Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/568

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522 Co/. Anno ■ undecimo Georgii Regis. A. D. 1724. On Repayment II. Provided always, and it is hereby enabled, That upon Repayment by Parliament to the faid Go- Annuities to vernor and Company of the Bank of England, and their Succeflbrs, of the faid feveral and refpedtive ce^fe. Principal Sums of one million, feven hundred feventy-fwe thoufand twenty-feven Pounds feventeen Shil-* •Redeemed z ]j n g s anc i ten Pence Half-penny, and two millions without any Deduction,- Difcount or Abatement co. 2. c. 3. w Hatfbever to be irade out of the fame, or any Part thereof, arid of all Arrears of the faid refpedtive Annuities cf feventy-one thoufand and one Pounds two Shillings and three Pence three Farthings, and eighty thoufr.nd Pounds per Annum (if any fuch {hall be then' due) ; then, and not till then, the laid fe-«  ver#;l and refpedtive Annuities of feventy-one thoufand and one Pounds two Shillings and three Pence three Farthings and eighty thoufand Pounds, or cither of them which fhall be fo redeemed, fhall from- thenceforth ceafe and determine ; any former Act or Acts of Parliament, or any Provifoes, flatters of Things therein contained, or any other Matter or Thing whatfoever to the contrary notwithstanding. As any Part of ' 111. And in Regard it is intended that the faid Annuities may be fatisfied by any Payments not being the Principal < l e f s than fi ve hundred thoufand Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain at a Time, and that as the Sums are paid < ^jj p r j nc fp a i Money fhall be paid oft", the faid Debt and Annuities fhall proportionally fink and be t^na* HarTof ' abated ;' Be it therefore provided and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if at any Time or theAnnuitiea Times Payment be made of any Sum or Sums of Money (not being lefs than five hundred thoufand 1 to be abated. Pounds at a Time) in Part for the refpedtive Principal Sums, for which the faid Annuities fhall be payable as aforefaid, and alfo if Payment be made of all Arrearages then due to them, of the fame An- nuities, or fo much of thofe Arrearages, as fhall bear a Proportion to the Principal Monies from Time to Time remaining unfatisfied, being computed till the Time of every fuch Payment of Part of the Principal refpedtively, then from and after every fuch Payment fo made, fo much of the faid An- nuities, as fhall bear Proportion to the Monies fo paid in Part of the faid Principal, fhall ceafe, deter- mine and be abated; any Thing in this, or in any former Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithstanding. Thefe Annuities IV. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Annuities, or Sums of feventy-- Per&naJ Eftates. one thoufand and one Pounds two Shillings and three Pence three Farthings, and eighty thoufand Pound's, and either of them, fhall be deemed and adjudged to be Perfonal Eftates, and the fame, and the Stock and Stocks, which the faid Governor and Company of the Bank .of England, now have, or are entitled unto, as alfo all fuch Stock or Stocks, which the faid Governor and Company fhall or may be entitled' unto by Virtue of this Adt, and alfo the Principal Sums and Annuities payable to the faid Governor and Company, for or in refpect of any fuch Stock or Stocks, are and fhall by Virtue of this Act be clear and Free, and freed and difcharged of and from all Taxes, Charges and publick Impofitions whatfoever, charged or to be charged thereupon, and fhall not be liable to any foreign Attachments ; any Law, Cu- stom or Ufage to the contrary notwithstanding, V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid former Acts above recited or j^Aa* mentioned, and all the Powers, Authorities, Privileges and Advantages, Rules, Directions, Pains, Pe- tinued &c. nalties and Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters and Things therein contained, being now in Force (fuch Alte- rations as are therein made by this A£t only excepted) fhall continue and be ufed, exercifed, inflicted, applied and put in Practice and Execution, as fully as if the faid Powers, Authorities, Privileges and Advantages, Rules, Directions, Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters and Things, were again repeated and reenacted in the Body of this prefent Act; and that the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and their Succeffors, fhall continue to be a Corporation, and fhall enjoy the fe- veral Annuities or Sums of feventy-one thoufand and one Pounds two Shillings and three Pence three Farthings, and eighty thoufand Pounds, till they refpedtively fhall be redeemed as aforefaid; and fhall eiijoy all fuch Capacities, Powers, Privileges and Advantages, to the faid Governor and Com- pany of the Bank of England, as a Corporation belonging, until the faid Annuities or yearly Sums fhall be redeemed (according to the Provifo in this Act contained concerning the fame) freed and difcharged of and from all former and other Provifoes and Powers of Redemtion whatfoever, for redeeming the faid Duties or Revenue's called the Aggregate Fund, or the faid Duties on Houfes, or any of them j any former Act or Statute, or any Claufe, Matter or Thing in this Act contained to the contrary not- wkhftanding. Forcing, $e. ' VI. And whereas of late divers Frauds and Deceits have been put tipon the faid Governor and Corn- Bank- Bills or ' pany of the Bank of England, and other Perfons, by the altering, forging and counterfeiting of the Notes, Feluny. ' Bank-Bills and Bank-Notes of the faid Governor and Company, and by the erafin; and altering the Farther cement- ' faid Bills and Notes, and the Endorfements thereupon, and by the tendring in Payment, uttering,. ing Bank fee 1 « vending, exchanging and bartering, of fuch altered, forged, counterfeited and erafed Bills and Notes, Ce °--- p'*' ' and the Endorfements thereupon, to the Prejudice of publick Credit, and to the Great Hurt and Dimi- r. 3! -iiGec ' ' nution of Trade and Commerce ;' For redrafting whereof for the future, Be it enacted by the Autho- a. c. 27. rity aforefaid, 1 hat if any Perfon or Perfons fhall alter, forge or counterfeit any Bank-Ei!l or Bank- i$Ceo. 2. c. 73. Note, made or given out for the Payment of any Sum of Money, by or for- the faid Governor and' 19 Geo. 2. c. 6. Company, or any Bank-Note of any Sort whatfoever, 'or fhall erafe cr alter any fuch Bill or Note, or 14 a. 2. c. 4. an y £ nf j or f e ment thereupon, or fhall tender in Payment, utter, vend, exchange or barter, any fuch altered, forged or counterfeited Bill or Note, or any erafed or altered Bill or Note, or the Endorfe- ment thereupon, or demand to have the fame exchanged for ready Money by the faid Governor and Company, or their Succeflbrs, or any other Perfon or Perfons (knowing fuch Bill cr Note, or the En- dorfement thereupon, fo tendrcd or demanded to be exchanged, vended or bartered, to be altered, forged, counterfeited or erafed) and with Intention to defraud the faid Governor and Company, or their Succef- fors, er any other Perfon or Perfons, Body Politick or Corporate - t then every fuch Perion or Perfons fo 1 offending