Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/227

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A. D. 1749. Anno vicefimo fecundo Georgii II. C. 46. 183 ducina; Tuch Certificate as aforefaid, every Perfon fo offending fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds, to be recovered, levied and applied, as the I'everal Forfeitures are by the faid Act of the Penalty of lol. nineteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, to be recovered, levied and applied. XXV. And it is hereby further enadled. That all and every or any of the Oflicers of Excife, afiing and offircrs impow employed in any Diiiridt wherein any Tan-yard, Workhoufe or Warehoufe, or Place for dreffing or ma- cicd to enter ■ nufacturing of Hides or Skins is fituate and being, fhall and may, at all Times, by Day or by Night (and Tan ya'ds, s-c. if in the K'iglit, then in the Prefence of a Conftable, or other lawful OfRccr of the Peace) be permitted, V?.'f '^. '"°J. upon his or't'heir Requeff, to enter into any fuch Tan-yard, Workhoufe, Warehoufe, or Place, in order j^'^^^^^"^';-,'^ to fearch for Hides and S.kins fufpefied to be brought and conveyed into the fame refpecfively, contrary to, this Ail, fcc and againfc the Tenor and true Meaning of this Act, and then and there to fearch and examine, or caufe to be fearched or examined, any Tanpit, Fat or other Place, where any fuch Hide or Skin is fufpecired to be laid, hid, put or concealed ; and if any Tanner, Tawer, or other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall ob- lirucl or hinder any iuch Officer or Officers in the Execution of his or their Duty, Power or Authority given to, vefted in, and required of him and them reipeclively by this Aft, every Perfon lb offending, and being thereof lawfuly conyiciled as aforefaid, fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds, to -,e recovered, applied and difpofed of in Manner afore-mentioned. ' XXVI. And whereas it is neccffary to encourage and promote the Breeding of Cattle, the Number being ' .greatly dccreafed by the faid Mortality ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall His M.ijeilv Siit and may be lawful for his Majefiy, by Advice of his Privy Council, to prohibit and forbid the killing or pi)Aeiej to'p'e- flaughtering of Cow Calves, in fuch Counties and Places, and in fuch Manner, and at fuch Times, as his liiHttbe-kiiLng: Majcify, during the Continuance of the faid Afls of the nineteenth and twentieth Years of his prefent ^°" ^'^■'^^• Majtily's Reign, fliall judge proper ; and all and every Perfon offending againfl fuch Order and Prohibition, ofFcmu-rs to Uiall forfeit and pay the Sum of forty Shillings, to be recovered, levied and applied, as other Forfeitures by for!<;it 40 s. the faid Acts are to be recovered, levied and applied. XX'II. And to prevent the fpreading of the faid infe£tious Diftemper, by Perfons who frequently buy up Cattle in infected Places, and foon after difpofe of the fame in Places free from the Infection,- contrary to "^ the true Intent and Meaning of the faid Acts, and the Orders and Regulations m.ade by his Majefty in Coun- cil, Be it enacted by the Authority aforeiaid. That from and after the firfi: Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, no Perfon whatfoever, by himfelf, his Servant or Agent, iliall fell or difpofe of any Rfg"'ations ro livipg. Ox, Bull, Cow, Calf, Steer or Heifer, until the fame flrall have been the Property of fuch Perfon thc°se!ie.'sof for the Term of forty Days at the leaft ; and in Proof of fuch Property, the Seller fliall produce a Certi- Hdncd Cattle. ficate under the Hand of the Perfon of whom fuch Ox, Bull, Cow, Calf, Steer or Heifer was laft bought - or purchafed, fignit'ying the 1 ime when he purchafed the fame; and every Perfon who fhall fell or difpofe of any Ox, Bull, Cow, Calf, Steer or Heifer, without producing fuch Certificate, and fhall be thereof convicted by his, her or their own Confeffion, or by