Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/23

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. •County of Bedford, to Great Stoughton Common in the faid County of Huntingdon. 10. An AcT for repairing and widening the Road leading from Saint Dun/lan's Crofs near the City of Cahter&uryj to the Water-fide at Whit/lab/e in the County of Kent. ii. An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an AcT palled in the fifth Year of the Reign of hist late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An Aft for repairing the Road from Beconsfield in the County of Bucks, to Stoken Church in the County of Oxon. 12. An Aft to enable the Juftices of the Peace, acting for the Weftcrn Divifion of the County of Kent, to purchafe a convenient Piece of Ground for building a Gaol for the faid County, and for impowering the laid Tuftices to apply Part of the County Stock of the faid Divifion towards the fame. 13. An AcT: for the better regulating the Nightly Watch and Bedels within the Parifh of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, within the Liberties of the City of Wejl- minfler. 14. An AcT: for repairing the Roads leading from Henley Bridge in the County of Oxford to Dorchejler Bridge, and from thence to < Culham Bridge, and to a Place called Mile Stone in the Road leading to Magdalene Bridge in the faid County. 15. An AcT for enabling the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Bur- gefles of the Borough of Neiv Windfor in the County of Berks, to repair and maintain their great Bridge over the River of Thames, and the Way thereon, leading from the faid Borough of New Windfor to Eton in the County of Bucks. 16. An AcT for continuing the Term and Powers granted . by an AcT paffed in the fourth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An Acl for repairing the Hightvays from Crown Corner in the Town of Reading {leading by and through the feveral Parijhes of bhinfield and Heckfield, in the feveral Counties »/~Berks, Wilts, and Southampton) to' Bafingftoke in the faid County of Southampton. 17. An AcT: for the better regulating the Nightly Watch and Bedels within the Parifhes of Saint Margaret and Saint John the Evangelijl, within the City and Liberty of Wejtminjler. 18. An AcT for reviving and continuing the AcTs therein mentioned, and for explaining and amending a Claufe in an AcT made in the firft Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An AeJ for making the Laws for repairing the Highways more ef- fectual, relating to the appointing Scavengers in Cities and Market Towns, and the ordering the Affeffirients for the repairing and cleanfing the Streets therein. 19. An AcT for the better regulating the Nightly Watch and Bedels within the Parifh of Saint Anne, within the Liberties of the City of Wejlminjler. zo. An AcT for the better enlightening of the Streets of the City of London. Si. An AcT for repairing the Highways from Sunning Lane End next Twyford, to the Old Bear Inn in Reading in the County of Berks. 22. An AcT for rebuilding the Parifh Church of Gainf- burgh in the County of Lincoln. 23. An AcT for laying a Duty upon the Retalers of Spirituous Liquors, and for licenfing the Retalers thereof. z+. An AcT. for exhibiting a Bill in this prefent Parlia- ment for naturalizing her Royal Righnefs the Princefs of Wales. Vol. VL 25. An AcT for more equal paying and better collecting certain fmall Sums for Relief of Shipwrecked Mari- ners, and diftrefled Pcrfons, his Majefty's Subjects, in the Ports of Cadiz, and Port Saint Mary's in the King- dom of Spain, and for other Ufcs ufually contributed to by the Merchants trading to the faid Ports. z6. An Act for indemnifying Perfons who have omitted to qualify themfelves for Offices within the Time li- mited by Law, and for allowing further Time for that Purpofe ; and for amending fo much of an AcT palled in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, as requires Perfons to qualify themfelves for Offices be- fore the 'End of the next Term or Quarter-Sdlions ; and alfo for enlarging the Time limited by Law for making and fubferibing the Declaration againft Tran- fubl'tantiation ; and for allowing further Time for In- rolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papifts ; and for Relief of Proteftant Purchafers, Devifees, and LefTees . 27. An AcT for laying a Duty of two Pennies Scots, or one fixth Part of a Penny Sterling, upon every Scots Pint of Ale and Beer brewed, or brought into, and fold'within the Town of Irvine, and Liberties thereof: And for laying a Duty of one Penny Sterling upon . every Ton, or. ten Horfe Loads of Coals, carried to the Harbour of the faid Town, and fhipped there for Tranf- portation. 28. An AcT for naturalizing her Royal Highnefs the Prin- cefs of Wales. _ 29. An AcT for building a Bridge crofs the River Thames, from the New Palace Yard in the City of Wellminjhr, to the oppofite Shore in the County of Surrey. 30. An AcT to prevent the lifting his Majefty's Subjects to ferve as Soldiers without his Majefty's Licence. 31. An AcT for continuing the Duty of two Pennies Scots, or one fixth of a Penny Sterling, on every Pint of Ale and Beer, that fhall be vended or fold within ■the City of Glajgow, and for extending the fame over the Villages of Gorbells and Port Glajgow, and Pri- vileges thereof, for the Benefit of the faid City and Villages. 32. An AcT for continuing for the Purpofes therein men- tioned, the additional Duties upon ftamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper, laid by an AcT pafled in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft. 33. An AcT to render the Law more effectual for prevent- ing the Importation of frefh Fifh taken by Foreigners, and to explain fo much of an AcT made in the thirteenth and fourteenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, as relates to Ships exporting Fifh. to the Ports of the Mediterranean Sea, and for the better Prefervatio.i of the Fry of Lobfters on the Coaffs of Scotland. 34. An Act for enabling his Majefty to borrow any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding fix hundred thoufand Pounds, to be charged upon the SurplufTes, Excefles, or Overplus Monies, common called The Sinking Fund, redeemable by Parliament, and for the further Difpofi- tion of the faid Fund, by paying off" one million of South Sea Annuities, and for appropriating the Supplies ■granted in this Seffion of Parliament. 35. An AcT for indemnifying Perfons who have been guil- ty of Offences againft the Laws made for fecuring the Revenues of Cuftoms and Excife, and for enforcing , thofe Laws for the future. 3.6. An Act to reftrain the Difpoutions of Lands, where- by the fame become unalienable. P 37- An