Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/335

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A. D. 1737. Anno decimo Georgii II. C. 23-26. 273 CAP. XXIII. An Aft for explaining and amending and making more effectual^ feveral Afts of Par'liamen: made in the fourth, fixth, and tenth_" for repairing enlarging the tvveen Nonefuch The Afts are continued from 25 March 1762, for ij Years ; and the Tolls increafed. Continued by 2; Geo. 2. c. 51. CAP. XXIV. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Aft pafled in the ninth Year of the Reign of his late Majelty King George the Firft, intitules, An Ait for repairing and widening the Road lead- ing from the Black Bull Inn in Dunrtable in the County of Bedford, to the JVay turning out of the faid Road up to Shaffbrd Houfe in the County of Hertford -, and tor preventing the diiving of Cattle through ■ private Grounds and PafTages, to avoid the Payment of the Toll charged upon Cattle by an Aft of the firft Year of the Reign of his late Majelty, and the eighth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majelty, For repairing the Road, from South Minis to Saint Albans, in the faid County of Hertford. P R. The Aft is farther continued for 21 Years. Continued by 24 Geo. 2. c. to. CAP. XXV. An Aft for the better regulating the Nightly Watch and Bedels within the Liberty of Saf- fron-Hill, Hat ton-Gar den, and Ely Rents, in the Parifh of Saint Andrew Holborn, in the County of Middle f ex. P R.

  • TT7HEREAS the well-ordering and regulating a Nightly Watch and Bedels within the Liberty

' W of Saffron- Hill, Hatton-Garden, and Ely Rents, in the Parilh of Saint Andrew Holborn, in the ' County of Middlefex, is of great Importance for the Prefervation of the Perfons and Properties of the ' Inhabitants thereof, and very necefTary to prevent, as well the Mifchiefs which may happen from Fires,

  • as Murders, Burglaries, Robberies and other Outrages and Diforders : And whereas by the Laws now

4 in being no effectual Provifion is made for the eftablilhing, ordering and well-governing fuch Nightly ' Watch and Bedels within the faid Diftrift, for levying and collefting any Sums of Money for dctray- 4 ing the necefTary Charges thereof, or for enforcing a due Application and juft Account of any Money ' fo levied and collefted for that Purpofe : ' For Remedy of the aforefaid Inconveniencies ; may it pleafe Your raoft Excellent Majefty that it may be enacted, tsY. w Truftees to be elefted ; to appoint Watchmen, Bedels and their Wages, and the Pound Rate to he " made. Copies of Orders, csY. to be given to the Ccnftables, bfc. Truftees to make AfTefTments and " appoint Coileftors. Appeal, in cafe of Grievance, to be made to the Quarter-Seffions. AfTeffinents " not to exceed 6 d. per Pound of the yearly Rent. Perfons paying the Rates not intitled to Settle- " ments, &c. An Account of the Monies collefted, to be regiftred, &c. Perfons hereby rated dil- " charged from Watch and Ward." CAP. XXVI. An Aft for Relief of Infolvent Debtors. EXP. " Sheriffs and Gaolers to deliver a Lift of their Prifoners, csV. to the Juftices, &c. To be kept by 14 the Clerk of the Peace. Perfons inferted in the Lifts, and Prifoners, ihall be difcharged. They are " to deliver in a Schedule of their Eftates, &c. on Oath. Schedule veiled in the Clerk of the Peace, " who is to aftign it to the Creditors, to be divided among the Creditors. Juftices who grant Warrants " for bringing Prifoners to the Quarter - Seifions, ihall give Notice to be ferved on the Creditors. " Prifoners to give ike Notice to the Creditors, and pnblick Notice in the Gazette, 30 Days before " Scflions. The Prifoner's Oath not being difproved, £57. the Juftices are to difcharge him. Debtors ' having ferved an Apprenticefhip, or employed in any Trade, or in the Sea Service, and actually bc-

' yond Sea, may furrender themfelves, and be intitled to the Benefit of the Aft, but fubjeft to the

" lame Reftriftions as the other Prifoners. Prifoner forfwearing himfelf, guilty of P'elony. Prifoner

  • difcharged for Debts before 1 J,;n. 1736. (hall not be imprifoned for the fame again. Perfons difcharg-

" ed may plead generally in Difcharge of their Perfons from Execution. Plaintiff" may reply gene- " rally, and deny the Matters pleaded. Not to extend to Scotland. Debtors in Gaols only for Fees, " difcharged. Not to difcharge Debtors to the Crown, or owing above 500/. to one Perfon ; but " Creditor to allow 3 s. 6d. per Week for his Maintenance. Difcharges to be obtained before t Ja- nuary, or excluded. Difcharge obtained fraudulently, void. Creditors may compel Debtors who " choofe to continue in Prifon to give an Account upon Oath of their Effects, csV. on 30 Days Notice ' in the Gazette. Such Prifoners to be examined as the reft. Prifoners upon Proceffes out of Courts " of Confcience to have the Benefit of the Aft. Bankrupts not obtaining a Certificate of Difcharge; &c. " not benefited hereby." Vol. VI. N n CAP-