the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Wit- neffes, before any Juftice or Juffices of the Peace for the County, Riding, Divifion, City, Lib.rty or Town Corporate where the Offence fnall be committed, fliall, for every Ox, Bull, Cov/, Calf, Steer or Heifer fo fold or difpofed of, forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds, unlefs fuch Perfon fhall by himfelf, his Agent Ofienders *9 or Servant, mjake Oath before the faid Juftice or Juflices (which Oath the faid Juftice or Juftices is and are foifeit 10 1. hereby im.powered to adminifter) that the faid Ox, Bull, Cow, Calf, Steer or Heifer has been his Property for more than forty Days ; the faid Forfeiture to be adjudged, levied and recovered in fuch Manner, as the Penalty often Pounds is, by the faid Aft of the nin teenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, to be adjudged, levied and recovered ; one Moiety of the faid Forfeiture to be given to the Informer, and the otlier Moiety to the Poor of the Parifh where the Offence fhall be cominifted. . XXVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authoiity afor faid. That every Perfon who fliall, from and Penalty of giv- j after the faid fitft Day of Jit/y, f;ll or difpofe of any Ox, Bull, Cow, Calf, Steer or Heifer, and fnall gi've ini'folfe Cetti- a flilfe or untrue Certificate of the Time of the Sale of fuch Cattle, and every Perfon who fhall accept of fuch '^'^■»'«' falfe or untrue Ceitihcate, knowing the fame to be fuch, fnall foifeit and pay the like Sum ol" ten Pounds, to be adjudged, levied, recovered and difpofed of in the Manner above-dire£ted. 5vXIX. And be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the fivfl Day of J'n/y which ^-'&"^^^omto fiiall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty- nine, if any Drover, or Perfon or /°^"^ J j Perfons driving and conducing Horned Cattle from one Place to another, {hall find any Bcafl or Beafts in Horned Cattle, his Drift ficken upon the Road, fo as to he unable to proceed forward in their Journey, fuch Drover, or if any fidten ' Perfon or Perfons driving fuch Horned Cattle, fliall forthvvdth give Notice thereof to the Conftable, Head- on the Road. borough or Churchwarden of the Parifh or Place wherein fuch Beaft or Beafts fhall ficken, in order that the I fame may be flain and buried, the Skin being firft fl;:flied, if decm.ed to be ill of the Diftemper now raging I amongft the Horned Cattle, in the Opinion of the Ofiicer of fuch Parifti or Place fo fummoned, and, of two other iubftantial Inhabitants of the faid Pariflior Place, whom the faid Officer is hereby impowered, by a Note in Writing under his Hand to fummon to his Afnftpnce ; and in cafe any Drover, or Perfon or Per- oni-nders ts j ions driving Horned Cattle, fliall fail herein, or fnall conceal or drive out of the Vvay, without giving forfeit 10 1, 1 fuch Notice, any fuch fick Beaft or Beafts, he or they fo onending fnall forfeit and pay ten Pounds, to the j Ufe of the Poor of fuch Parifli or Place Vifherein fuch Beaft or Beafts fliall be found fick or dead, to be le- i vied on his or their Goods and Chaitles, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of any Juftice of the Peace j of the County, Riding, Divifion, Liberty, City or Town Corporate, v/herein fuch Drover, or Peifon or ! Perfons driving fuch horned Cattle fhall be taken ; and in cafe of Nonpayment, fuch Drover, or Perfon or ^"i on Nonpay- Perfons (hall be committed to the common Gaol of fuch County, Shire, Stewartry, Riding, Divifion, Li^ ""r""^ '" '^^'^o'""' berty. City or Tovi^n Corporate, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize for the Space of fix Calendar '""^' I Months, or until he or they fhall have paid the faid Penalty. I ' XXX. And whereas his Majefty hatli, in purfuance of the faid A6ts of Parliament, by his Order in

  • Council, bearing Date the twenty-fecond Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fony-fcvcn,

3 ' made