Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/183

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A. D.- 1749' Anno viceiimo fecundo Geor Gii 11. C, 2i, 139 ' pals and Madera, . ^"'■•"^^ contributed very little ta the Fund eftablifhed by the faid ASt; and there I's great

  • Reafon to apprehend, that the annual Surpluffes, in the early Years of CollecSlion of the Rates and Sums

« :iforefaid, will not raife the intended Capital, and that the faid P'und, if railed, will not be fufficient for ' anfwering the Defign of the faid A61: ; by reaibn whereof, the Widov/s and Children of thofe Minifters, ' Heads, Principals and Mafters, who fhall have contributed moft to the raifing of the faid Fund, will be ' deprived of a great Part of the Annuities and Provifions due to them, unlefs fome Deduction fliall be ' made from the Annuity granted to the Widow, or the Provifton made for the Child or Children of each

  • Minifter, JHead, Principal or Mafter, who (hall not have contributed to the Fund a Sum equal to three

' Years Amount of the Annuity eorrefpondent to his annual Rate, and unlefs a Sum be allowed annually ' for increafmg the capital Fund to a greater Amount than is allowed by the faid recited A6i: : And whereas

  • alfo it is equitable and juft, that the WidoVk-s, as well as Children of Contributors_ to the faid capital

' Fund, (hould have a Share of any Benefit which may cafually arife from the Surpluiles thereof, after fuch ' Capital ftiall be made up:' Therefore, and for removing the Doubts and Difficulties aforefaid, touching the Execution of the faid recited Aft, and for preferving a jufl: and equal Proportion, as much as is pofii- ble, between the Contributions made to the faid Fund by any Minifter, Head, Principal or Mafter, and ■ the Sums to be drawn out of the fame by his Widow and Children, and between the Widovv's and Childrea ' of fuch Contributors ; your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Truftees named and appointed ■ in and by the faid recited Aft for putting the fame in Execution, as fpecially warranted and authorized to that effeft by the General Affembly of the Church of Scotland, holden in the Month of Ma^ laft, do moft ■ humbly befeech yourMajefty, that it may be enafted ; and be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Ma- ' jefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this ■ preient Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the fifteenth Day of ^^^^^^^^^ ^j;^.._ 7^(7y one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, every Minifter who fhall be ordained and admitted to a j^ers and H^'ajs ' Benefice iw the Church of Scotla7id, and every Perfon who fhall be admitted as Head, Principal or Mafter, of the Univerfi- '. in any of the Univerfities of Saint Andrews, Glafgoiv and Edhihurgh, fnall make his Eleftion to which of ti" to choofe _ ■ the four yearly Rates mentioned in the faid recited Aft he choofes to be fubjefted, during his Life, in Man- S-^j"tV^hk-h ^ ner therein direfted, within the Times refpeftively after-mentioned ; that is to fay, Every Minifter having ^f'^^'^^'.^rly"^ a Benefice in the Weftern or Northern Ifles of Scotland, on or before the fifteenth Day of January, that Ihall Rates they wUl firft happen after fuch Minifter (hall have had Right to his Benefice for a Year and half; and every other be fubjeft. Minifter aforefaid of the Ci-c of Scci land, en or before the fifteenth Day of January, that fhall firft hap- pen after fuch Minifter fliall have had Right to his Benefice for one half Year ; and every Head, Principal ■ ■ or otlier Mafter aforefaid, of any of the faid three Univerfities, on or before the fifteenth Day of ya;z;/«j;, that fhall firft hapjDen after he hath held his Office for four Calendar Months ; and every refpeftive Mini- ] '■ Iter, Head, Principal or Mafter, neglefting to notify his Eleftion in the Form and Manner prefcribed by the faid recited Aft, within the refpeftive Times herein before limited, fliall be deemed and held to have made his Eleftion of the annual Rate of three Pounds eighteen Shillings and nine Pence, and fhall be liable to the faid Rate accordingly, during his Life. n. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful for the Lords •^■^^ ^ords of of Council and Seffion in Scotland, or any one of them, to iftue Letters of Horning, at the Liftance of the SeUion, upon General Colleftor or Receiver for the time being, of the annual Rates or other Sums impofed by the faid Application, to . recited Aft, againft all and every the Minifters of the Church of Scotland, and Heads, Principals and Ma- ifue Letters uf

fters in the Univerfities, fubjeft or liable to the fame, for compelling Payment of their annual or other ^°'^"'"|;?^^^'"

Rates or Sums, Principal or Intereft, to the Payment of which they or any of them are or may be liable by Rat^s. virtue of the faid recited Aft ; and that the faid Letters of Horning fhall be executed, and other Proceed- ^ l j r ings ihair be had thereon, in the fame Form and Manner as is now in Ufe, and authorized by Law, with ^m;„ jj,,, L^^/ rei'peft to Hornings at the Inftance of the Minifters of the faid Church of Scotland, for compelling Payment ters, of their Stipends ; and that no Sufpcnfion of any Charge to be given in virtue of fuch I/Ctters of Horning, Ihall be paft without Confignation of the Sum charged for, as is alio in Ufe, and authorized by Law in the aforefaid Cafe ; any Lav/ or Cuftom to the contrary notwithflanding. in. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Tru- rj. ^ . , ftees for the time being, executing- the faid Aft, and they are hereby required to ftop and dedu£l the one one'Half of cvc- ' Half of every Annuity which fhall become payable for the firft Time, at the Term of IVhiffunday one thou- ry Annuity ' Yand fev'en hundred and forty-nine, or at any Term of JVhitfunday thereafter, to the Widow of every Mi- wherethe Con- ", iiifter of the Church of Scotland, and of every Head, Principal or Aiafter, in any of the three Univerfities ^'!'"""^',*'^' ' iabove mentioned, fubjeft and liable to the annual Rates aforefaid, who fhall not have paid, during the ;j "J'^i^^^p'^j^j Time of and by his being a Contributor to the faid Fund, a Sum eq.uai to three Years Amount of the An- , Suni equal to nuity eorrefpondent to his annual Rate, and the like at every fucceeding Term of /iW;///'7w/(7j)', during the 3 Veais Amount Life of fuch Widow, until either fhe fhall pay into the Fund, or until fuch Stoppages and Deduftions fhall of ""ch Annui- amount to as much, as together with the Sums paid by her Hufband (without computing any Litereft there- ^1^ ^'^' on) fhall make up or be equal to three Years of her Annuity; and that it fhall and may be lawful for the' Truftees aforefaid, and they are hereby required to ft'op and detain out of the Sum or Provifion which fl:all become payable, at the faid Term of JVhitfunday one thoufand fi^x hundred and forty-nine, or at any Term of /"^A/Vy/fw/rt^ thereafter, to the Child or Children of every Minifter, Head, Principal or Mafter, fubjeft and liable to the annual Rates aforefaid, who fliall not have paid a Sum equal to the Amount of three Years Annuity corrcfponding to his annual Rate, fo much as, together with the Sums paid by him, or that may have been dedufted from his Widow (without computing Intereft thereon) fhall make up or be equal to three Years of the faid correfponding Annuity ; and the V/idows or Children aforefaid fhall only be intitled, in the refpeftive Cafes and Events aforefaid, to the Remainder, after the faid refpeftive Stop- pages or Deduftions of Annuities or Sums provided to them feveraliy by the faid recited Aft; any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithflanding, ■ - T z IV. And