Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/331

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A. D. 17 1 9. Anno iexto Georgii R< Author payabl Repayme Payment of all Arrearages of the fame Annuities, to be computed by the Day after the Rate of four Pounds and en [Upay- per Centum per Annum, till fuch actual Repayment, then and not till then the fame Annuities (ball ceafe m V it . < and determine; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding : And that any Vote or Re- P nnc, P a!> folution of the Houfe of Commons figned by the Speaker in Writing, to be inferted in the faid London an 7»ny V< ' Gaz.ite, and affixed on the Royal Exchange in Loudon, as aforefaid, ihall be deemed and adjudged to be 1 he" Commons fufficient Notice within the Words and Meaning of this AtSt. figned by the Speaker, flia.i be fufficicnt Notice. ' XXXIX. And whereas by virtue of an Adt of Parliament made in the fourth Year of your Majefty's 4C=o. z. c. 8. ' Reign, intituled, An Ait for vejling the forfeited Eflatcs in Great Britain and Ireland in Trvflees, to be fid ' for the life of the Public/;; end for giving Relief to lawful Creditors by determining the Claims; and for the ' more effeSlual bringing into the refpeclive Exchequers _ the Rents and Profits of the faid EJfates till fold, and by ' feveral other Adts of Parliament relating to the faid forfeited Eftates, feveral Sums of Money have already ' been railed and paid into the Receipts of the refpedtive Exchequers of England, Scotland and Ireland, or ' fome of them, and feveral confiderable Sums of Money arifing or to arife of or for the faid forfeited ' Eftates are expedted to be brought and paid into the laid Exchequers refpeclively :' Now we your Ma- jefty's faid dutiful and loyal Subjects, the faid Commons of Great Britain in Parliament affembled, for defraying your Majefty's publick Expences and Occafions before-mentioned, have further given and granted, and do by this Adt give and grant to your Majefty the full Sum of two hundred thoufand {even hundred thirty-feven Pounds fourteen Shillings and nine Pence Farthing, to be taken out of the clear Pro- duce of the Forfeitures for Treafon, arifen or to arife into the Receipts of the faid Exchequers, every or any of them, over and above the Salaries and other Charges payable for the Recovery of the faid Forfei- tures; and do moil humbly befeech your Majefty that it may be enadted; and be it enadted by the Autho- rity aforefaid, That the faid Sum of two hundred thoufand feven hundred thirty-feven Pounds fourteen 2 °°-737l- W'> Shillings and nine Pence Farthing, by fuch Proportions at a Time as the Commiflioners of his Majefty's 'hedel,' Produce Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, fhall find moil con- arifing i.y Sale ducible to the publick Service, fhall and may be taken and applied out of the clear Produce of the Forfei-of the forfeited tures for Treafon, arifen or to arife into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, over and above the faid Eftates, to be Salaries and other Charges payable for the Recovery of the faid Forfeitures; and the faid Commiffioners^ ^ d a .f ft w f s ' ds of the Treafury,- or any three or more of them, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, are hereby publick Ex- S authorized and impowered to iffue and apply, or caufe to be iflued and applied, the fame accordingly; anypences. former Law or Statute to the contrary notwithitanding. ' XL. And whereas certain Duties upon Hops were by an Adt of Parliament made in the ninth Year of c ' au .'? f ° r!? km S 1 the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, of bleffed Memory, intituled, An Act for laying a Duty z^wz backs upon Hops ' Hops, impofed for the Term of four Years, reckoned from the firft Day of June one thoufand feven exported for undred and eleven, and were by an Adt of the firft Year of your Majefty's Re,gn continued until the Ireland. h „rft Day of Augujl one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen; and by another Adt of the fame Year were . granted to your Majefty, your Heirs and Succeffors for ever, fubjedt neverthelefs to Redemption by l.'^'. " Parliament: In and by which Adts, or fome of them, (amongft other Things therein contained] it was provided, That it fhould and might be lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons, who fliould have adtually 1 Geo. 1. flat ' fuch Hops, being of Britijh Growth, for Ireland by way of Merchandize; and that upon giving fucfl6G«>. z. ' Security, and performing fuch other Requifites as by the faid Adts, or fome of them, are prelcribed, the§- 6. (which h ' Cuftomer or Colledtor of the Port where fuch Hops fhall be exported, fhall give to the Exporter a Yie-" mde f cr f c ual b? ' benture expreffing the true Quantity of the Britijh Hops fo exported; and that upon fuch Debenture the Vq£'£ ' c ' c ^ ' faid Duty ihall be repaid, or the Security for the fame be difcharged in the Manner and Form thereby

  • prefcribed, as by the faid Adts of Parliament, Relation being thereunto feverally had, may more fully

f appear : And whereas the faid Duty upon Hops of Britijh Growth is very moderate, and fuch Hops ex- 1 ported for Irelafid may reafonab'y bear the fame Duty which is charged upon thofe confumed in Great ' Britain:' Now we your Majefty's faid dutiful and loyal Subjedts, the Commons of Great Britain in Par- liament affembled, being minded and defirous to improve the publick P.evenues, which are applicable to the difcharginp- of publick Debts and Incumbrances, do further humbly pray your Majefty, that it may be enadted; And be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid, 1 hat the- faid Duty upon Hops of Britijh Growth, or any Part thereof, fhall not be repaid or drawn back for any fuch Hops which fhall be exported or fhipped to be exported for Ireland, at any Time or Times after the firft Day of June one thoufand feyen hundred and twenty; and that no Debenture or Certificate fhall be granted or made forth for or in order to the Repayment or Drawing back of the fame Duty for or upon any fuch Hops fo exported or fhipped to be exported for Ireland after the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty; but fuch Drawback or Repayment from thenceforth fhall ceafe and determine; the faid recited Adts of Parliament, or any other Law or Statute to the contrary notwithitanding. P P 2 « XLI.