Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/632

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594- C. 32. Anno duodecimo Georgii Regis. A. D. 1725. the Mailer, which Note of the Mafter (hall be carried to the Report-Office, and an Entry made thereof in the Matter's Book there, and Intratur fhall be written thereon, and figned by the Regifter ; which Note fo entred and figned fhall be fufficient Authority to the Bank to pay fuch Money to the Perfon mentioned in fuch Note, or to fuch Perfon as he or fhe by Indorfement fhall order to receive the fame, as likewife to write oft" the fame from fuch Matter's Account there; but when any Sum of Money fhall be directed to be paid to any Suitor out of fuch Money, fo to be received by the Bank, for Intereft or Maintenance, the Mafter lhall by Note under his Hand upon Cheque Paper, without any Certificate, draw on the Bank for the fame ; and fuch Note being figned by the Mafter, and entred in the Report- Office, and counterfigned by the Regifter, as is before directed, fhall be a proper Authority for the Bank to pay the fame. " And it is further ordered, That Mr. John Bennett, Mr. Convjay, Mr. Kinafton and Mr. Thomas Bennett do in their Books to be kept in the Report-Office, and at the Bank, enter their refpective Deficiencies of their Balance of Cafh, and do forthwith fell the feveral filiates and Effects that they have conveyed and affigned to Mr. Holford, and that the Money arifing by the Sale thereof be by the Purchafers paid into the Bank, and that the faid Matters do immediately pay and make good their faid Deficiencies ; and in Default thereof, upon Application to be made by the faid Suitors by Petition (for which Petition no Fee _or Reward fhall be taken) the Court will make fuch further Order for their Relief as fhall be juft. " And it is hereby further ordered, That Mr. Edwards do forthwith make up the Account of what he has received of the Effects of Mr. Dormer, and how the fame has been paid out, when, to whom, and by what Order : And that Mr. Thurjlon do make up the Account of what he hath received of the Effects of Mr. Barrett, and what he hath paid out to the Suitors of the Court, when, to whom and by what Order; and that fuch Accounts be entred in their refpective Books at the Report-Office ; and what- ever fhall be remaining in their Hands due to the Suitors of the Court, out of the Effects of Mr. Dormer or Mr. Barrett, or fhall hereafter come to their Hands out of the faid Effects, fhall be by the faid Mr.- Edivards and Mr. Thurjlon refpectively paid into the Bank, and entred in diftindt Accounts, to be kept there, and upon Petition by the Suitors, to whom fuch Money fhall belong (for which Petition no Fee or Reward fhall be taken) the Court will make fuch further Order therein, as fhall be juft. " And it is further ordered, That every Mafter do, on the firft Day of every Term, give an Account ^l°l Ar™!n°- " ' n Writing to the Secretary of the Lord Chancellor, Lord Keeper or Lords Commiffioners of the Great " ; Seal for the Time being, of all Agonies and Securities, or Stocks that they have iffued or transferred in

the refpective Caufes before them fince their laft Account, together with the Dates of fuch Orders, and
that the Matters do diligently, from Time to Time, compare fuch Account with their Books kept at

'■ the Report -Office, and at the Bank. " And it is further ordered, That all the prefent Matters of this Court, and every other Perfon who fhall

hereafter be admitted and fworn as a Mafter of this Court, and all other Perfons whatfoever, do in all
Things conform to and obferve this Order, and all Matters and Things herein contained.

" And it is further ordered, That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall receive or take any Fee or Re-

ward for doing or tranfacting any Bufinefs, Matter or Thing in Purfuance of this Order, other than the
Mafters of this Court, and the Clerk of the Report-Office refpectively ; and the Mafters fhall only take

' the fame Fee for a Certificate as they have been intitled to for a Report, and no more ; and the Clerk of ' the Report-Office {hall only take the fame Fee for filing the Certificate or Report, as the Clerk of the Report-Office has been intitled unto for filing the fame; and that any Perfon prefuming to take any new ' Fee or Reward, fhall be locked upon as guilty of Extortion, and upon Complaint thereof made to the ' Court fhall be punifhed with the utmoft Severity. " And it is further ordered, That this Order be forthwith publifhed, and fet up in all the Offices be- ' longing to this Court concerned in this Order." ' And whereas the faid Order is for the Benefit and Security of the Suitors of this Court, and may be further improved to that End, by the feveral Alterations, Additions and Explanations herein after con- tained : Therefore it is now ordered by the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of Great Bri- tain, That the faid Order of the twenty-fixth Day of May laft, wherein it is not herein after varied or altered, fhall be firmly kept and obfeived, together with the Explanations, Alterations and Additions ' following. ' And it is hereby ordered and directed, That all the Mafters of this Court do forthwith bring in, and ' leave with the Regifter of this Court, compleat Accounts, hpme to the Time of bringing in fuch Ac- ' counts, of all Monies, Stocks, Bonds, Tallies, Mortgages, Securities and other Effects belonging to any

of the Suitors of this Court, in their refpective Hands, Cuftody or Power, or for which they are refpec-
tively anfwerable, and not included in any of their Accounts formerly delivered into the B.egifter's Of-

' fice ; and that all the faid Mafters do forthwith, by Schedule, deliver over to the Bank of England, all

Sums of Money, Bonds, Notes, Orders, Tallies, Depofits, Securities and other Effects in any wife he-

' longing to the Suitors of this Court in their refpective Hands, Power or Cuftody, or for which they are 1 anfwerable, Mortgages only excepted ; and fhall alio fpecify in fuch Schedule, the feveral Annuities and ' Stocks which each of them refpectively by himfelf, or jointly with others, hath in Truft for any of the ' Suitors of this Court; and that at the Time of the Delivery of fuch Money and other Effects, fuch Ma- ' fter fhall receive from the Bank, a Certificate of the Receipt thereof, and alio of the faid Specification of ' the faid Annuities and Stocks, under the Seal of the Bank of England; and that fuch Certificate be car-

  • ried by each Matter to the Report-Office, and there filed ; and that fuch Sums of Money, Bonds, Notes,

' Annuities, Stock and other Securities and Effects of the Suitors, fhall be entred caufewife in Books kept

  • by each Mafter in the Report-Office, and in the Bank, except as to fuch Mafters who are deficient in their

f Balance of Cafh ; which deficient Mafters are hereby required to enter the fame in their refpective Books, ' left at the Bank and at the Report-Office, but not caufewife, till they fhall feverally have made good ' their Deficiencies, except fuch Securities or Stocks as were fpecifically appropriated, or Trulls declared, 4 'to Mr. Bennett, &c. to enter theirDeficiencies " ofCaih. " Mr. Edwards, and Mr. Thur- lion to make up the Accounts of Mr. Dormer and Mr. Borrett's Effects. Mafters, the firft give an Account to Lord Chan- cellor's Secretary of Monies trans- ferred fince laft Account. All Mafiers to conform to thefe Orders. No Fee, except to Mailer and Clerk of the Report-Office. This Order 10 be firmly kept, not hereby altered. Mafiers to bring in Accounts of all Monies, &c. for which they are anfwerable, not included in JormerAccounts, and deliver them over to theBank, &c.