Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/732

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4 C. '23. Anno fecundo Ge org 11 II. A. D. 1729. Not to exclude IX. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, That this Act, or any thing herein before expreiTed and Per(bns from be- contained, fhall not be taken or confirmed to exclude any Perfon from being fworn, admitted and inrolled to mg.admirted, j, e an Attorney in any of the Courts of Law aforefaid, who hath on or before the twenty-fifth Day of a March ^^ ^ arc ^ onc thoufand (even hundred and twenty-nine, been bound by Contract in Writing to ferve as a been bound for Clerk to any Attorney, or Perfon practifing as fuch, in foine or one of the Courts of Law aforefaid, for four- Years, any Term not lefs than four Years ; or from being fworn, admitted and inrolled, to be a Solicitor in any of the Courts of Equity aforefaid, who hath, on or before the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-nine, been bound, by Contract in Writing, to ferve as a Clerk to any Perfon practifing as a Solicitor in any of the Courts of Equity aforefaid, for any Term not lefs than four Years • fo as fuch Writing, in cafe any Sum of Money hath been paid or given for or in refpect of fuch Clerkfhip hath the legal Stamp thereon impreffed, and (hall be regiftred in the Stamp-Office on or before the twenty- fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty ; but that any Perfon having been bound to ferve as a Clerk to any Attorney, or Perfon practifing as fuch, and having ferved as aforefaid, may, after the Expiration of the faid Term of four Years, be examined, fworn, admitted and inrolled, to be an Attorney of any of the Courts of Law aforefaid, and any Perfon, having been bound to ferve as a Clerk to any Per- ibn practifing as a Solicitor, and having ferved as aforefaid, may, after the Expiration of the faid Term of four Years, be examined, fworn, admitted and inrolled, to be a Solicitor in any of the Courts of Equity aforefaid, for the fame Fee, and in the fame Manner, as the Perfons who fhall be admitted Attornies or So- licitors, are herein before required to be examined, fworn, admitted and inrolled refpectively; any thing irt this Aft contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Attomies or So- x. Provided alfo, and it is hereby further enacted, That it may be lawful, from and after the faid firfl Content of 'an Day of Z)m7«&?r one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, for any Perfon, who fhall be fworn, admitted and Attorney of an- inrolled, to be an Attorney in any of the faid Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, Courts other Court, of Great Seflions, Counties Palatine of Chefter, Lancajier and Durham, or who fhall be fworn, admitted may fueout _ and inrolled, to be a Solicitor in the faid Court of Chancery, Court of Equity in the Exchequer Chamber, f Vr , U p &c ' m Court of the Dutchy Chamber of Lancajier at Weftminfter^ Courts of Equity of the Counties Palatine of Chefier, Lancajier and Durham, and of the Great Seflions in TVales, or any of them, as herein before is di- rected, by and with the Content and Permiffion of any Attorney in any of the faid other Courts of Re- cord at Wejiminjler, Courts of the Counties Palatine of Chefter, Lancajier and Durham, Courts of Exche- quer at Chejier, and Courts of the Great Seflions in TVales ; fuch Confent being in Writing figned by fuch Attorney, and in the Name of fuch Attorney to fue out any Writ or Procefs, or to commence, carry on, profecute or defend any Action or Actions, or any other Proceedings in fuch Court notwithstanding fuch Perfon is not fworn, or admitted to be an Attorney of fuch Court ; any Law or Statute to the contrary not- withftanding. Judges not to XI. Provided likewife, and it is hereby further enacted and declared, That nothing in this Act contained jjV ^'f aT ^ a " extcn( ^ either to require or authorize any Judge or Judges of any Court of Record to fwear, admit or tomiesthr.n for- ' nro "> an y more or greater Number of Perfons to be Attornies of fuch Court, than by the antient Ufage merly allowed, and Cuftom of fuch Court hath been heretofore allowed. Clerks onDeaths Xll. Provided alfo, and it is hereby further enacted, That if any Attorney or Solicitor, with and to whom of their Mailers, any Perfon hath been or fhall be bound by Contract in Writing as aforefaid, to ferve as a Clerk for the &c. may be Term of five Years, or four Years, refpectively, fhall happen to die before the Expiration of the faid five turned over. Years, or four Years, or if fuch Contract fhall, by mutual Confent of the Parties, be vacated, or in cafe fuch Clerk be legally difcharged by any Rule or Order of the Court, wherein fuch Attorney or Solicitor fhall practife, before the Expiration of the faid five Years, or four Years, then, and in any of the faid Cafes, if fuch Clerk fhall by Contract in Writing be obliged to ferve, and fhall accordingly ferve as a Clerk to any other Attorney or Solicitor refpectively, who (hall be fworn, admitted and inrolled, as before di- rected, during the Refidue of the faid Term of five Years, or four Years, refpectively, *hen fuch Service fhall be deemed and taken to be as good and effectual, as if fuch Clerk had continued to ferve as a Clerk for the Term of five Years, or four Years, to the fame Perfon, to whom he was originally bound by Contract in Writing as aforefaid. Attornies tefore XIII. And it is hereby further enacted by the "Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon who (hall, pur- Aiimifiionto fuant to this Act, be admitted and inrolled to be an Attorney in the faid Courts of King's Bench, Corn- take the- follow- mon pj sa g 5 Exchequer, Great Seflions in Wales, Counties Palatine of Chejier, Lancajier and Durham, or any Inferior Courts of Record, wherein Attornies have been accufiomably admitted and fworn, fhall, before he is admitted and inrolled as aforefaid, take and fubferibe the Oath following, inftead of the Oath hereto- fore ufually taken by the Attornies of fuch Courts refpectively. ' T A. B. do fwear, That I will truly and honeftly demean my felf in the Practice of an Attorney, accord- ' JL ing to the belt of my Knowledge and Ability.' So help me God. Solicitors to take XIV. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon who fhall, pur- the Oath fol- fuant to this Act, be admitted and inrolled to be a Solicitor in the faid High Court of Chancery, or in any- lowing. of the other Courts of Equity aforefaid, fhall, before he fhall be fo admitted and inrolled, take and fubfciibe the Oath following ; viz. A. B. do fwear, That I will truly and honeftly demean my felf in the Practice of a Solicitor, according to the belt of my Knowledge and Ability.'^ So help me God. XV. And