Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/742

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7°4 C. 28. Anno fecundo Georgii II. A. D. 1729. tion thereof for the Space of three Years, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parlia- ment, fhall be (except lb much of the lame Act as relat s to Ships or Veffcls performing Quarantine'} and the fame is hereby continued, from the Expiration thereof, until the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-four, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Par- liament. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Act made in the eighth Year of 8 Geo. t. c. 24. his faid late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ac! for the more ejfeEtttal-fuppr effing of Piracy, which was to con- for fupprefling tinue in Force for feven Years, fiom the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and Rime/, made twentv-two, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament, and is near expiring, fhall pc petual. 1 t ■ 1 1 1 1 r ' be and is hereby made perpetual. "what Perfons, VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any Perfon arretted and impri- Ca^as" mt^e foned b Y Virtue of any Writ of Capias, or Information relating to the Cuftoms, fhall make Affidavit be- frad'Tn Foma fore the Judge or Judges of fuch Court, where fuch Action or Information fhall be brought, or before any Pauperis. other Perfon commiflioned by fuch Court to take Affidavits, that he is not worth, over and above his wear- 11 H. 7. c. ii. ing Apparel, the Sum of five Pounds (which Affidavit the faid Judge or Judges of fuch Court, and fuch Connrmng'Paor p er f on f Q commiffioned, is and are hereby authorized and required to take) and fuch Perfon fhall there- afwi;^' upon petition fuch Court to be admitted to defend himfelf againft fuch Action or Information in Forma .a. c'.y,'-j 7 , &3%. Pauperis, that then the Judges of fuch Court fhall according to their Difcretions admit fuch Perfon to de- tmd I'igL 2. fend himfelf againft fuch Action or Information, in the fame Manner,, and with the fame Privileges, as the c -"» Judges of fuch Court are by Law directed and authorized to admit poor Subjects to commence Actions for the Recovery of their Rights; and for that End and Purpofe it fhall be lawful for the Judges of fuch Courts to affign Counfel- learned in the Law, and to appoint an Attorney and Clerk of fuch Court to advife and carry on any legal Defence that fuch Perfon can make againft fuch Action or Information, which faid Counfel, Attorney and Clerk fo sffigned and appointed, is and are hereby required to give his and their Ad- vice and Affiftance to fuch Perfon, and to do their Duties without Fee or Reward. A'ft 33 H=n. 8. ' IX. And whereas a good and profitable Statute was made in the three and thirtieth Year of the Reign e.g. againft <■ of King Henry the Eighth (among other Things) for the debarring of unlawful Games : And whereas unlawfulGames, i ^y the f a jfj Statute no Power is given unto the Juftices of the Peace, to demand and take from Perfons fiauaL Cr ' ' found playing contrary to Law, any other Security than their own Recognizances, that they or any of Cmcernhg un- ' them fhall not from thenceforth uk fuch unlawful Games, unlefs fuch Perfons are fo found playing contrary /awful Ganing ' to Law upon the View of one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace :' For Remedy thereof, Be it fur- feefanher 12 t |j er ena< 3- ec j by the Authority aforefaid, That where it fhall be proved upon the Oath of two or more iSCeo '. 2 f'M crec lible Witnelles, before any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, as well as where fuch Juftice or Juftices fhail 30 Geo. z. c 24! find, upon his or their own View, that any Perfon or Perfons have or hath ufed or exercifed any unlawful Game contrary to the faid Statute, the faid Juftice or Juftices fhall have full Power and Authority to commit - all and every fuch Offender and Offenders to Prifon, without Bail or Mainprize, unlefs and until fuch Of- fender and Offenders fhall enter into one or more Recognizance or Recognizances, with Sureties or without, at the Difcretion of' the faid Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, that he or they reflectively fhall not from thenceforth play at or ufe fuch unlawful Game. Retailers of X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall, Brandy, &c. to from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-nine, fell Brandy or be hcenfed. other diftilled Liquors, by Retail, to be drank in his, her or their Houfe or Houfes, but fuch Perfons only ^'""™; "4' ■ B """ as fhall be thereunto licenfed and allowed, in the fame Manner as common Alehoufe Keepers, and every thertGeo ■£*' P er -" on or Perfons fo felling Brandy, or other diftilled Liquors by Retail as aforefaid, fhall be fubject to fuch Cm I7- ' ,.' Rules, Penalties and Forfeiture?, as common Alehoufe Keepers now are for felling Drink without Licence; ■j Geo. 2. c. 14. and the feveral Juftices of the Peace of this Kingdom, and other Officers, are hereby impowered and au- 9C™. i.e. Z3 1 . thorized to have and exercife the fame Jurifdiction, Powers and Authorities over fuch Retailers of Brandy ioC». 2. c. 17. anc j ot h el - diftilled Liquors, which they now have or exeicife over common Alehoufe Keepers, by any Law I! Geo. 2. c. 26. c» «.•«.■ i-- ./• tJii jzGeo.i.c 2c or Statute wnatloever. 16 Geo. 2. c. S. 1 7 Geo. 1 . c. 17. 19 Ct». 2. c. u. :oG«, 2. c. 39. 24 Geo. 2. c, 40. 26 Geo. 2. c. i 3. 27 Geo. 7.. c. II. 31 Geo. a. c. 36. 32 Geo. 2. c. 29. 33 Geo. 2.. c. 9 6? 2S. ' XT. And whereas many Inconveniencies have arifen from Perfons being licenfed to keep Inns, and ' common Alehoufes, by Juftices of the Peace, who living remote from the Places of Abode of fuch Per- ' fons, may not be truly informed as to the Occafion or Want of fuch Inns or common Alehoufes, or the No Licence to ' Characters of the Perfons applying for Licences to keep the fame;' Be it therefore enacted by the Autho- keepinns.or thority aforefaid, that from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June, one thoufand feven hundred and Alehoufotobe twentyenine, no Licence fhall be granted to any Perfon to keep a common Inn or Alehoufe, or to retail any HeMal'Meerine brandy or Strong Waters, but at a General Meeting of the Juftices of the Peace, acting in the Divifion of the Juftiri-s." where the laid Perfon dwells, to be holden for that Purpofe, on the firft Day of September yearly, or within' Eep'ia/eei by 26 twenty Days after, or at any other Gene al Meeting of the faid Juftices, to be holden for the Divifion Cec. z. c. 31. wherein the faid Perfon rcfides; and all Licences which fhall, after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June J^'-'i- one thoufand feven hundred and twenty- nine, be granted to the contrary hereof, fhall be null and void. Licences .already XII. Provided always, That nothing herein contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to oblige granted to fubfift Perfons already licenfed, to take out new Licences on the firft Day of September one thoufand feven hundred till 1 Sept t 7j°- jinrj twenty -nine, or within twenty Days after, but that the Licences already granted fhall fubfift snd be valid, until the firft of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty; any Thing in this Act contained Omrirmng sTt- to the contrary notwithftanding; nor fhall any Thing herein contained extend to alter the Method or hoitfesjeefaitiw p owe r of granting Licences for keeping of common Inns, Alehoufes orBrandy-ihops, in any City or Town 28 Geo. 2. f, n. p ^ " ° l - v*y j j » n r".„ , , ,, Corporate. „*..*.«.». CAR