Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/738

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the Act ' Revived and made perpetual 3 9 700 C. 26. Anno fecundo Georgit II. A. D. 1729. fuch Punifhment as he or fhe fbould or might have done, if he or fne had ftolen other Goods of the like Va- lue with the Monies due on fuch Orders, Tallies, Bonds, Bills, Warrants, Debentures or Notes refpec- tively, or fecured thereby, and remaining unfatisfied ; any Law to the contrary thereof in any wife ufed notwithstanding. Not toeiticnd to IV". Provided, That nothing in this Aft contained fha.II extend or be conftrued to extend to that Part of Scotland. Grmt Bri . ain ca llea Scotland. Attainder not to V. Provided always, and it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Attainder for corrupt Blood, any Offence hereby made Felony, fhall make or work any Corruption of Blood, Lofs of Dower, orDiihe- rifon of Heirs. Continuance of . VI. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Ad fhall continue and be of Force for the Space of five Years s to be reckoned from the faid twenty-ninth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fevenhundretl and twenty-nine, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parlia- oGeo. r a, r c. i8." ment, and no longer. CAP. XXVI. An Aft for making more effectual feveral A£ts palled relating to Watermen, Wherrymen and Lightermen, rowing on the River 'Thames, and for better ordering and governing fuch Wa- termen, Wherrymen and Lightermen. a fif 3 P.& M. ' f¥7 HERE AS feveral Laws and Statutes have been heretofore made for the, better regulating and go- c. 16. 8 El. c. ( ly verning all Perfons free of the Watermens Company, owning, rowing or working Boats or other f 3 i6 ' iTSfVz ' Craft upon the River Thames, between Grave/end in the County of Kent, and Wind/or in the County of W.i.c.zi. , ' Berks; but the faid Laws have by Experience been found to be inefteftual to anfwer the good Ends and $Ann. c. 13 & ' Purpofes thereof; and it is neceffary to make further Provifion in the Premiffes, and to provide againft the

  • Mifchiefs which happen by intruding Apprentices too weak, unable, and unfkilful in the Work, with the

' Care of Goods, and the Lives of Paffengers on the faid River ;' May it therefore pleafe your Majefty that it may be enafted, and be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affemblcd, and No Waterman on by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hun- the River (J re d anc [ twenty-nine, it fhall not be lawful for any Perfon whatlbever, who now or hereafter fhall keep, rkeTnT^en- u ^ e ' hire or wor,c any Wnerl T Boat, Tilt Boat, Barge or other Veffel for carrying Paffengers or Goods for tlce 6 ^nkfehe"" Hire, upon the River Thames, between Grave/end and U r indfor aforefaid, to bind, receive, take or employ be a'n Houfe- any Apprentice or Apprentices, Servant or Servants, unlefs he fhail be a Houfe-keeper, or have fome known keeper, or have Habitation, Lodging or Place-of Abode, where he may receive and entertain fuch Apprentice or Appren- fome known tices, Servant or Servants, and fhall from Time to Time regifter with the Clerk of the faid Company for Place of ADode, ^ -p; me being, the Habitation, Lodging or Place of Abode where he fhall then refide, or whereto he fhall afterwards remove ; upon Pain that every Matter or Perfon binding, receiving, taking, retaining or employ- ing any Apprentice or Servant contrary to this Aft, and being thereof convicted before the Lord Mayor of the City of London for the Time being, or before any one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the Time being, for the faid City, or for the County or Place where the Offenders fhall be found, by the Oaths •n Penalty ef of two or more credible Witneffes, fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds of lawful

  • o1 - Money of Great Britain, to be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods and Chattels, by War-

rant or Warrants under the Hand and Seal or Hands and Seals of fuch Lord Mayor, Juftice or Juftices cf the Peace as aforefaid ; and for want of fufficient Diftrefs fuch Offender fhall, by Warrant or Warrants un- der the Hand and Seal or Hands and Seals of fuch Lord Mayor, Juftice or Juftices of the Peace be committed- •r Tmprifon- to the next common or publick Workhoufe or Houfe of Correction, there to remain without Bail or Main- ment. prize, and to be kept to hard Labour, for any. Time not exceeding one Month, nor lefs than fourteen Days ; Clerk of the and the Clerk of the faid Company for the Time being is hereby required, upon any Application made to Company to re- him, to regifter the Habitation, Lodging and Place of Abode of every fuch Waterman, Wherryman or gifler the Water- Lighterman, and every fuch Removal as aforefaid, of any or either of them, in fome Book of the faid Com-- mens tia £*~ tl _ pany, to be kept for that Purpofe, without Fee or Reward ; and, in cafe fuch Clerk fhall negleft or refufe tvof'iol. fo to do, he fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds, to be levied, recovered and ap- Apprentices may plied as any other Penalty is to be levied, recovered and applied by this Aft; and if any fuch WatermanV te turned over to Wherryman or Lighterman fhall nejleft or refufe to regifter his Habitation, Lodging or Place of Abode, and. ctherMafters, on every fuch Removal thereof as aforefaid, every fuch Apprentice or Apprentices bound to any fuch Water- Negkcl of re- mzvi:> Wherryman or Lighterman, fhall and may, upon Application made to the Rulers and Overfeers of the g eri"g. f a ;d Company, or the major Part of them, at any of their publick Courts or Affemblies, be by them turned over to any other Mafter or Miftrefs ; any Indenture, Covenant, Contraft or Agreement to the contrary not- withftanding. Apprentice not H. And for the Security of the Lives of Paffengers, and Safety of Goods pairing on the faid River, be- to be entrufled tween the Limits aforefaid, Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fourth r lth f e e ^ a y °^ J une one thoufand feven hundred and twenty nine, it {hall not be lawful for any Apprentice to have ,i)Yj6 Years of or take upon him the fole Care and Management of any Boat or other Veffel upon the faid River, within Age, if aWa- the Limits aforefaid, until fuch Apprentice fhali have' attained the full Age of fixteen Years, if he be the tennan's Son,' Son of a Waterman, and the Age of feventeen Years, being the Son of a Landman, and unlefs fuch Ap- and 17 if tht prentice fhall have worked and rowed upon the faid River with fome able and fkilful Waterman, Wherry- Son of a tan - Jnan Qr Lighterman f or the Space of two Years at the leaft, before his attaining of the faid refpeftive Ages; and in cafe any fuch Apprentice, under the Years aforefaid, fhall offend or aft contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft, and fhall be convifted thereof in Manner as aforefaid, then and in fuch Cafe the Malrer or Miftrefs. of fuch Apprentice offending as aforefaid, lhall- forfeit and pay for every fuch Offence the.