Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/240

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196 C. 52. Anno vicefimo fecundo Georgii II. A. D. 1749. and Parcel, or reputed Part and Parcel of the faid Barony or Lordfhip of Laiiglq, or as Part, Parcel or Member thereof, demifed, letten, ufed, occupied or enjoyed, and every of them, with their Appurte- nances ; and alfo all thofe the Manors of JVittingJiall, alias ^uitUngJlall, and Newlands, Diljion, alias De- vtljlon, Jydon Shields, TVarke, Elrington and Meulon, and every of them, with their and every of their Rights, Members and Appurtenances, in the laid County of Northumberland ; and alfo all and Angular MeiTuages, Granges, Farms, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments whatfoever. Part and Parcel, or re- puted Part and Parcel of the faid Manors, every or any of them, or as Part, Parcel or Member of them, or any of them, demifed, letten, ufed, occupied or enjoyed, and every of them, with their Appurte- nances ; and all thofe the Manors, or reputed Manors of Spindlejlon and Utchejler, Throckley, Coajlley^ Middleton Hall, Eaji Thornton, alias Thornton Eajl, Wejiwood ■i.nA Thornhorough, and every of them, with their and every of their Rights, Members and Appurtenances in the faid County of Northumberland; and alfo all and fingular MeiTuages, Granges, Farms, Lands, Meadows, Paftures, Feedings, Tenements and Hereditaments whatfoever, Part and Parcel, or reputed Part or Parcel of the faid laft -mentioned Manors, or reputed Manors, every or any of them, or as Part, Parcel or Member of them, or any of them, de- mifed, letten, ufed, occupied or enjoyed, and every of them, with their Appurtenances ; all and fingular which faid Barony, Manors, or reputed Manors, MefTuages, Granges, Farms, Lands, Tenements, Here- ditaments and Premifles before-mentioned, are fituate, lying and being in Langley, JVlnttingJlall, alias ^uitt'mgjiall, Newlands, Dilfton, alias Develjion, Jydon Shields, Warke, Elrington, Meldon, Spindlejlon, JJichefter, Throckley, Coajiley, Middleton- Hall, Thortiton EaJi, Wejiwood, Thornborough, Netherwarden, Hay- don Bridge, Bywell Saint Andrew, Bywell Saint Peter, Corbrigge, Newton Hall, Hexham, Symondburne, Halt- whijile, alias Holtiuhijlle, Kirkhaugh, Knarefdall, IVitfield, Balam, Balmhrough, Nevjbourn, IVooler, Oving- kam and Staley, fome or one of them, or feme other Town or Towns thereto adjoining, in the faid County oi Northumberland; and alio all that the Advowfon of the Church oi Symondbourne, with the A.ppurtenances in the faid County oi Northumberland ; and alfo all thofe the Manors, or reputed Manors of Cq/llerigg and Derweniwaicr, alias Kefwick, and Thornthvjaite, with their and every of their Rights, Members and Ap- purtenances in the County of Cumberland ; and alio all and fingular R'lelfuages, Granges, Farms, Lands, Meadows, Paftures, Feedings, Woods, Underwoods, Tenements and Hereditaments whatfoever. Part and Parcel, or reputed Part and Parcel, of the faid laft -mentioned A^anors of Cajllerigg and Derwentiuater, alias Kefwick, and Thornthiuaite, or any Part of them, or as Part, Parcel or Member of them, or any of them, demifed, letten, ufed, occupied or enjoyed, and every of them, with their Appurtenances ; which faid Manors and Premiffes laft-mentioned are lying and being in Crajhthwaite and Kefwicke, or one of them, or fome other Town or Towns thereto next adjoining, in the faid County of Cumberland ; and alfo all that the Manor of Scremerjioti, with the Rights, Members and Appurtenances, in the County Palatine of Durham; and all and fingular Meftuages, Granges, Farms, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments whatfoever, to the faid laft-mentioned Manor