Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/197

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A. D.I 749^ Anno vicefimo fecimdo Georgii II. C. 27, 153 ' ing three Months; and if any Wooll Comber, Weaver, Servant or Perfon^ hired, retained or employed ' in thefaid Art or Myftery, (hall wiifully damnify, fpoil or deftroy (without the Confent of the Owner) ' any of the Goods, Wares, or Work committed to his Care or Charge, or wherewith he fhall be intruft- ' ed fuch Offender being thereof convifled, fliall forfeit and pay to the Owner or Owners of fuch Goods ' or'Wares fo damniiied, fpoiled or deftroyed, double the Value thereof ; to be levied by Diftrels and Sale of

  • the Offender's Goods and Chatties, by Warrant or Warrants under the Hands and Seals of any two
  • . or more Jufticcs of the Peace, within their refpeclive Jurifdiflions ; and for want of fufficient Di-
  • ftrefs, fuch Juftices fliall commit the Party or Parties offending to the Houfe of Corredion, there to be kept
  • to hard Labour, for any Time not exceeding three Months, or until Satisfaction be made to the Party or

5 Parties ao-o-rieved for the fame: And it is, by the faid laft-mentioned Ad:, alfo further enacted. That every

  • Clothiert oerge Maker, or Woollen or Worfled Stuff Maker, or Perfon concerned in making any Wool-
  • len Cloths, Serges or Stuffs, or concerned in employing Wooll Combers, Weavers, or other Labourers
  • in the Woollen Manufaclury, fhall pay to all Perfons by them employed in_the Woollen Manufafture, the

', full Wages, or other Price agreed on, in good and lawful Money of this Kingdom, and fhall not pay the

  • faid Wages, or other Price agreed on, or any Part thereof, in Goods, or by Way of Truck, or in any
  • other Manner than in Money, or make any Deduftion from fuch Wages or Price, for or on Account of any
  • Goods fold or delivered, previous to fuch Agreement, by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever; And for the
  • more eafy Recovery of the faid Wages, or Price agreed on, any two or more Jufticesof the Peace, within
  • their refpeclive Jurifdiftions, are authorized and required, upon Complaint made forthat Purpofe, to fum-
  • mon before them the Party or Parties offending, and for Non-payment of fuch Wages, or Price agreed
  • on, in Money as aforefaid, or fufficient Satisfaftion given for the fame, to the good Liking of the Party

' or Parties ago-rieved, to iffue their Warrant or Warrants, under their Hands and Seals, for levying fuch

  • Wages or Price, due as aforefaid, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods and Chatties, rendering
  • the Overplus to the Owner ; and for v.'ant of fufEcient Diftrefs, to commit the Party or Parties offending
  • to the common Gaol of the County, City, Town or Place, where fuch Offence fliall be comm'itted, there

^ to remain without Bail or Mainprize for the Space of fix Months, or until he, ftie or they fliall pay fuch

  • V/'ages, or Price agreed on, in Money as aforefaid, or give full Satisfaftion for the Payment of the fame,
  • to the good Liking of the Party grieved : And it is, by the faid laft-mentioned Aft, alfo further enafted,
  • That if any Clothier, Serge Maker, Vv^oollen or Worfted Stuff Maker, or Perfon concerned in making
  • any Woollen Cloths, Serges or Stuffs, or any way concerned in employing Wooll Combers, Weavers or
  • other Labourers in the Woollen Manufa£tury, fhall pay any Perfon or Perfons employed by them, their
  • Wages, or other Price agreed on, or any Part thereof, either in Goods, or by way of Truck, or in any
  • other Manner than in Money, every Perfon fo oftending, fhall alfo forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds,
  • one Moiety thereof to the Informer, and the other Moiety to the Party or Parties aggrieved, to be levied
  • by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods as aforefaid, rendering the Overplus (if any be) to the Owner :
  • And it is, by the faid laft-mentioned Aft, alfo provided. That it fhall be lawful for any Perfon aggrieved,
  • by any Order or Orders to be made by any two or more Juftices of the Peace as aforefaid, to ap-
  • peal to the Juftices of the Peace at the next General Quarter-Seffions to be holden for the County, City,
  • Divifion, Parifh or Place, where fuch Order fhall be made, giving reafonable Notice of fuch Appeal, the
  • Reafonablenefs of which Notice fliall be determined by the Juftices at the Quarter-Seffions to v/hich fuch
  • Appeal is made ; and if it fhall appear to thern, that reafonable Time of Notice was not given, then they
  • fhall adjourn the faid Appeal to the next Qiiarter-Seflions, and then and there finally hear and determine
  • the fame ; and the Juftices, who in the General Qiiarter-Seffions fhall hear the Matter, fhall have Power
  • to award reafonable Cofts to either Party, as to them fhall feem juft : And it is, by the faid laft-mentioned
  • Aft, alfo further enafted. That if any Perfon or Perfons fliall aflault or abufe any Mailer Wooll Comber,
  • Mafter Weaver, or other Perfon concerned in any of the Woollen Manufaftures, whereby any fuch Ma-

