Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/667

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A. D. 1745. Anno decimo o&avo Georgii II. C. 15. 601 exprefled and declared, with the bell and mod cleared Words and Terms of Law, to all Intents and Purpofes : And it was thereby alfo enacted, That all Perfons of the faid Company incorporated by the (aid Act, and their Succeifors, that fhould be lawfully admitted and approved to occupy Surgery after the Form of the Statute in that Cafe made and provided, fhould be exempt from bearing of Armour, or to be put in any Watches or Inquests; and that they and their SuccefTors, fhould have the Search, Oversight, Punifhment and Correction, as well of Freemen as of Foreign, for fuch Offences as they or any of them, fhould commit against the good Order of Barbery or Surgery, as theretofore among the faid Company of Barbers of London had been ufed and accustomed, according to the Rules and Ordi- nances by them made and approved of, purfuant to the Statute in that Behalf ordained and provided : And it was thereby further enacted, That no Perfon within the City of London, Suburbs of the fame, and one Mile Compafs of the faid City, ufing any Barbery or Shaving, fhould occupy any Surgery, letting of Blood, or any other Thing belonging to Surgery, except Drawing of Teeth only; and that whofoever fhould ufe the Myftery or Craft of Surgery within the Circuit aforefaid, fhould, as long as he fhould ufe the faid Myftery or Craft, in no wife occupy or exercife the Feat or Craft of Barbery or Shaving : And whereas in and by certain Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, bearing Date Letter'; Pattnts the fifteenth Day of Augujl in the fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the First, °J 5 °™- • C0I >- reciting the faid Act of Parliament of the thirty-fecond Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth; f/™"^°"tVVi. and that the Men of the fame Societies, as well from the Time of their faid Union and Incorporation v Ucgcs, &c. as before, reflectively had, held, ufed and enjoyed divers Liberties, Franchifes, Immunities, Customs and Preheminences, within the City of London, the Suburbs and Liberties thereof, and certain Villages, and Places thereto adjacent, as well on account of the faid Act of Parliament, and other Acts of Parlia- ment, as by virtue and on account of divers Charters and Letters Patents made and granted by the late King James the Firft, and other Kings and Queens of England, his faid Majefty King Charles the Firft did thereby grant, ratify and confirm unto the faid Matters and Governors of the Myflery and Commonalty aforefaid, and their SuccefTors, all and Angular the Manors, MefTuages, Lands, Tene- ments, Cufloms, Liberties, Franchifes, Immunities, Jurifdictions and Hereditaments whatfoever, as well within the City of London, the Liberties and Suburbs thereof, as within the Liberties and Precincts therein after mentioned, which the Men of the aforefaid Societies of Barbers and Surgeons, or either of them, then lawfully had, held, ufed and enjoyed, by reafon of any Letters Patents of any of the former Kings and Queens of England, or by Colour of any lawful Prefcription, Ufe, or Custom, or by any other lawful Means, Rights or Title theretofore had, ufed or accuftomed : And his faid late Majefty King Charles the Firft did thereby give Power to the faid Company and Corporation to make By-laws for the good Order and Government of the faid Society, in fuch Manner, and under fuch Restrictions, as is therein mentioned ; and to make annual Elections of Matters or Governors of the faid Commonlty, whereof two to be Profeffors in the Art and Science of Surgery ; and alfo to elect and conftitute ten of the Freemen of that Society to be Examiners of the Surgeons of London, during their Lives: And it was thereby further granted, That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, whether a Freeman of the faid Society, or a Foreigner, or a Native of England, or an Alien, fhould ufe or exercife the faid Art or Science of Surgery within the faid Cities of London and Wejlminflcr, or either of them, or within the Diftance of feven Miles of the faid City of London, for his or their private Lucre or Profit, (except fuch Phyficians as are therein mentioned) unlefs the faid Perfon or Perfons were firft tried and examined in the Prefence of two or more of the Matters or Governors of the Myftery and Commonalty aforefaid for the Time being, by four or more of the faid Examiners fo to be elected and constituted as aforefaid, and by the publick Letters Testimonial of the fame Matters or Governors under their Common Seal approved of, and admitted to exercife the feid Art or Science of Surgery, according to the Laws and Statutes of the Kingdom of England, under the Penalty in the faid Letters Patents mentioned ; and that all and every of the faid Freemen and Surgeons fo examined, approved of, and admitted as aforefaid, might lawfully ufe and exercife the fame Art and Science of Surgery, as well within the Cities of London and IVeJhmn- Jler, the Liberties and Suburbs thereof, as in any other Cities, Towns, Boroughs and Places whatfoever of the Kingdom of England: And. it was thereby further granted and provided, That the faid Matters and Governors of the Myftery and Commonalty aforefaid, and their SuccefTors, might appoint and have a publick Lecture for the Art and Science of Surgery in their common Hall, or other convenient Place, every Week or otherwife, at the Difcretion of the faid Matters or Governors and their Affiftants, or the major Part of them for the Time being, to be held for the better Instruction and Information in the Principles and Rudiments of the Art and Science of Chirurgery of all and lingular as well Freemen as Foreigners, whether native Subjects of England ox Aliens, to be entered and admitted as is therein men- tioned : And it was thereby alfo conflituted and ordained, That no one, whether a Freeman of the Myftery or Commonalty aforefaid, or a Foreigner, whether a Native of England, or an Alien, exerei- fing the Art of Surgery within the Cities of London and IVeJlminJler, or the Suburbs or Liberties thereof, or within feven Miles of the faid City of London, fhould go out from the Port of London, or fend out any Apprentice, Servant or other Perfon whomfoever, from the fame Port, to execute or undertake the Place or Office of a Surgeon for any Ship, whether in the Service of the Crown, or of any Merchant or others, unlefs they and their Medicines, Instruments and Chests reflectively, were firft examined, infpected and allowed by two fuch Masters or Governors of the Myflery and Commonalty aforefaid for the Time being, as were fkilled, knowing and Profeffors in the fame Art of Surgery, under the Pe- nalty therein mentioned: And whereas, fmce the faid Act for Incorporation of the faid two Companies, thofe of the faid Company practifing Surgery, have from their fole and conflant fludy of and Applica- tion to the faid Science, rendered the Profeffion and Practice thereof of great Benefit to this Kingdom; Vol. VI, 4H * And