Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/89

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A. D. 1730. Anno tertio Georgii II. C. 25. 27 • fpective County or Place, and alfo at the fame Time to attefl the Truth of fuch Lifts upon Oath to the beft of their Knowledge or Belief, which Oath fuch Juftice or Juftices refpectively are hereby impow- ered and required to adminifter ; and the faid Lifts ftiall (being firft figned by the faid juftices refpeCtive- ly, before whom the fame ftiall be attefted on Oath, and fubferibed as aforefaid) be delivered by the faid Conftables, Tythingmen or Headboroughs to the Chief or High Conftablesof the Hundreds or L)i- viiions whereunto the fame (hall refpectively belong, who are hereby directed and required to deliver in fuch Lifts to the Juftices of the Peace for the County, Riding or Divifion at their refpective General Quarter-Seffions in open Court, atteftingat the fame Time upon Oath their Receipt of fuch Lifts from the Conftables, Tythingmen or Headboroughs refpectively, and that no Alteration hath been therein made lince their Receipt thereof; and the faid Lifts, fo delivered in and attefted, (hall be deemed as ef- fectual, as if they had been delivered in by the Conftables, Tythingmen or Headboroughs for their re- fpective Parilhes or Precincts. VIII. And belt further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day 6heri/r, &e. <* of December one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, every Sheriff or other Officer to whom the Return Return of Writ* of the Venire facias juratores, or other Procefs for the Trial of Caufes before Juftices of Affize or Nifi prius "omn-xaPand in any County in England, doth or ftiall belong, ftiall, upon his Return of every fuch Writ of Venire of Jurors? &c. facial (unlefs in Caufes intended to be tried at Bar, or in Cafes where a fpecial Jury (hall be (truck by Order or Rule of Court) annex a Panel to the faid Writ, containing the Chriftian and Surnames, Ad- ditions and Places of Abode of a competent Number of Jurors named in fuch Lifts as qualified to ferve on Juries, the Names of the fame Perfons to be inferted in the Panel annexed to every Venire facias, for the Trial of all Iffues at the fame Aflizes in each refpective County ; which Number of Jurors (hall bo not lefs than forty-eight in any County, nor more than feventy-two, without Direction of the Judges appointed to go the Circuit and fit as Judges of Affize or Nifi prius in fuch County, or one of them, who are hereby refpectively impowered and required, if he or they fee Caufe, by Order under his or their refpective Hand or Hands, to direct a greater or leffer Number, and then fuch Number as (hall be fo directed (hall be the Number to ferve on fuch Jury; and that the Writs of Habeas corpora juratorum, or Dijlringas, fubfequent to fuch Writ of Venire facias juratores, need not have inferted in the Bodies of fuch refpective Writs the Names of all the Perfons contained in fuch Panel, but it (hall be fufficient to infert in the mandatory Part of fuch Writs refpectively, Corpora feparalium perfonarum in panello buic brevi annexo nominatarum, or Words of the like Import, and to annex to fuch Writs refpectively Panels con- taining the fame Names as were returned in the Panel to fuch Venire facias, with their Additions and Places of Abode, that the Parties concerned in any fuch Trials may have timely Notice of the Jurors who are to ferve at the next Affizes, in order to make their Challenges to them, if there be Caufe ; and that for the making the Returns and Panels aforefaid, and annexing the fame to the refpective Writs, no other Fee or Fees ftiall be taken than what are now allowed by Law to be taken for the Return of the like Writs and Panels annexed to the fame; and that the Perfons named in fuch Panels (hall be fum- moned to ferve on Juries at the then next Aiftzes or Seffions of Nifi prius for the refpective Counties to be named in fuch Writs, and no other. IX. And be it further enacted, That every Sheriff or other Officer, to whom the Return of Juries for Retu . rn ° f J Q - the Trial of Caufes in the Court of Grand Seffions in any County of Wales do or ftiall belong, ftiall, at rorsulWale «» leaft eight Days before every Grand Seffions, fummon a competent Number of Perfons qualified to ferve on Juries, out of every Hundred and Commote within every fuch County, fo as fuch Number be not lefs than ten or more than fifteen, without the Directions of the Judge or Judges of the Grand Seffions held for fuch County, who is and are hereby impowered, if he or they (hall fee Caufe, by Rule or Order of Court, to direct a greater or leffer Number to be fummoned out of every fuch Hundred and Commote refpectively ; and that the faid Officer and Officers who (hall fummon fuch Perfons, (hall return a Lift containing the Chriftian and Surnames, Additions and Places of Abode of the Perfons fo fummoned to ferve on Juries, the firft Court of the fecond Day of every Grand Seffions ; and that the Perfons fo fum- moned or a competent Number of them, as the Judge or Judges of fuch Grand Seffions (hall direct, and no other, (hall be named in every Panel to be annexed to every Writ of Venire facias juratores, Ha- beas corpora juratorum, and Dijiringas, that (hall be iffued out and returnable for the Trial of Caufes in fuch Grand Seffions. X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Sheriff or other Officer to whom andCountiej the Return of the Venire facias juratores, or other Procefs for the Trial of Caufes before the Juftices of Palatine of the Courts or Seffions to be held for the Comities Palatine of Chejier, Lanca/hr or Durham doth belong, caft^andBWN (hall, fourteen Days at the leaft before the faid Courts or Seffons (hall refpectively be held, fummon a ham. competent Number of Perfons qualified to ferve on Juries, fo as fuch Number be not lefs than forty- eight nor more than feventy-two, without the Direction of the Judge or Judges of the Courts or Seffions to be he-Id for fuch Counties Palatine refpectively, and ftiall, eight Days at the leaft before fuch Courts or Seffions ftiall refpectively be held, make or caufe a Lift to be made of the Perfons fo fummoned to ferve on Juries, containing their Chriftian and Surnames, Additions and Places of Abode; and the Lift fo made (hall forthwith be publickly hung up in the Sheriff's Office, to be infpected and read by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever ; and that the Perfons named in fuch Lift and no other, ftiall be fum- moned to ferve on Juries at the next Courts or Seffions to be held for the faid refpective Counties Pala- tine ; and the faid Sheriff or other Officer is hereby required to return fuch Lift on the firft Day of ths Court or Seffions to be held for the faid Counties Palatine refpectively ; and the Perfons fo-fummoned, or'a competent Number of them, as the Judee or Judges of fuch Courts or Seffions refpectively (hall direc and no other, (hall b» named in every Panel to be annexed to every Writ of Venire facias jura- E 3. 'tires,