Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/261

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A- D. 1735- Anno o£tavo Georgii II. C. 25, 26. 199 CAP. XXV.

Aft to indemnify Proteflant Purchafers of Eftates of Papifts, againft. the Penalties or 

' Forfeitures Papifts are liable to for not having inrolled their Eftates, in purfuance of an Act of the third Year of King Georoe the Firft for that Purpofe. EXP. WHEREAS in and by an Aft patted in the third Year of the Reign of his late Majerty King Preamble, re- George tlie Firft, intituled, An Ail for explaining an Ad pajfcd In the lajl Seflion of Parliament, c ™£ 5 eo " u intituled, An Aft to oblige Papifts to regifter their Names and real Eftates, and for enlarging the Time for fuch Regift ring, and for fecuring Purchafes made by Protejlants ; it was enacted, That no Manors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, or any Intereft therein, ftiould pafs from any Papift by any Deed or Will, except fuch Deed, within Six Months after the Date thereof, and fuch Will, within fix Months after the Death of the Teftator, ihouki be inrolled in cne of the King's Courts of Record at Wejlminfter, or elfe within the faid County or Counties wherein the Manors, Lands and Tenements lay, by the Cujlos Rotulorum, and two Juftices of the Peace, and the Cleric of the Peace of the faid County or Counties, or two of them at the leaft, whereof the Clerk of the Peace to be One : And whereas many Purchafes made by Proteftants fince the making of the faid Aft may be in danger of being impeached or called in Queftion, by reafon that fome Deeds or Wills neceflary to make out the Title, have not been duly inrolled according to the Directions of the faid Aft;' May it therefore pleafe rour moft Excellent Majefty that it may be enafted ; and be it enafted by the King's mod Excellent Ma- purchafes for cftv by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this vaiuabieCon- .refe'nt Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Purchafe really and truly ^f «« mad * nade on or before the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-five, for a March 1735, ull and valuable Confideration, of any Manors, A'lefluages, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or n°t to be avoid- of any Intereft therein, by any Proteftant or Proteftants, of any Papift or Papifts, and meerly and only ^uiy'reg^red* for the Benefit of Proteftants, (hall be impeached or avoided, for or by reafon that any Deed or Will ne- if the Deed or reflary to make out the Title to the fame hath not been duly inrolled according to the faid Aft ; provi- /^ a i bein o i| • Jed that fuch Deed or Will (hall be inrolled on or before the twenty-ninth Day of September in the Year , 73S , y a 2 s 9 dirSfc. of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-five, in fuch Manner as by the faid Aft is directed ; ed"by thefaid iany thing in the faid Aft contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. A£t - II. Provided neverthelefs, That nothing herein contained (hall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to This Aa not to- make void or annul any Judgment or Judgments already given againft any Perfon or Perfens, who hath extend tojudgr or have incurred the Penalties of the faid Aft for not inrolling as aforefaid. £!ven. a "* * CAP. XXVI. An Act to enable the prefent and future Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Hotifes in Lincoln's' Inn Fields, in the County of Middlefex, to make a Rate on themfelves, for raifing Money fufHcient to inclofe, clean, and adorn the laid Fields. P R. ' TT H E R E A S in and by certain Ar icles of Agreement bearing Date the nineteenth Day of June Preamble, re- ' VV which was in the Year of our Lord cne thoufand fix hundred and fifty-feven, made, or men- freemen! bV ' tioned to be made, between_Sir William Cowper of Ratling Court, in the County of Kent, Baronet, tweenSir 1 Cow- . and i's lira* Ajhton, Thomas Dam, Thomas Beverley, Edward Harris, and William Glafcock, Efquires, all of them ' then Mafters of the Bench of the faid Society of Lincoln's Inn, and Perfons nominated in Truft for the ' faid Society, and all fince deceafed, of the other Part ; therein reciting, That the faid Sir William Cezv- 4 per, Robert Henley, and James Cowper, were interefted in the Inheritance of Cup Field, in an Indenture 1 to the faid Articles annexed mentioned, and had defigned the Continuance of one Row or Range of ' Buildings, called Portugal Rozu, in the faid Field Ealtward towards Lincoln's Inn Wall, and of one ' other Row or Range of Buildings along the North Side of the faid Field, leading from the Buildings-

  • lately erefted by one Newman, on the North Weft Side of the faid Field to Turn Stile ; and alio reci-

' ting, That the laid Society of Lincoln's Inn were interefted in the Benefit and Advantage of the Prof-- ' peft and Air of the faid Field, but we:e willing and contented that the faid Sir William Cowper, Robert'

  • Henley, and James Cowper, might proceed in their faid Defign and Undertaking of the faid Building,.

4 with fuch Caution and Provihon for the beautifying and adorning die intended Building, and for le- ' veiling and plaining the faid Field, and cafting the fame into Walks, and for Prevention of any future

  • Building thereupon, in fuch Manner as in the faid Articles, the Indenture thereunto annexed, and aa

' Indenture of Demife bearing even Date theiewith, was exprefled ; the faid Articles witnefled, and it ' was thereby mutually declared, concluded, covenanted and agreed, by and between all the Partie3

  • thereto, and the faid Sir William Cowper, Robert Henley, and James Cowper, did, for themfelves, theis'

' Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, covenant, promife, grsnt and agree, to and with the- ' faid Sir Liflebon Long, and the faid other Truftees, their Executors and AdminilTrators, as followeth :.

  • Firft, That the Two Rows or Ranges intended to be built, as aforefaid, lhould beaj equal Propor-

& tiers