, *.fter or other Perfon fhall receive any bodily Hurt, for not complying with, or not conforming, or not fub-

  • mitting to any fuch illegal By-laws, Ordinances, Rules or Orders aforefaid ; or if any Perfon or Perfons
  • fhall write, or caufe to be written, or knowingly fend, or caufe to be fent, any Letter, or other Writing
  • or Meffage, threatening any Hurt or Harm to any fuch Mafter Wooll Comber, or Mafter Weaver, or

.' other Perfon concerned in the Woollen Manufafture, or threatening to burn, pull down, or deftroy any

  • of their Houfes or Out-houfes, or to cut down or deftroy any of their Trees, or to maim or kill any of
  • their Cattle, for not complying with any Demands, Claims or Pretences of any of his or their Work- -
  • men, or others employed by them in the faid Manufafture, or for not conforming, or not fubmitting to
  • any fuch illegal By-laws, Ordinances, Rules or Orders as aforefaid, every Perfon fo knov/ingly and wil-
  • lingly offending in the Premiffes, being thereof lawfully convifted, upon any Indiftment to be found with-

' in twelve Calendar Months next after any fuch Offence committed, ihaJl be adjudged guilty of Felony, ' and fhall be tranfported for feven Years to fome or one of his Majefty's Colonies or Plantatior.s in Aine~

  • rica, by fuch Ways and Means, and in fuch Manner, and under fuch Pains and Penalties, as Felons in
  • other Cafes are by Law to be tranfportcsd : And whereas it is neceffary that the faid feveral Provifions and
  • Regulations in the faid lail in Part recited Aft, fliould be extended to Journeymen Dyers, Journeymen
  • Hot Preffers, and all other Perfons employed in the Woollen Manufaftures of this Kingdom, and alfo to
  • Journeymen, Servants, Workmen and Labourers, employed in the making of Felts or Hats, and in the
  • Manufaftures of Silk, Mohair, Furr, Hemp, Flax, Linnen, Cotton, Fuflian, Iron, and Leather, or

'* any Manufaftures made up of Wool], Furr, fleinp, Flax, Cotton, Mohair, or Silk, or of any of the

  • faid Materials mixed one with another ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, 1'hat the faid The Provlfiops

feveral before recited Claufes in the faid Aft, made in the twelfth Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign,'" s '•eciied and all the Provifions, Regulations, Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures, therein contained, fliall, from and'^^ to extend _.,-.. /-i-ff^ ^ ^~f ,,-1^ .1, 1/- . , ». to l^erfons frn- '*ployed in the after the faid tv/enty-fourth Day of yi.'«^ one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, extend, and be (,qj-|_'^ ' "'°"= "- ftrued, deemed and adjudged to extend to Journeymen Dyers, Journeymen Hot Preffers, and all other Per- Manufaaurts Cons whatfoeyer, employed in or about any of the Woollen Manufaftures of this Kingdom, ar,_d alfo toenumeiated. Vol.. VIL X Journey-