Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/43

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A. D. 1 7 14. Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 1. C. 2, 3 CAP. II. An Act for re&ifying Mifhkes in the Names of the Commiflloners for the Land-Tax for the Year one thoufand ftven hundred and fourteen •, and for raifing fo much as is wanting to make up the Sum of fourteen hundred thoufand Pounds, intended to be raifed by a Lottery for the Publick Service ia the faid Year. •*II. A ND whereas by an Aft made in the faid Parliament holden at Wcftninfler in the twelfth Year ofiz Ar.n. Stats. ±. the Reign of our faid late Sovereign Lady Queen Anne, for laying additional Duties on Sope andc. :.

  • Paper, and upon certain Linens, Silks, Callicoes and Stuffs, and upon Starch, and exported Coals, Se = 6 Geo. i.

4 and upon ftampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper, for raifing one Million and four hundred ttidufand RedtingiaAnn. ' Pounds by way of a Lottery, (amongft other Things therein contained) it was enafted, That yearly stst. 2.%. 9. ' and every Year, during the Term of two and thirty Years, reckoning the firft Year to begin from the Being the Lot- 4 twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, the full Sum of one hundred ter y Aa,^7i4. ' and five thoufand Pounds, by or out of the Monies to aiife by the additional or new Duties thereby^"' ' granted, fliould be a yearly Fund for paying and anfwering certain principal Sums, amounting in the ' whole to one Million eight hundred feventy-fix thoufand and four hundred Pounds, with Intcreft for the 4 fame, after the Rate of tour Pounds per Centum per Annum, as is therein mentioned ; and (in cafe of any 4 Deficiencies) that the {aid-yearly Fund fliould be made good as was thereby prefcribed : And it was

  • thereby further enacted, That it fhould and might be lawful, for any Perfon or Pcrfons, Natives or
  • Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to contribute for or towards advancing the faid Sum of one

4 Million four hundred thoufand Pounds, the Sum of ten Pounds, or divers entire Sums of ten Pounds, 4 upon the faid Aft, for which-he, {he, or they fliould be entitled to receive by virtue of that Aft, fuch 4 principal Money and the Intereft thereof, to be paid as is therein mentioned, by and out of the faid year- 4 ly Fund ; which Sums of ten Pounds each were thereby appointed to be paid unto the refpeclive Recei- 4 vers on or before the refpeftive Days and Times, and in the refpeclive Proportions after mentioned ; that 4 is to fay, one fourth Part thereof on or before the tenth Day of Anguji in the Year of our Lord one thou- ' {and feven hundred and fourteen, one other fourth Part thereof, on or before the tenth Day of September 4 in' the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, one other fourth Part thereof, on or 4 before the eleventh Day of Oilober one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, and the remaining fourth 4 Part thereof on or before the tenth Day of November one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen :'And that 4 no Money fliould be received from any Contributor or Adventurer, for the firft Payment towards this ' Adventure, after the faid tenth Day of Augujl one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, as by the fame 4 Act (Relation being thereunto had) may more fully appear : And whereas fince the making the Aft laft 4 before recited, feveral Contributions have been made thereupon, amounting in the whole to five hundred 4 and feven thoufand four hundred and forty Pounds, or thereabouts, Part whereof hath been actually paid 4 or anfwered to the faid Receivers,, and the' Refidue of the Contributions fo made is to be paid or an- 4 fwered within the Days or Times before appointed in that Behalf: And whereas for raifing fo much as 4 is wanting to complere the full Sum of one Million four hundred thoufand Pounds before mentioned, it ' 4 is found neceffary, that the Time for receiving the Contributions for that Purpofe be prolonged, and 4 that fome further Encouragement and Security be given to the Contributors thereof ;' Now his Maje- fty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament afiembled, do moft humbly befeech his Malefty, That it may be enacted, and it is hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That yearly and every Year, during the {aid Term of thirty-two Years, the full Sum of one hundred and IT ?' 5 p lE ?' ' fixteen thoufand five hundred feventy-three Pounds twelve' Shillings (in lieu of the aforefaid yearly Fundp un j tle5 ' cary of one hundred and five thoufand Pounds) to arife by or out of the Monies arifing by the laid additional orsee 2 Geo. 2. new Duties on Sbpe and Paper, and upon the faid Linens, Silks, Callicoes and Stuffs, and upon Starch, c. 3: anil exported Coals, and upon ftampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper, by the faid laft recited Aft granted, Mat!e perpetual and to be brought into the Receipt of Exchequer, as aforefaid, in cafe the fame {hall extend thereunto, J/ 6 c / eo j •■" {hall be computed and reckoned to be the yearly Fund ; and in cafe all the Monies arifing into the Excite- s'ee '2 "Geo. 2, -quer for the laid Rates, Duties and Sums of Money fo granted, fhall not amount to the Sum of one huiri-c. 3. dred and fixteen thoufand five hundred feventy-three Pounds twelve Shillings per Annum, then the Monies Foi ' tunatc Tic_ fb arifing, (o far as the fame fhall extend, fhall be Part of the fame yearly Fund, towards the anfwering kets ' t0 have ahd baying ofi" all and every the faid principal Sums mentioned in the faid Aft, amounting in the whole to pe r -AnnrB]a'p.ks one Million eight hundred fevehty-fix thoufand four hundred Pounds, together with Intereft for the fame,'a..p=r Cent, after the refpeftive Rates herein after mentioned ; that is to fay, after the Rr.te of four Pounds per Centum J per Annum for fo much thereof as fhall be contained in the fortunate Tickets, to be drawn purfuant to that and this prefent Aft, or either of them, and after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum for fo'much of the faid principal Sums as fhall be contained in the other Tickets (commonly called Blank: Tickets.) to be drawn purluant to the fame Acts, or either of them, until the Satisfaction thereof refpec- tively ; yet fo as that the Intereft of fuch principal Sums, as fhall be paid oft", fhall ceafe from the refp-c- tive Times of paying oft" the fame : And in. cafe the faid Duties, Rates, and Sums of Money by the faid laft recited Aft granted fhall at any Time or Times appear to be fo deficient or low in the Produce of, the fame, as that within any one Year, to be reckoned, as aforefaid, the faid Monies arifing into the Exche- B z i uer »