Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/753

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A.D. 1729. Anno fecundo Georgii II. C. 35. 7 1 5 ' Scotia, New Ham* /hi re, the Majfachufets Bay, the Province of Main, Rhode I (land, and Providence Planta- tion, the Narragtirfct Country, or King's Province, and Connecticut, in New England, and New 1 ' Jerfey in America, ox within any of them, do or fhal! prefumc to cut, fell or'deftroy any whil rees, not growing within any Townfhip, or the Bounds, Lines or Limits thereof, in any of the f;ud Co Plantations, without his Majefty's Royal Licence for fo doing firft had and obtained: And whereas fmce ' the patting of the faid Act, great Tracts of Land, where Trees fit for Mailing grow, have been, in order ' to evade the Provifions of the faid Acl, erected intoTownfhips :' Now for the better Preservation of white- Pine Trees in his Majefty's faid Colonies, for Mafting his Royal Navy, be it enacted by the King's moil Ex- cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and' Commons, in this prefent Parliament afilmblcd, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty- A ( t „ r ,„ Q t- ninth Day of September next, no Perfon or Perfons within the faid Colonies of Nova Scotia, New Hampjhire, 1729, no PerTo* the Province^ of Main,^ the MaffachufeU Bay, Rhode I/hnd, and Providence Plantation, the Narraganfet '"} 'he Pianta- Country, or King's Province, and Conneclicut, in Neiv England, and New York, and New Jerfey in America, ons to cut any or within any of them, or in any other Province or Country in America, that now belongs or hereafter {hall !j£ ltc l>lnc belong to the Crown of Great Britain, do or (hall prefume to cut, fell or deftroy any white Pine Trees, except only fuch as are the Property of private Perfons, notwithftanding the laid Trees do grow within the exce;». th . Limits of any Townfhip laid out, or to be laid out hereafter, in any of the faid Colonies or Plantations, -private Prop* •. without his Majefty's Royal Licence for fo doing firft had and obtained. II. And whereas their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, for the better providing and ' Oilobcr in the tmrd Year of their Reign, granted to the Province of the Majfachufets Bay in Neiv England ' in America, did referveto themfelves, their Heirs and Succeftbrs, all Trees of the Diameter of twenty - ' Inches and upwards, at twelve Inches from the Ground, growing upon any Soil or Trail of Land within ' the faid Province or Territory, not thentofore granted to any private Perfon :' In order therefore to make the faid Refervation more effectual, be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon No white Pine or Perfons whatfoever within the faid Province of the Majfachufets Bay, or New England, do or lhall prefume Trees of the Di- to cut or deftroy any white Pine Trees of the Diameter of twenty-four Inches or upwards, at twelve Inches amet " of 24. from the Ground, not growing within fome Soil or Trait of Land, within the faid Province, granted to J nc j* es » at ,z fome private Perfon or Perfons before the feventh Day of Otlober which was in the Year onethoufand fix Ground to be C hundred and ninety, without his Majefty's Licence firft had and obtained ; and every Perfon fo cutting, fel- cut without Li- ling or deftroying fuch white Pine Trees, not being the Property of private Perfons, in any of the Colonies "nee, above-mentioned, and likewife every Perfon cutting or deftroying any white Pine Trees of the Diameter of twenty-four Inches or upwards, at twelve Inches from the Ground, growing in any Tract of Land in the Province of New England ox Majfachufets Bay, not granted to fome private Perfon or Perfons before the fe- venth Day of Oilober one thoufand fix hundred and ninety, or who {hall be aiding or affifting therein, or in drawing away the faid Pine Trees, after the fame {hall have been fo cut and felled, {hall be fubject to fuch and the like Forfeitures and Penalties reflectively, as are provided in the aforefaid Act of the eighth Year of on Penalty of his late Majefty's Reign, for and againft fuch Perfons as fell, cut or deftroy any Pine Trees, not being or the Forfeiture in growing in any Townfhip within any of the faid Plantations ; the faid Forfeitures to be recoveredand ap- the Aa s Geo ' plied in the fame Manner, as in the faid Act is particularly fet forth and enacted. *' c ' I2, ' III. And whereas by feveral Acts of Parliament pafled in the third and fourth and in the twelfth Years of 3 & 4 Ann< ' her late Majefty's Reign, great Encouragement was given, and large Premiums allowed, for the Importa- c. 10. ' don of naval Stores from the Britiflo Plantations in America ; and it hath been found by Experience, that the " *™. Stat,

  • faid Plantations are capable of furnifhing fuflicient Quantities of naval Stores, but many Frauds and Abufes *' Ci 9 -

' have been committed therein, and greater Premiums paid, than were neceiTary for the fame : And whereas ' the faid Acts, excepting only fuch Parts of them as relate to the Premiums on Hemp imported, are expired ;' Now for the future Encouragement of the Planters to fend fuch Quantities of good merchantable naval Stores to Great Britain, as may be neceftary for the Service of the Royal Navy, and for the Navigation of this Kingdom, and in order to reduce the Expence of fuch Premiums for the future, Be it further enacted bv the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty -ninth Day of September next, all and every Per- Premium for im- fon or Perfons that fhal! import or caufe to be imported into this Kingdom, directly from any of his Ma- potting naval jefty's Britijh Colonies or Plantations in America, in any Ship or Ships that may lawfully trade to his Ma- St01 '"> V1Z - jefty's Plantations, manned as by Law is required, any of the naval Stores hereafter mentioned, (hall have and enjoy, as a Reward or Premium for fuch Importation, after and according to the feveral Rates of fuch naval Stores, as follows, viz. For all Mails, Yards and Bowfprights, per Tun, allowing forty Foot to each Tun, girt Meafure, accord- For Malts, &c. in* to thecuftomary Way of meafuring round Bodies, one Pound. For clean, good, merchantable, well conditioned Tar, clear of Drofs or Water, and fit in every refpect Tar, for making Cordage, per Tun, containing eight Barrels, and each Barrel to gauge thirty-one Gallons and one Half, to be well hooped, and filled up, two Pounds four Shillings. For clean, good, merchantable and well conditioned Pitch, not rnixt with Dirt or Drofs, per Tun, con- Pitch, taining twenty grofs hundreds, net Pitch, to be brought in eight Barrels of equal Size, one Pound. For clean, good and merchantable Turpentine, clear of Drofs and Water, per Tun, each Tun con- Turpentine, taining twenty grofs hundreds, net Turpentine, to be brought in eight Barrels of equal Size, one Pound ten Shillings. Which faid feveral Premiums for each Species afore- mentioned, Iliall be paid and anfwered by the Com-To be paid by miffioners or principal Officers of his Majefty's Navy, who are hereby impowered and required to make out the Commif- a Bill or Bills, to be paid in courfe, for the fame, upon Certificate of the refpective chief Officer or Officers doners of the of the Cuftoms, in any Port of this Kingdom,- where fuch naval Stores fhall be imported as aforefaid ; filch Na *y» Bill or Bills to be made out and given to the Perfon or Perfons importing the fame as aforefaid, within twenty a * UC0, 2 4 Y a Days