Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/127

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A. D. 1747' Anno vicefimo Georgii II. C. 52. Si Majefly'sSubjeSis, and for thi more fpeedy bringing the Offenders to Jufflce, or any A61 made for the Conti- nuance thereof. XIII. And alfo excepted out of this General Pardon, all-Piracies and Robberies committed upon the Piracies, High Seas ; and all and every procuring or abetting any fuch Offenders, and comforting and receiving of them, or any of them, and of receiving any Goods taken by the Way of Piracy or Robbery upon the Seas, as aforefaid. XIV-. And alfo excepted all Offences made Felony in and by an AcS or Acts of Parliament made againft wiif.i Heftroy- the wilful cafting away, burning or otherwife deftroying any Ships or Veffels. ingShii>s. XV. And alfo excepted out of this General Pardon, all Offences committed or done fmce the twenty-fifth Oiiences igainft Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and forty -three, againfl: an A£l made in the thirteenth Year '3 '~^^^- 2. &• J- ^. ^ , ^ , ^ o J -J ---, J- -'J -, - ■■■-_, -nd againft Mu«  and their ^uarters^ other than the Defertion of fuch Offenders, Vi'ho (hall on or before the firft Day of tiny Afts. November next return to his Majefty's Service in the Regiment, Troop or Company to which they did be- long at the refpeciive Times of fuch Defertion. XVI. And alfo excepted out of this Pardon, all Burglaries, and all Robberies of Churches, and ftealing Robbeiiei. any Plate, Utenfils or Goods belonging to the fame ; and alfo all Robberies committed on any Perfon or Perfons in or near the Highway. XVII. And alfo excepted the deteflable and abominable Vices of Sodomy and Buggery. Sodomy. XVIII. And alfo excepted all Rapes and Carnal Ravifhments of V/omen. ^^ ^^ XIX. And alfo excepted all Offences of Perjury and Subornation of Witneffes, and endeavouring or ^"' confpiring to bribe or corrupt any Perfon to give falfe Teftimony ; and the Offences of forging or counter- P'='J'^'> feiting, and Solicitation of forging and counterfeiting any Fines or other Records, Deeds, Wills, Probates ,-,._ of Wills, or Letters of Adminiftraticn, Efcripts or Writings whatfoever, or pubiifliing or making ufe in '^'"==^" jEvidence of any fuch, knowing the fame to be forged. ^ XX. And alio excepted all Offences of forging and counterfeiting the Bills of Credit, commonly called Fciging Ex- Exchcquer Bills, and the tendering in Payment any fuch forged or counterfeited Bill of Credit, or demand- cheijuer Bills. ing Money thereupon at the Exchequer or elfewhere (knowing the Bill fo tendered, or whereupon the Money fhall be fo demanded, to be forged and counterfeited) and alfo all Offences of forging and counter- Gommon Seal of feiting the Common Seal of the Corporation of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or the Bank, and of any fealed Bank Bill, made and given cut in the Name of the faid Governor and Company for the ^^" ■'^'"^' *^'^» Payment of any Sum of Money, or of any Bank Note whatfoever, figned for the faid Governor and Com- pany of the Bank of England, or the altering or rafmg any Indorfement on any Bank Bill or Note of any Sort, Exchequer Orders, Lottery Orders, Lottery Tickets, or any Indorfem„ent or Affignment thereof, or demanding Money thereupon, or the tendering in Payment, uttering, vending, exchanging, bartering or indorfing any forged Bank Bill or Bank Note, or demanding or i-eceiving any Money thereon. XXI. And alfo excepted all Offences made Felony by an Aft of Parliament made in the Second Year of Offences sgsJnft his Majefty's Reign intituled, An ASi for the more effectual preventing and further Punijlimcnt of Forgery, Per- stieo. 2. c 15. jury and Subornation of Perjury ; and to make it Felony to feal Bonds, Notes, or other Securities for Payment of Money ; or in and by another Aft of Parliament made in the feventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, inti- tuled, An Act for the more cffcHual preventing the forging the Acceptance of Bills of Exchati^c, or the Numbers ^^°' *' ^' "' or principal Su7ns of accountable Receipts for Notes, Bills or other Securities for Payment of Money or Warrants, or Orders for Payment of Money, or Delivery of Goods. XXII. And alfo excepted all Offences made Felony in and by an Aft made in the eighth Year of his late g Geo. 3 c '2 Majefty King George the Firft, of glorious Memory, intituled, An A£i to prevent the Mifckicfs by forging Pozvers to transfer Stocks, or to receive juch Annuities or Dividends' cs arc therein mentioned, or by fraiididently per- fonating the trite Owners thereof, and to rectify Mijlahes of the late Managers for taking Subjcriptions for in- creafmg the Capital Stock of the South Sea Company, and in the Injlruments founded thereupon ; or in and by one ether Aft made in the twelfth Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A5t for better fecv.ring the z Geo. i. c. 32. Monies and Effetls of the Suitors of the Court a/" Chancery, and to prevent the counterfeiting of Eall: India Bonds and Indorfemenis thereon, as likeivife Indorfcments on South Sea Bonds, XXIII. And alfo excepted all Offences made Felony, by one other Aft made in the fifth Year of his faid 5 Geo. i. c. 24, late Majefty's Reign, intituled. An AB for the better preventing Frauds conmitted by Bankrupts ; or in and by , qj(j_ j^_ ,. _ one other Aft, made in the fifth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, yf« y/<3 ^^ ^rt?z-v«/ ^z!;;? (.-aww/f- tinz of Frauds by Bankrupts. XXIV. And alfo excepted all Offences in unlawfully and malicioufly breaking or cutting down the Bank Break;n!>B'nb3 or Banks of any River, or any Sea Banks, or letting or caufing to be let on Fire any Mine, Pit, or Delph and fettfng on of Coal, or Cannal Coal, made Felony by any Aft or Afts of Parliament. Fire iVJines, &c, XXV. And alfo excepted the Offences of forging and counterfeiting Seamens Tickets, or Authorities for Counterfeiting receiving any Sums of Money due to Seamen; and the Offences of pubiifliing, as true ones, forged or ^'^'^"^^"^^^^kcts, counterfeit Tickets, knowing them to be forged or counterfeit ; and alfo all Offences in forging, counter- feiting, or altering any Pafs, commonly called a Mediterranean Pafs, and publifning as true any luch forged, and Mcditerra- counterfeit or altered Pafs, knowing the fame to be forged, counterfeit or altered. nean Pafles, XXVI. And alfo excepted all Offences, Contempts or Mifdemeanoi^ (not being Capital) done contrary ^ont,,^ t „, to any Aft of Parliament (other than ufing or caufing to be ufed, any Craft, Myftcry or Occupation, by Miidemeanmr, any Perfon not brou£;ht up therein feven Years as an Apprentice) or contrary to the Laws of this Realm, for &c. ■which any Action, Bill, Plaint, Informaiion, Indiftment or other Profecution, at any Time Vyithin two Years next before the laft Day of Eojler Term in the Year one thoufand feven hundred -and forty-feven, hath been, or fhall be found, commenced or fued in any of his Majefty's Courts ut JVefminJhr, or before M 2 - any