Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/63

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A. D. 1714. Anno -primo Georgii Regis, Stat. 2. C. 12. 23 fhould exceed all the Monies then due for or upon the fame Annuities, and all Arrearages thereof then incurred, the Excefs or Surplus fhould be difpofcable from Time to Time for the publick Ufe and Ser- vice : And by an Act of Parliament made in the fixth Year of her faid late Majefty's Reign, intituled, 6 Ann. c. 5. An Ail for raifing a further Supply to her MajeJ'y for the Service of the Tear one thoufand. feven hundred a d eight, and other Ufes, by Sale of Annuities, charged on a Fund not exceeding forty thoufana Pounds per An- num, ti arife by apprppri ting feveral Surpluses, and by granting further Terms in the Duties on Low Wines, and on Hawkers, Pedlars., and Petty-chapmen, the Stamp-duties, the one Third Subfidy, the Duty on S we. is, undone of the Branches of Excife, and by making other Provisions in this A* I nienlioned, a certain Fund or Sum not exceeding forty thoufand Pounds per Annum, is charged upon an ! payable out of ail the ( over- plus or Surplus Monies of the laid Rates, Duties, Sublidics and Funds, iettled for Payment of the laid feveral Annuities, purchafed upon the Lid feveral A£ts of the fourth and fifth Years of her faid. late Ma- jelly's Reign respectively, which fhould from Time to Time remain, after fatisfying or referving in the Exchequer, fufficiwit to fatisfy fo much as fhall be incurred or grown due, from Time to Time,, upon thofe Annuities, and every of them, and which by the faid Act of the fifth Year of her faid late Maje- 5 Ann. c. 19. ffy's Reign, were left to be difpofed, from Time to Time, for the p.iblick Ufe and Service, as afore- faid, and is a!fo charged upon, and payable out of all the Overplus Monies of the Rates and Duties of Excife, granted by an Act of Parliament made in the fourth Year of the Reign of their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, of Glorious. Memory, intituled, An Ail for granting to their Mdjeftjes^Vf. JtM.o.^ certain Rates and Duties of Excife upon Beer, Alt, and ether Liquors, for jecuring certain Recompenses and Advantages in the faid Ail mentioned, to fitch Perfons as fall voluntarily advance the Sum of ten hundred thou- fand Pounds, towards carrying on the War agahyt France, for the Term of ninety-nine Years, from the "five and twentieth Day of January one thoufand fix hundred ninety-two, and by that and other Acts re- lating thereunto, made liable to the Payment of Annuities, with Benefit of Survivorship, and other An- nuities charged thereupon ; which Overplus of the Rates and Duties of Excife laft mentioned, is by the faid Act of the fixth Year of her faid late Majefty's Reign, directed to be computed on the twenty-fourth 6 Ann. c. 5. Day of June yearly : And by the fame Act of the fixth Year of her late Majefty's Reign, the aforefaid Duties upon Low Wines, or Spirits of the firft Extraction, are continued from the; Expiration of the faid Term of ninety-fix Years before granted therein, for one whole Year from thence nextenfuing ; and the faid Duties payable by Hawkers, Pedlars, Petty-chapmen, and others, as aforefaid, are continued from the Expiration of the faid Term of ninety-fix Years before granted therein, for the like Term of one Year from thence next enfuing ; and fuch of the Duties upon Veilum, Parchment and Paper as are there- in mentioned, are continued from the Expiration of the faid 1 erm of ninety-fix Years before granted therein, for the l;ke Term of one whole Year from thence next enfuing ; and the faid Subfidy, called the one Third Subfidy (which was continued for one Year from the Expiration of a Term of ninety-eight Years, as aforefaid) is further continued from the Expiration of the faid one Year, for one Year more from thence next enfuing ; and the faid Duty upon Sweets made for Sale, is continued from the Expira- tion of the faid Term of ninety-nine Years formerly granted therein, for the J erm of two Years from thence next enfuing ; and the Rates and Duties of Excife laft mentioned are continued from the Expira- tion of the faid Term of ninety-nine Years formerly granted therein, for the further Term of fifteen Years from thence next enfuing ; and by the faid Act of the fixth Year of her late Majefty's Reign, it was enacted and declared, That the faid Overplus Monies of the faid Rates, Duties, Subfidies and Funds, fettled for Payment of the faid feveral Annuities purchafed upon the faid feveral Acts of the 4 Ann. c. 3". fourth and fifth Years of her faid late Majefty's Reign refpecrively, and the faid Overplus Monies of the 5 Ann > c - Ka> faid Rates and Duties of Excife, granted in the faid fourth Year of her faid late Majefty's Reign, and the feveral Grants made of the faid Duties upon Low Wines, or Spirits of the firft Extraction, and of the faid Duties to be paid by Hawkers, Pedlars and Petty-chapmen, and of the faid Duties upon Vel- lum, Parchment and Paper, and of the faid additional Subfidy, Severally, for the further Term of one Year, as aforefaid, and of the laid Duties upon Sweets for two Years, and of the faid particular Rates of Excife for fifteen Years, as aforefaid, and other Monies therein mentioned, or fo much thereof as fhould be fufiicient for making up the laid Fund, not exceeding forty thoufand Pounds per Annum, are and fhall be liable and appropriated thereunto, in order to anfwer the Payment of the Annuities pur- chafed on that Act for ninety-nine Years, reckoned from the five and twentieth Day of March one thou- fand feven hundred and eight, payable likewife at the faid Receipt of Exchequer : And by the fame Act of the fixth Year of her late Majefty's Reign, it is provided, That if at the End of any Year of the 6 Ann, c. 5. faid Term of ninety-nine Years, for which the faid Annuities upon that Act were to be purchafed (the firft Computation to be made at Lady-day one thoufand feven hundred and nine, or within fix Days after) the Monies arifing at the Exchequer within fuch Year, by that Act chargeable to make good the faid yearly Fund not exceeding forty thoufand Pounds (except as therein is excepted) fhould exceed all the Monies which at every fuch Feaft-day fhould be due, for or upon the fame Annuities, and all Arrearages thereof, fo that there fhould be an Excefs or Surplus remaining in the Exchequer, fuch Excefs or Sur- plus fhould be difpofeable, from Time to Time, for the publick Ufe and Service, and not otherwife, as by the faid feveral Acts of the fourth, fifth and fixth Years of her faid late Majefty's Reign (Relation be- ing thereunto refpeclively had) may more fully appear :' Nov/ it is hereby further enatted and declared All theSurplu, by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Surplus Monies which, upon any Computation or Computations Monies of the to be made after the twenty-ninth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred Annuity Afts. and fifteen, purfuant to the faid Annuity Act of the fixth Year of her .late Majefty's Reign, {hall fromj;|^' "";,,_ Time e ° te '