Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/226

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■ .1 1 82 C, 46. Anno viccfimo fecundo Georgii IT. A. D. 1749. brancci', 'rreafiirei'^ Rcmenibrnnccr, Pipe or Ofllce of Picas, in the Court of Exchequer at IVeJlminJlcr for the Tims being, but th;it the faiJ Attoriiics and Clerks of the fiiid refpective Offices fhal! and may 1 ralcen, bound, approved, fvvorn, admitted, and pradtifc in the faid Court oi Exchequer, in like Manner : they ufually have been, and might, have done bsfare the making of this Act, and may praftife in any other r.on^irr.Ug A'.-_ of the Courts of Record before-mentioiicd, in tlie Name, and with the Confent of fome fvvorn Attorney of isrriajcc Jarii^'.r f^,,}^ Court, fuch ConfcHt being in Writing, and iigned by fuch Attorney as aforefaid, in the Manner as a-iOfo. a- r. 25. ^.i^^ -];i,c arually been and mir;lit have done before the making of this Adt ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notvvitnlianaing. ■%Anr,x, c. i3. XX. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforcGid, That an Aft made in the eighth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, Jn j£f to regulate the Price and AJJtze of Bread; which was to be in Force for three ^ ears, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion or Parliament, and 1 Geo. I. c. i6. by an Aft made in the firft Year of the Reign cf his late Majefly King George, for continuing fcveral Laws therein mentioned, was explained, amended ajid continued for the further Term of three Years, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament, which faid Aft and Alterations had further 12 Geo, 2. c. 13. Continuance by feveral fubfcquent Acrts, and was by an A'5l made in the faid twelfth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty explained and amended, and further continued from the Expiration thereof, to th: twen- ty-fourth Day oi June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand kvtn hundred and forty eight, and from continued to thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament, fl:>all be, and the fame is hereby, together. J4 June 1757. with the Alterations and Amendments herein after-mentioned, further contiued from the Expiration there- Se; farther 31 q£^ inVi the twenty-fourth Day of yiine which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hun- ^'°'gc' '■, ^I'lS <Ji'ed and nfty-feven, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament. ^ "' "• '■ ■ « XXL And whereas it is often very difficult for the Magiftrate or Juftice or Juflices of the Peace, b.forfl ' whom Bread is complained of, to know under what Denomination the Bread ought to be weighed, pir- ' fuant to the Directions of the faid Affs of the eighth of Queen Anne, and firft of his late Majsfty ;' Lj Bakers to im- it enaiSled by the Authority aforefaid, Th;-t every common Baker, and every Perfon who fhall make or bake print on every fg,- Sale, or any ways expolc to Sale, any Sort of Bread whaifoever, fhall, from and after the firfi: Day of Loaf a certain yfry^/^// which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nins, fairly imprine ' or mark, or caufe to be Imprinted or marked, on every Loaf fo by him made or expofed to Sale, the Let- ters hereiji after-mentioned (that is to fay) upon every Loaf expofed to Sale as White Bread, a large Ro- man W. and upon every Loaf expofed to Sale as Wheaten Bread, a large Roman W H. and upon every Loaf expofed to Sale as Houfhold Bread, a large Roman H. and every Rerfon felling, or expofing to Sale, iin<!er Penalty ef not marked as aforefaid, fliall forfeit and pay the Sum of twenty Shillings to the Informer ; the faid Eorfei- 20s. ture to be adjudged, levied and recovered, in fuch R/Ianner as the Penalties laid upon Perfons felling or ex- pofing to Sale any Bread deficient in Weight, are by the faid A£t of the firfl: of his faid late I^Iajefty's Reign to be adjudged, levied and recovered. Limitation of XXIL Provided always, That nothing in this Aft fliall extend, or be conflrued to extend, to any Sort this Rcguii'tion. of Bread, but what is mentioned in the faid Afts of the eighth of Queen Anne, and the firfl of his late to>r,-A.r3j jvEajefty. Geo. 2. c. 29. ^ ^ 52 Geo. 2. I. 18. ' 19 Geo. 2. c. 5. XXIIL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That an Aft made in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled. An Alt to enable his Adajejl)' to make Rules., Orders and Regu- lations more effeStually to prevent the fprcading of the Dijlemper zvhich noiu rages amongji the Horned Cattle in this Kingdo?!?, which was to continue and be in Force for the Space of eight R'lonths, and to the End of the then "oGco. 2. c. 4.' iisxt SeiTion of Parliament ; and which by an Aft made in the twentieth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefly, was explained, amended and continued, and to be in Force with the faid laft-mentioned Aft, fof the Spate of eight Months, from the tenth Day of fanuary one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, anJ 21 Geo. 2. c. 33. from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament ; and which faid Afts, by an Act made in cofitinned to the twenty-fiift Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, for continuing fc'cral Laws therein mentioned, sij-Stit. 17/19. were further continued from the Expiration thereof until the twenty-fouith Day oi September omt xcw ' K.nthcr con- fand feven hundred and forty-eight, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament ; c *!4..' fliall be, and the fame are hereby further continued, from the Expiration thereof, until the twenty-fourth iaGeo, Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and forty- nine, and from thence to the End of the then next SefTion of Parliament. ' XXIV. And whereas it is apprehended, that the Diftemper which ftill rages amongfl: the Horned Cattle,. ' has been greatly fpread and increafed by Tanners and others buying the Hides and Skins of infefted Beafts, ' and carrying the fame lecretly to their 'T'an-yards :' Wherefore for preventing the fame for tlie future, Tunnrr to give Be it eiiafted by the Authority aforelaid. That every Tanner, T'awer or Drefl'er of Hides or Sk.ins fh.ill. Notice to the before he brini^s any raw Hide or Skin of any Bull, Ox, Cow, Calf, Steer or Heifer, into his Tan-yard, E>:Lire oSccr Workhoufe, Warehoufe or Place ufed for dreifing or manufafturing of Hides or Skins, give Notice to the a^'^rn n'iJeT O^ccr of Excife of the Diflrift in which fuch Tan-yard or Drcfling-place is fituated, and whofe Survey ftc'.IntoliisTan- ^"^ '"''^ Tanner, Tawer or Dreffer of Hides fliall be under and fubjeft to for the time being, and produce yjr<i,&c, to the faid Officer a Certificate, under the Hand and Seal, or Hands and Seals, o( one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, or Commiflioner or Commiffioners of the Land Tax, fpecifying the Colour of fuch Hide or Skin, the Name and Place of Abode of the Owner of fiich Hide or Skin, and that upon Examina- tion on Oath of one or more credible Perfon or Perfons, it appeared to the Perfon or Perfons iigning and fealing fuch Certificate, that the Beaft from which fuch Hide or Skin was taken v/as found, and free front any Infcftion ; which Certificate fliall by the faid Officer be entered into a Book to be kopt for that Purp'>fc ; and if any Tanner, Tawer or Dreiler of Hides or Skins, fliall bring or iufler to be brought into his Tan- yard or Tan-pits, or other Place ufed for dreffing or manufafturing Hides or Skins, any liicii raw Hide or Skin, or fliall taa or drels oi' manuiaftuig any fuch raw Hide or Skin, r/ithout giving fuch Nockc, and pro- ducing tiniied liy 27 Ci-'o. 2. c. 14. a. c, 20.