Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/83

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A. D. 1730. Anno tcrtio Georgii If. C. 20. 21 Treafurer for the Time being, to continue or appoint, for fome reafonable Time, not exceeding in the whole eighteen Months, after the faid twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, fueh and fo many Officers of the Salt Duties, or other Perfon or Pcrfons as (hall be ne- ceflary for the getiing in, receiving and accounting for the Duties on Salt hereby determined, or any Arrears or Securities for the fame, which may be due at or after the faid twenty-fifth Day of De- cember one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, and for recovering the Penalties and Forfeitures in- curred before the faid Time, with fuch r-eafonable Allowances for the fame as may be thought ne- ceflary. VIII. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing in this Act con- Bounties on ri* tained lhall extend,, or b; conftrued to extend, to repeal, determine or make void all or any of the *^ rlc nti " Bounties or Allowances enacted or directed to be paid on the Exportation of Fifh from Great Britain, out of the Duties on Salt, by an Act of the fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft,, intituled, An Ac! for recovering the Credit of the Britiih Fijhery in foreign Parts, and for better fecuring the Duties upon Salt, but the lame mail continue to be paid and payable on all Fifh exported, in fuch Manner and upon fuch Terms, and with and under fuch Regulations, Rules and Inftructions as the fame would have been payable in cafe this Act had not been made, or any of the faid Duties on Salt bad not ceafed and been determined. IX. Save only, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That as to fuch of the faid Bounties and HowtheBoun- Allowances, as from and after the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand (even hundred and p"d. a thirty, lhall become clue or payable forFilh cured in and exported from any Port or Ports in that Part of Great Britain called England, Dominion of JP'ale:, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, thi fame fhall be paid and payable out of the Monies arifen or to arife for Salt remaining in the Hands of the refpective Collectors ol the Duties of Salt or Cuftoms in the Port or Ports where fuch Fifh was exported, or, in Default thereof, out of the Monies arifen or to arife, and remaining in the Hands of the Collectors of the Cuftoms or Subfidies, out cf which the Bounties or Allowances for Corn or other Grain ex- ported are now by Law payable ; and in. cafe the Collectors of the Cuftoms or the Duties on Salt in any Out-Port of that Part of Great Britain called England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed T fhall not have Monies fnfficient in their Hands to pay the faid Bounties or Allowances arifing by the faid Duty of three Pence per Gallon on foreign Salt, or by Monies ariling by Cuftoms,, out of which the Bounties on Corn exported are payable, that then fuch Collector or Collectors fhall. give to the Exporter, or the Perfon impowered to demand the fame (without Fee or Reward) a Certi-- ficate under Ids Hand, attefted by the Comptroller of the fame Out-Port, of what is due to fuch Ex- porter for the Fifh fo exported from fuch Out-Port, certifying to the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms in Londin, that he or they have not Monies in his or their Hands fufficient to pay the fame ; which; Certificate being affixed to the Debenture for the Fifh fo exported, and being produced to the faid . Commillioners at London,, they the faid Commiriioners are hereby authorized and required, on De- mand by the Perfon that fhall bring the fame, to caufe the Monies thereby due to be paid in three.; Months by the Receiver General, or Cafhier of the Cuftoms for the Time being (without Fee or Re- v ard) out of fuch. Monies in his Hands, arifing by the faid Duty of three Pence per Gallon on foreign.-; Salt, or by fuch Cuftoms or Duties as are chargeable with the Payment of the Bounty for the Ex- portation of Corn or Grain, in like Manner as the Debentures for the Bounty on Corn or Grain, exported are now paid or payable ; and as to fuch of the faid Bounties and Allowances as fhall be- come due o.r payable for Fifh cured in and exported from any Port or Place in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, the fame fhall continue to be paid or payable in the fame Manner and out of the fame Duties and Revenues arifing in that Part of the faid united Kingdom, as the fame are now paya- ble there by any Law or Laws now in Being ; any Thing in this Act before contained to the contrary Hotwithftanding. X. Provided alfo,. and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Thar as to fuch of the Duties here- Tlie Liberty of tofore granted on. foreign Salt imported, and not by this Act determined, the fame Liberty of import- rdgn'salt S forthe- ing the fame, for the Ufe of the Britijh Fifhery, free from the faid Duty of three Pence per Gallon, Briti/h Fifherj and the fame Powers or Obligations for locking up, delivering and accounting, for the fame for the conUnueJ - curing of Fifh to be exported^ and the fame Penalties and Y orfeitures for any Offences therein, as was or were granted or enacted by the faid Act of the fifth Year of the Reign of. his faid la'„e Majesty King George the Firft, and the fame Means and Methods for executing, fuing for, profecuting or s Ge °; *• c. i3. recovering the fame, except only what relates therein to the Laws of Excife, fhall continue and remain in Force in as full and ample Manner as they would have been if this Act had not been madj ; any Thing. here n before contained to the contrary notwithftanding^ XL Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twentv- Foreign Salt iro- fifth Day of December which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, jjj^th^Gom-"" the Management of the levying,, collating, receiving, recovering or fecuring the Duty on foreign Salt miffioners of imported, hereby continued, fhall be-under the Care of the Commiffioriers and Officers of his Majefty'S the Cuftoms. Cuftoms for the time being, in the fame Manner and Form as the Cuftoms cr Duties arifing by the Ait of Tunnage and Poundage^ of the twelfth Year of the Reign of his laie Majefty King Charles izCar^s. c . 4. the Second, or by any. other Law relating to the Cuftoms, are managed, levied, collected or accounted for, the neceffary Charges' of Management being firft- deducted ; any Law or Ufage to the contrary not- withstanding.. Cbmmiflione-s' XII. Provided always, That fuch Commiffioners of .his Majefty's Cuftoms, or their under Officers, and Officers. rot- as lhall be in the Poffeffion or Execution of their feveral Offices at the Time when the faid Duties fhall obliged to quaii- lirft come, under- their. Care or Management, fhali not on that Account ok}/ be, obliged to. qualify them- [hit Accou« ra " felveS only. .