belonging or appertaining, or thereof reputed Part or Par- cel, or therewith demifed, ufed, letten or enjoyed, and every of them, with their Appurtenances ; which faid Manor and PremifTes laft-mentioned are fituate, lying and being in Scremerjion, Holy Ifland, Auncroft, alias Auncraft, Tiueedmouth, Norham and Lowick, or fome or one of them, or fome other Town or Towns thereunto next adjoining, within the faid County Palatine of Durham ; and alfo all and fingular other the MefTuages, Granges, Farms, Lands, Meadows, Paftures, Feedings, Woods, Underwoods, Tenements and Hereditaments whatfoever, late the Eftate of the faid James late Earl of Dertventzvater, or whereof he was feifed of any Eftate of Inheritance in PofTeffion, Reverfion, Remainder or Expectancy, fituate, lying and being v/ithin the faid feveral Barony, Manors, Towns, Villages, Territories or Hamlets of Langley, Wittingjlall, alias Quitting Jl all, Newlands, Diljhn, otherwife Develjion, Aydon Shields, IVarke, Elrington, Meldon, Spindlejlon, Uicbejier, Throckley, Coajiley, Middleton Hall, Thornton EaJl, JVcJiwood and Thornborough, every or any of them, in xe. iv}iQoxnVj of Northitmberland; or of Cajllerigg, Derivent- water, Thornthivaite and Kefwick, Crajihiuaite and Kefivick, or every or any one of them, in the faid County of Cumberland ; or of Scremerjlcn in the faid County Palatine of Durham, and every of them, with their Appurtenances ; were fettled, limited and afilired to take Effeift, after the Solemnization of the Tiid in- tended Marriage, and fubjeift to a Term of ninety-nine Years, limited of Part of the PremilTes, which is fince determined, to the Ufe of the faid James Earl of Dertuentwater for Life, without Impeachment of Wafte ; and after his Death, and fubjedt to a Rent Charge of one thoufand Pounds thereby limited to the .faid Anna Maria for her Life, for her Jointure, and after her Death, and fubjedt to a Term of two hun- dred Years, which is fince determined, to the Ufe of the rirft, fecond, third, and all and every other the Son and Sons of the faid James late Earl of Derwoitzvater, on the Body of the faid Anna Aiaria, in Tail Male, fucceffively ; Remainder to the faid Other Earl of Plymouth, and JVilliam Lord JPlddringtcn, their Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, for a Term of five hundred Years, in Truft, for raifin^ twenty thoufand Pounds, for the Portion and Portions of the Daughter and Daughters of the faid James late Earl of Dcrwentivater, by the faid Anna A4aria, in cafe of Failure of IITue Male between them, to be paid at fiich Times, and in fuch Manner, and with fuch Maintenance, as is therein mentioned ; and nfter the Determination of the faid Term of five hundred Years, to the Ufe of the faid James late Earl of Dcr- iventivater, and the Heirs Male of his Body ; Remainder to Francis Radcliffe, Brother to the laid James late Earl of Denventivater, for Life ; and after his Death, to his fiift and other Sons in Tail Male fuc- ccflively ; Remainder to Charles Radcliffe, youngeft Brother of the f^A James late Earl of Derwe;:twatery for his Life ; Remainder to the faid Other Earl of Plymouth, and Thomas Lord Faulconbcrge, and their Heirs, during the Life of the faid Charles Radcliffe, in Trull, to preferve tlie contingent Remainders ; Remainder to the firft and other Sons of the faid Charles Radcliffe, in Tail Male, fucceliively ; Remainder to the faid James late Earl of Derwentiuater, his Heirs and Alligns for ever: And u'hcreas by Deed Poll, under the Hand and Seal of the faid Edtuard'E.TirX of Derwentwater, bearing Date the twenty-fourth Day of Jure one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-nine, the faid Edward Earl of Derwentwater, in purfuance of a Power 3 ' given