Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/432

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370 C. 30. Anno duodecimo Georgii II. A. D. 1739, The Oath. Penalty on ta- king in foreign Goods. Conditions pre vious to the lading Sugars, frc. at thefaid ■Colonies. Penalty on Fraud in the Shipping. ■^■B. {^XS^Z^A that the j£| called the [name] where- of he this { *Z1 1 is Matter, and hath the Charge and Com- mand for this prefent Voyage to [fPlace bound to] being [defer ibe the Built] j.2,1 of the Burthen of [Number] Tons was built at [Place] in the Year [Time when] and that the laid { J£ } is wholly owned by the {^ whole {S } and ufual {± of Abode {£} under-mentioned and fubferibed by this Deponent or Affirmant, that fuch i°ZA UA His Majeftys Bntifi V5{1] an< l tnat n0 Foreigner directly or indirectly hath any Share, Part, or Intereft in the laid { ^} to the beft of this 12521 Knowledge or Belief; and that he this l^SZA <™d Three Fourths of the Mariners navigating the faid J2£J are His Ma- jetty's BritiJJj Subjects. IV. And be it further enacted, That in Cafe any Ship or VefTel, licenfed by virtue of this Act (hall take on Board in any of the Sugar Iflands, or in her Voyage from thence, any Sugars, or other Goods, being the Property of any other Perfon than fome of his Majeftys Subjects, and fuch as ihall be (hipped and laden on their proper Rifque and Account, to be carried to foreign Parts ; then all fuch Sugars or other Goods fo laden on fuch Ship (hall be forfeited and loft. V. And be it further enacted, That before any Sugar be loaden or put on Board any Ship or VefTel at the faid Colonies, or any of them, by virtue of the laid Licence, to be carried to any foreign Port in Europe, the Mafter, or other Perfon having or taking Charge of fuch Ship or VefTel, (hall deliver to the Collector of the Port where fuch Ship is to take in her Lading, the faid Licence figned by the Commif- fioners of the Cuftoms, and a Certificate of fuch Bond having been given in Great Britain as aforefaid ; "and (hall declare in Writing to the Collector, whether he intends to load any Sugar purfuant to fuch Licence, which (hall be done before any Goods are laden on Board fuch Ship or VefTel, ctherwife fuch Licence fhall be invalid and of no Force and Virtue ; but if it (hall be declared as aforefaid, that Sugars are intended to be laden and carried to foreign Parts, purfuant to fuch Licence, then in order to afcer- tain the Quantity, Quality, Sort or Denomination of the Sugars to be exported in every fuch Ship from the faid Colonies, or any of them, purfuant to fuch Licence, and the Liberty granted by this Act, and to prevent the Exportation from the faid Colonies of any Goods before enumerated, the Merchant or other Perfon intending to export any Sugars or other Goods not enumerated in fuch Ship or VefTel, fhall, before the fame, or any Part thereof, are lhipt or put on Board, make an Entry or Entries of fuch Su- gars, or other Goods not enumerated, in Writing, with the Collector and Comptroller of his Majefty's Cuftoms, and the Naval Officer, expreffing the Name of the Ship and the Mafter, on which fuch Su- gars or other Goods not enumerated, are to be laden, and where ihe lies ; and alfo the Places, Keys or Wharfs where they are to be laden, or firft Water-borne in order to be laden; which fhall be fuch only where an Officer "or Officers are or fliall be appointed to attend the lading and (hipping thereof, or at fuch Places as fliall be mentioned in a Sufferance or Warrant to be taken out from the Collector and Comptroller for that Purpofe ; and (hall thereon take out from the faid Collector and Comptroller a Cocquet or Warrant accordingly, whereon fhall be indorfed by the Exporter the Marks, Numbers, Con- tents, Sorts, or proper Denomination of fuch Sugars, and fhall deliver the Cocquet or Warrant fo en- coded to the Searcher or other Officer appointed for the examining and (hipping thereof, and fhall fhip or lade fuch Sugars in the Prefence of fuch Officer or 'Officers, or at fuch Places as fliall be mentioned in the faid Sufferance or Warrant, that the proper Officer or Officers may attend the (hipping thereof; and fuch Officer or Officers are hereby impowered to examine the fame before they are put on Board ; and if upon examining the faid Sugars, or any Goods or Package, which fliall be fhipt, or brought to be fhipt as fuch, by Virtue of fuch Cocquet or Warrant, either before or after the (hipping thereof, the Number of Casks (hall appear to be greater than is endorfed thereon, or if there (hall be found any other Sugar but fuch as (hall be fo endorfed on fuch Cocquet or Warrant taken out and delivered as afore- faid, or any of the Goods before enumerated, which by Law are to be carried from thence only to . Great Britain, or fome of his Majefty's other Plantations in America; or if it fhall be difcovered that any enumerated Goods, other than Sugar, have been laden or put on Board any Ship or i VefTel, having Liberty to trade by virtue of this Act, or (hall be brought to be (hipped on Board fjch Ship or VefTel, or fhall be put into any Hoy, Lighter, Bottom, Boat, or other VefTel, in order to be put on Board fuch Ship or "Veiiel, before fuch Entry, or taking out fuch Cocquet or