Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/462

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396 C. 19. Anno decimo tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1740. Preamble. Horfes to be entered by the Owners, and no more than one at a Time. No Plate to be run for under 50 1. Value, C A P. XIX. An Aft to reflrain and prevent the exceffive Increafe of HoiTe Faces, and for amending aa Aft made in the laft Sefiion of Parliament, intituled, An Acl for ike more effeclual°pre~ venting of exceffive and deceitful Gaming. ' XI7HEREAS the great Number of Horfe Races for /mail Plates, Prizes or Sums of Money ' y V have contributed very much to the Encouragement of Idlenefs, to the Impoverifhment of many ' of the meaner Sort of the Subjects of this Kingdom, and the Breed of flxong and ufeful Horfes hath ' been much prejudiced theVeby : ' For Remedy thereof, may it pleafe Your mod Excellent Majefrv that it may be enacted ; and be it enacted by the King's moll Excellent Majedy, by and with the Ad- vice and Confent of the Lore's Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afltm- bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thou- fand feven hundred and forty, no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall enter, (tart or run any Horfe, Mare or Gelding, for any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money or other Thing, unlefs fuch Horfe, Mare or Geidln™ lhall be truly and bona fide the Property of, and belonging to fuch Perfon fo entering, flatting or running the fame Horfe, Mare or Gelding ; nor 1 1 ;all any one Perfon enter and fcart more than one Horfe, Marc or Gelding, for one and the lame Plate, Prize or Sum of Money or other Thing; and in cafe any Per- fon or Perfons (hall after the laid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty enter, dart or run any Horfe, Mare or Gelding, not being the Property truly and bona fide of fuch Per- fon fo entering, darting or running the lame, for any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other Thing th; faid Horfe, Mare or Gelding, or the Value thereof, (hall be forfeited, to be fued for and recoverej and" difpofed of, in Manner as is herein after-mentioned ; and in cafe any Perfon or Perfons (hall enter and ftart more than one Horfe, Mare or Gelding, for one and the fame Plate, Prize or Sum of Money or other Thing, every fuch Horfe, Mare or Gelding (other than the firit entered Horfe, Mare or Geldi.ig) or the Value thereof, (hall be forfeited, to be fued for and recovered, and difpofed of, in Manner as herein after is mentioned. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty, no Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other Thing fhall be run for by any Horfe, Mare or Gelding, or advertifed, publilhed or proclaimed to be run for by any Horfe, Mare or Gelding, unlefs fuch Plate, Prize or Sum of Money fhall be of the full, real and intrinfick Value of fifty Pounds, or upwards ; and in cafe any Perfon or Perfons (hall from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty enter, ftart or run any Horfe, Mare or Gelding, for any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other Thing of lefs Value than fifty Pounds, or fhall make, print, advertife, publifh or proclaim any Advertifement or Notice of any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other Thing of lefs Value than fifty Pounds as aforefaid, to be run for by any Horfe Mare or Gelding ; every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo entering, darting or running fuch Horfe, Mare or Gelding for fuch Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other Thing of lefs Value than fifty Pounds as afore- faid, fhall forfeit and lofe the Sum of two hundred Pounds, to be fued for, recovered and difpofed of in fuch Manner as is herein after prefcribed and directed ; and every Perfon or Perfons who (hall make, print, publifh, advertize or proclaim any Advertifement or Notice of any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, cr other Thing of lefs Value than fifty Pounds aforefaid, to be run for by. any Horfe, Mare or Gelding, fhall forfeit and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day Horfes to carry of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty, no Horfe, Mare or Gelding, being of the Age of five jo Stone, Years, fhall be entered, fbarted or run for any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other Thing vvhatfoever, unlefs fuch Horfe, Mare or Gelding, fhall carry ten Stone Weight, computing fourteen Pounds to each Stone Weight ; and that no Horfe, Mare or Gelding, being of the Age of fix Years, fnall be entered, flatted or run for any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other Thing whatfoever, unlefs fuch Horfe, Mare or Gelding fhall carry eleven Stone Weight, computing fourteen Pounds to each Stone Weight ; and that no Horfe, Mare or Gelding, being of the Age of feven Years, fhall be entered, darted or run for any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other Thing whatfoever, unlefs fuch Horie, Mare or Gelding (hull Horfes carrying ca;ry twelve Stone Weight, computing fourteen Pounds to each Stone Weight; and in cafe any Perlba « fs f ' V f lgl 'j' to or Perfons fliall enter, dart or run any Horfe, Mare .or Gelding, of either of the Ages aforefaid, for and Perfon en- an Y Pl are > Prize or Sum of Money, or other Thing, carrying lefs than the Weights herein before direct- tering, forfeits ed to be carried, fuch Horfe, Mare or Gelding, or the Value thereof, (hall be forfeited, and the Perfon

  • ° o1 ' ,,. or Perfons fo entering, darting or running: fuch Horfe, Mare or Gelding, (hall forfeit and lofe the Sum

V tn Claufe rs re- r „ , j i n J a ° pcaltdbyiiGco. ot two hundred Pounds. 2. c 34. §. 11. IV. Provided alfo, That every Race that fhall be hereafter run for any Plate, Prize or Sum of Money, ^rTand^ncf ~d ^ e ' 3e K un ar *d en ded in the fame'Day. fnxjne , Day! e ^ r ■ And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day Matches to be of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty, no Peifon or Perfons whatfoever (hall dart or run any andBiackH ktt Match w ' tn or between any Horfe, Mare or Gelding, for any Sum of Money, Plate, Prize or other bleton only, ""Thing whatfoever, unlefs fuch Match (hall be darted or run at Newmarket Heath, in the Counties of and for not lefs Cambridge and Siiffelk, or Black Hambleton in the County of York, or the faid Sum of Money, Plate, than 5 oi. Prize, or other Thing be of the real and intrinfick Value of fifty Pounds, or upwards : And in caie any Perfon or Perfons lhall dart or run, any fuch Match at any other Place than Newmarket Heath or Black Hambleton en Penalty of 200 1. Five Years old 6 Years old 11 Stone,

  • ) Years old

12 Stone.