Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/143

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A. D. 1748. - Anno vicefimo prlmo Georgii ir. C, 10, 99 of 'JidyznA yanuary-, for the charging and ordering of the Payments for the Half-year, current at and on the iaid refoeftive Days; and the laid Commiflioners, or fo many of them as fhall be prefent at any of the Meetinp-s to be held on the faid ftated Days, fiiall direft their Precept or Precepts (under the Hand of fuch one of them, as fliall, by the major Part of thofe met, be elefted Preles of the Meeting) to fuch Inhabi- tants of every Parifn, within their feveral Sliires, Stewartries, Cities or Boroughs, and fuch Number of them as the major of the Commiffioners fo met fhall in their Difcretions think moft convenient to be Af- fefibrs. to the Effe£h after-mentioned, 'requiring them to appear before the faid Commiirionsrs in their faid ufual Place of Meeting, at a Day to be ipecified in the faid Precept or Precepts, which fhall not exceed ten Days, from the ftated Day of Meeting aforefaid; and at and on the Day fo prefixed, the faid Commiflioners ihall again meet, and fhall then openly read or caufe to be read to the Inhabitants of each Parifh, required to appear as aforefaid, or fuch of them as fhall appear, the feveral Rates and Duties in the faid Ad, and openly declare the Effect of their Charge unto them, and how or in what Rdanner they ought and fhould make their Certificates and Aflefiments according to the feveral Rates aforefaid, and fliall then and there Afl-enbis to be adminifter an Oath to the faid Inhabitants, or fuch of them as faall be there prefent, and fhall be appointed fworn. Affeflbrs by the faid Commiflioners, for the due and faithful Adminiftration of their faid Ofiice, and prefix Days to be pre- another Day, not exceeding fifteen Days longer, for the iaid Perfons to appear again before the faid Com- fixed for hi inginj mifTioners, and the faid Perlbns fliall then appear accordingly, and bring in their Certificates in Writing in Certificates, under their Hands, of every Dwelling-houfe inhabited and charged by the aforefaid Aft, within the Limit's of thofe Parifhes for which they feverally aiSt, and of the Number of Windov/s or Lights in each Houfe, tooether with the Names of the feveral Occupiers or Inhabitants of each refpeSive Dwelling-houfe aforefaid, an^ of the feveral Spms of Money which they ought to pay by virtue of the faid Aft, without Cortceal- ment or Favour, upon Pain of Forfeiture of any Sum, not exceeding five Pounds, nor lefs than forty Shil- lings, Sterling Money, to be levied as by this Aft is appointed; and that the faid Commiffioners, or the major Part ofVnem as fhall be prefent,_thall, upon the Day appointed for the fij'ft General Meeting of the collcanrsto be CommifTioners of Shires and Stewartries, Cities and Boroughs, for the Land Tax, granted for the Service appointedj of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, by the Aft_ of this prefent SefTion of Parliament .before-m.entioned, and fo on fuch Day as fhall be appointed for the firfr General Meeting of the faid Com- mifTioners for the Land Tax, to be granted for the Service of any fubfequent Year by any future Aft or Afts of Parliament, granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax, eleft and chufe fome one fit Perfon to be Colleftor of the faid Rates and Duties arifing within the Shire, Stewartry, City or Borough for which the faid CommiiTioners are Commiffioners, and fhall take Bond with fufficient Caution from him, for his wlioare to givs due and faithful Adminiftration of his faid Office, and for his duly paying over at Edinburgh the Rates or Security. Duties and other Sums to be by him collefted by virtue of the faid Aft, or this prefent Aft, within forty Days after the Terms before-mentioned, appointed for Payment thereof, unto fuch Perfon as fhall, from time to time, be appointed by his Majefty, or the Commiffioners of the Treafury now or for the time being, or any three or more of them, or by the High Treafurer for the time being, to be Receiver General of the faid Rates or Duties arifing from Windows or Lights within Scotland, under a Penalty of one hun- dred Pounds Sterling, to be forfeited in cafe of Failure in the due and faithful Adminiftration of his Office, Penalt,-. or in the due Payment of the Monies to be received by him, which Bond the Commiffioners taking the Eon:i to be re. fame, fhall caufe to be forthwith regiftered in the Books of Council and Seffion, and deliver an Extracf giftered, and an thereof to the Receiver General to be appointed as aforefaid, and the faid Receiver Genera! fliall pay fb Extraa given to much of the faid Rates and Duties, and Sums, as he fhall receive from every fuch Colleftor (with Deduc- *eReceivev tion of his own Allowance in refpeft thereof) into the Receipt of his'Majefty's Exchequer at Wejlminfter, *^'="=™> •^'^• by Half-yearly Payments on the feveral Days herein before appointed for Payment thereof, or within ibrty Days after. XXIV. And be it further enafted. That the Colleftor to be elefted for each Shire, Stewartry, City or cdlcaor to give Borough as aforefaid, fhall, within the Space of fix Days after Delivery of the Copy to him aforefaid, of ^ Copy of the the faid AffefliTients for the fame, deliver, or caufe to be delivered, to fome one of the Peribns who were ^^p.'"^"'/? nppointed AfielTors for each Parifh, within fuch Shire, Stewartry, City or Borough, a Copy under his Fland, Mb.'and an" of the faid AiTeffment for fuch Parifh, Vv'ith an Order thereon for fuch Aileflbrs delivering a Note of the Ordei-, thereon, Sum aflelTed upon or for every Dwelling-houfe charged within fuch Parifh, to Ibnie Perfon v/ithin the faid &c, Dv/eUing-houfe, in cafe Accefs can be had, or affixing fuch Note on the Door of fuch Dwelling-houfe; and the Afleflbr to v^'hom fuch Copy and Order fliall be delivered, fliall, within fix Days after the Receipt AflifTor to re- thereof, make Notification as aforefaid thereupon, and return the faid Copy and Order to the Colleftor '""■" ^'"= '^'P>'* from whom he received the lame, with a Certificate upon Oath before one of the Commiffioners aforefaid, ^'^' that he did notify the fame in the Form prefcribed by this Aft. XXV. And be it further enafticd. That every Perfon and Perfons liable to and charged with any of the Penalty of not Rates or Duties befoic-mentioned, ' . ^ ^ -r^ ,,• , , and is hereby required to make Colleftor of the Shire, Stewart within fuch City, Borough or P'arilb, or v/ithin the Head Burgh of fuch Shire or Stewartry refpcftively, within the Space of ten Days after Notification fliall have been made to him, her or them, in the Manner herein prefcribed, of fuch Sum, upon Pain of forfeiting treble the Sum, in cafe he or flie fail to make the faid Payment v/ithin the faid Time; and in fuch Cafe it fliall and may be lav/ful to and for any Commif- Commiffioners fioner aforefaid, for any Shire, Stev/artry, City or Borough, and every fuch Commiffioner is hereby re- tuifnieWairants, quired, upon the Application of the Colleftor of the Rates and Duties aforefaid, for fuch Shii'e, Stewartry, f"' ^^■ing 'I'-e City or Borough, and Infpeftion had of the Affeflbrs Certificate of Notification, to ifllie and grant a Vv at;- '^"'^"^^■ rant or Warrants under his Hand, for the faid Collcftors poinding or diftraining the Goods and Eftefts of any Perfon or Perfons mentioned in fuch Certificate, and who fhall not have paid the Sum therein afiefTed upon him, her or them, or any moveable Goods or Eftefts, being for the Time within the Dwelling- O 2 houfe.