for the raifing, levying, collecting and anfwering the Impofitions hereby granted, for and during the faid Term or Time herein before limited, as if the fame were particularly and at large fet down and enacted by this Act ; any former Law, Cuftom or Ufage whatfoever to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding, loo chaWers of HI. Provided, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend, or be conftrued to ex- Coais per Ann. tend, to charge or lay any of the Duties or Impofitions hereby impofed upon fuch Coals (not exceeding fpital nothar- one hundred Chalders by the Year) as fhall be brought into the Port of London, from Newcajile upon Tine geaWe. or any other Place, for the only Ufe and Service of the Royal Hofpital at Chclfea ; any Thing herein con- tained to the contrary notwithstanding. The Monies to IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every fuch Sum and Sums of be brought into Money as fhall be raifed, collected or levied by virtue of the faid recited Act of the ninth Year of her faid the Exchequer. ] a t e Majefty's Reign, and by virtue of the faid recited Act of the firft Year of his Majefty's Reign, and by g""' C ft Z2 virtue of this prefent Act, every or any of them, of or for the faid Duties on Coals and Culm to be im- £i ' ' ' ' ported and brought into the faid Port of the City of London, or the River of Thames within the Liberty of the faid City upon the fame River, at any Time or Times, from and after the Feaft of the Annunciation of the Bleffed Virgin Mary one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, and before the faid Feaft of the An- nunciation of the Bleffed Virgin Mary one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, (the neceffary Charges of raifing, managing and accounting for the fame always excepted) fhall from Time to Time be brought and And apprcpri- paid into the Receipt of Exchequer ; and the fame Monies (other than fuch furplus Monies as are to be atedfor theUfes feferved for future Difpofition by Parliament as aforefaid) are and fhall be, by Force, and Virtue of this oi this Aft. p^^ appropriated, iffued, applied and difpofud to and for the feveral and refpeitive Ufes and Purpofes in and by this prefent Act prefcribed and directed, of and concerning the fame, and to and for none other Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever; any former Act or Acts of Parliament, or any Appropriation, Direction, Claufe or Claufes, Matter or Thing whatfoever therein contained to the contrary in any wife notwith- standing. After 2c March V. And to the End a good and fuflicient Fund and Security may be fettled and eftablifhed for raifing the 7719, f»r 31 f" a id Sum of three hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds, in fuch Proportions at a Time as fhall be needed, to bTa Fund°for *° r f ^ e P ur P°f es m this Act particularly expreffed, of and concerning the fame : Be it further enacted by anfwering the° r the Authority aforefaid, That yearly and every Year, from and after the faid Feaft of the Annunciation of Principal and the Bleffed Virgin Mary one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, for and during the Term of thirty and lntereft of i wo Years from thence next enfuing, the full Sum of twenty and one thoufand Pounds, by or out of the 360,0001. Monies of or for the faid feveral Duties on Coals and Culm by this Act appropriated as aforefaid, fhall be and