Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/98

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36 C. 28. Anno tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1730, Before Rice be put on board at Carolina, Matter to deliver his Li- cence to Collec- tor, &c. Merchant to make Entry, and to take out a Cocquet, and in- dorfe, the Quan- tity.. Penalty for falfe Entry, &c. Matter's Duty. onRetumof the Ship to Great Britain. The Officers in Carolina to tranfmit a Copy of the lndorfe- ment, to afcer- tain the Half- Subfidy.. be defired, certifying that Bond has been given, with one or more fufficient Security, in the Sum of one thoufand Pounds, if the Ship be of lefs Burthen than one hundred Tuns, and the Sum of two thoufand Pounds, if the Ship (hall be of that or a greater Burthen, that no Tobacco, Sugars, Cotton, Wool, Indigo, Ginger, Fuftick or other dying Wood, MelafTes, Tar, Pitch, Turpentine,. Hemp, Mails, Yards, Bowfprits, Copper Oar, Beaver Skins or other Furs, of the Growth, Production or Ma- nufacture of any Britijh Plantations in America, (hall be loaden or taken on Board fuch Ship or Veffel at Carolina, or any other of his Majefty's Plantations in America, unlefs it be for the necelTary Provifions of the Ship in their Voyage ; and that fuch Ship or Veffel (hall proceed directly with all the Rice that (hall be fo loaden on board fuch Ship, by virtue of fuch Licence, to fome Port of Europe to the South- ward of Cape Finifterre, and there land the faid Rice, and that fuch Ship, after landing the faid Rice, (hall proceed for Great Britain before (he returns to any of his Majefty's Plantations in America ; and in cafe the Matter or other Perfon lhall not, within four Months after his Arrival at fuch Port, produce a Certificate of having landed and difcharged the faid Rice fo taken on board in the faid Province of Caro- lina, at fuch Port, which Certificate is to be under the Hand and Seal of the Britijh Conful, or where there is no Conful, to be under the Hands and Seals of two known Britijh Merchants redding in the Port or Place where fuch Rice (hall be landed; otherwife fuch Bond (hall be forfeited to his Majefty, and (hail and may be fued and profecuted in any of the Courts of Record in Great Britain. III. And be it further enacted, That betore any Rice be loaden or put on board any" Ship or Veffe! at Carolina, by Virtue of the faid Licence, to be carried to fome Part of Eicrope to the Southward of Cape Finijlerre, the Mafter or other Perfon having or taking Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel lhall, before. his Departure out of the faid Province of Carolina, deliver to the Collector of the Port where fuch Ship is to take in her Lading, the faid Licence, figned by the faid Commiffioners of the Cuftoms, and a Certifi- cate of fuch Bond having been given in Great Britain as aforefaid, and (hall declare in Writing upon Oath before the Collector, which fuch Collector is hereby impowered to adminifter, whether he intends . to load any Rice purfuant to fuch Licence, and to what Place bound, . IV. And in order to afcertain the true Quantity of Rice exported from Carolina, purfuant to fuch Li- cence and the Liberty granted by this Act, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That before the fame (hall be (hipped or put on board, the Merchant or other Perfon exporting the fame (hall make an Entry thereof in Writing with the Collector of his Majefty's Cuftoms and the Naval. Officer, and alfo with the Comptroller, where there is fuch an Officer, and (hall take out a Cocquet or Certificate of fuch Entry, and lhall, before the Rice be (hipped or put on board, indorfe on the Back of fuch Cocquet or Certificate the true Quantity intended to be (hipped, mentioning the Marks, Numbers and Contents of each Cade, and (hall deliver the Cocquet fo indorfed to the Searcher or other Officer appointed for the examining and (hipping thereof; and if upon weighing and examining the Rice brought or intended to be (hipped by virtue or fuch Cocquet or Certificate, either before or after the (hipping thereof, the Quan- tity (hall appear to be greater than is indorfed thereon, or if any Rice (hall be laden or put on board any Ship or Veffel having Liberty to trade by virtue of this Act,. or any Hoy, Lighter, Bottom, Boat or other Veffel, in order to be put on board fuch Ship or Veffel, before fuch Entry or taking out fuch Cocquet, and Indorfing and Delivery of the fame as aforefaid, contrary to the true Intent and Mean- ing hereof, all fuch Rice fo (hipped or intended to be (hipped (hall be forfeited, as alfo the Hoy, Lighter, Bottom, Boat or other Veffel imployed in (hipping the fame ; and the Owner of fuch Rice, or other Perfon imployed in (hipping the fame, (hall alfo forfeit treble the Value thereof, to be recovered in the Court of Vice-Admiralty held in any of His Majefty's Plantations in America, or in any other Court of Record in any of his Majefty's Plantations in America? at the Election of the Informer or Profecutor^ one third Part thereof to be to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, one third Part to the Governor of the faid Colony, and the other one third to the Informer or Profecutor ; and before fuch Ship or Veffel (hall depart from Carolina with the Rice loaden as aforefaid,, the Mafter or other Perfon having or taking Charge thereof (hall receive the faid Licence from the Collector and Naval Officer, and Comptroller, who (hall indorfe thereon the Marks, Numbers and Contents of each Cafk of Rice fo (hip- ped on board, and the Collector and other Officer (hall make two Copies of fuch Licence and Indorfe^ ment; for all which Entries, Cocquets, Indorfements or Copies no more (hall be taken by the faid Of- ficers than the accuftamed Fees ; and the Mafter or other Perfon having or taking Charge of fuch Ship (hall, before he receives the faid Licence, atteft the faid Copies under his Hand, which are to be left With the Collector and other Officers ; and the faid Mafter or other Perfon having or taking Charge of fuch Ship (hall alfo, on the Return of the faid Ship or Veffel to Great Britain, produce and deliver the faid Licence to the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Cuftoms, or to the Collector or Comptroller of the Port where Bond was given when the faid Ship or Veffel fet fail from Great Britain, with the Indorfement made thereon by the Collector and other Officers of the Quantity laden on board in Caro- lina, as alfo a Certificate ligned and fealed by the Conful, or two known Britifl) Merchants, at the Port or Place where the Rice was landed, certifying the Landing thereof, with the Number of Cafks fo landed, and the Marks, Numbers and Contents of each Cafk, with the Name of the Ship and Mafter, and that they verily believe that no Sugar, Tobacco, or other enumerated Goods before-mentioned, ex,- cept Rice, have been there landed out of fuch Ship or Veffel. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Collector and other Officers in Caro- lina (hall, as foon as conveniently they can, tranfmit one of the faid Copies of the faid Indorfement to the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms in Great Britain, and thereupon there (hall be payable to his Majefty fo much as the Half-Subfkly of the Rice fo (hipped in Carolina (hall amount unto, which would have remained in cafe the. faid Rice had been firft imported into Great Britain and afterwards re-expo. ted ; and the faid Commiffioners, or the Collector and Comptroller of the Port in which fuch Ship was entred to fail