Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/679

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A. D. 1726. Anno decimo tertio Georc 11 Regis. C. 35. 641 C A P. XXXV. An A ft for eflablifhing a certain Provifion for maintaining the Curate of the Parifh of Saint Katherine Cr.c-Cbunb, alias Cbrifi-Church t London^ and for repairing and fupporcing the Chancel of the faid Parifh Church. P K. Common Seal, dated the feven and twentieth Day of April in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven ' hundred and twenty-four (for the Confidcrations therein mentioned) demife the^r-o to Jerome Knapp. Gi- ' tizen and Haberdaflier of London, for the Term of ten Years, to commence from the Feaft-tfaydfthe An- ' nunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary next enfuingthe Date of ths faid Demife, at and under the Rent and ' Covenants therein mentioned; and whereas for the determining of Difputes and Differences which have ' arifen concerning the laid Tithes, and for making certain Proviiions for Maintenance of the Curate of the ' faid Parifh, from Time to Time, and for repairing and fupporting the Chancel of the faid Parifli Church, ' the faid Matter and Fellows of Magdalen College aforefaid, the faid Jerome Knapp, and the Parifhioners of' ' the faid Parifh, have come to an Agreement, which they are defirous may be rendred effectual by Authority of Parliament :' At their humble Suit and Requeft ; May it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enacted, &c. " Parifhioners of Katherine Cree-Church to pay to Jerome Knapp, during his Leafe, and afterwards to the " Matter, f Jfe. of Magdalen College in Cambridge, 150 /. per Ann. clear of Taxes, in Lieu of Tithes, &c. " Churchwardens and Veftry to make an Affeflment by a Pound-Rate. Collector refufing to z6i may be " fined, not exceeding 10 /. by the Veftry. Collector exempted from ferving as Overfeer or Collector for , " the Poor. Collector to account quarterly for overplus Monies. Perfons refufing to pay the Affefiment, " Collector to diftrain. Deficiency to be made good by Reafleftments. Parifhioners to repair the Chancel, " and have all Profits of Burials, &c. 50 /. per Ann. to be paid to the officiating Curate for io Years, and " afterwards 70 /. per Ann. Curate to have the Surplice Fees." Anno primo G E O R G i 1 Secundi. STATUTES made at the Parliament begun and holden ztWeft- minjier the ninth Day of October Anno Domini one thoufand {even hundred and twenty-two, in the ninth Year of the Reign of our fete Sovereign Lord G E O R GE the Firft, by the Grace of 'G O D, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender or the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by feveral Prorogations to the twenty-feventh Day of *fune one thoufand feven hundred and M in the Re- twenty-feven, (a) being the iixth Seftaon of this prefent Parliament. ; n f '^ n fitft Ycar GEORGE the C A. P. I. Second, and fur- ther continued An Act for the better Support of his Maiefty's Honfliold, and of the Honour and Dignity of byAdjourn- rr , „ J • ^ r _, n . ■ . -• ments till the the Crown or Great Britain. fev.-nteenth Day of July. May it pleafe your moft Excellent Majejly : ' /|/HEREAS by an A£t of Parliament made in the firft Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign i Geo. i. ' VV Lord King Geoe.ce the Firft (of glorious Memory) intituled, An Acl for the better Support of bis i. c. i. ' Majefty s Hoitfiold,and of the Honour and Dignity of the Crown of Great Britain, it was amongft other Things 4 enacled, That the Rates and Duties of Lxcife upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, which had been granted ' to his late Majefty King Charles the Second, by an Acl made in the twelfth Year of his Reign, intituled, nCar.z. c 13.

  • A Grant of certain Impoftions upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, for the Inrceafe of his Majejly s Revenues

' during his Life, and which were granted to their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary (of 2 W. & M. ' bleffed Memory) by an Acl made in the fecond Year of their Reign, for their Lives and the Life of the Stat. 1. c. 3. ' Survivor of them (a certain Duty of fix Pence for every Barrel of Vinegar Beer granted by the fame Acts ' excepted) and alfo a Duty of fix Pence, Part of a Duty of eight Shillings, which was granted to his (aid

  • late Majefty King William, for and upon every Barrel of Vinegar, Vinegar Beer or Liquor preparing for

Vol. V. 4 N ' Vinegar,