Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/247

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A, D. 1749. Anno vicefimo feciindo GeorgiiII. C. 52. 203 Years, not exceeding twenty-one Years, in PofTeffion and not in Reverfion, referving the beft Rents or Dues that could be rcafonably got for the fame : And after reciting, That the Intereft of the Principal Money due on the Mortgages and Incumbrances in the faid A<9: mentioned, was partly at the Rate of five Pounds for one hundred Pounds, and partly at the Rate of fix Pounds for one hundred Pounds, for a Year, it was enabled, That it fhould and might he lawful for his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, by Sign Manual, to authorize the Commiflioners or Governors of the faid Hofpital for the time being, or any fcven or more of them, to agree with the refpeftive Mortgagees and Incumbrancers of the faid PremiiTes in the faid AiSt of the eighth Year of his prefent Majcfty's Reign named, their Executors, Adminiflrators or Affigns, for any lefs Rate or Intereft for the Principal Money due on their Securities refpedively, than the fame v/as then at ; and in cafe the faid Mortgagees and Incumbrancers fliould not fo agree, tlien to agree with any other Perfon or Perfons for the advancing Money at any lefs Rate or Intereft than aforefaid, for paying cfF the Principal Money due on the faid Mortgages and Incumbrances, upon the fame being afiigned unto fuch Perfon or Perfons refpecStively fo advancing fuch Money ; provided that fuch Aflign- ments fhould be made for the refpeftive Principal Money only of the faid Mortgages and Incumbrances, and for the intereft of fuch Principal Money to grow due, from and after the making of fuch Ailignments refpecrtively ; and that the faid Principal Money, and Intereft thereof, in all fuch Affignments, fhould be made payable at the End of fix Months at the fartheft, from the Day of the making fuch Alignments re- fpeclively : In which faid laft-recited Aft there is contained the like Saving to his Majefty, and to all other Perfons, as in the faid Aft of the eighth Year of his faid prefent Majefty's Reign is contained ; as by the faid feveral recited Afts of Parliament may (amongft other Things therein contained) more fully appear : And whereas the faid Sum of feven thoufand one hundred and eighty-two Pounds thirteen Shillings, fo > remaining in his Majefty's Exchequer as aforefaid, was applied according to the Direftions of the faid re- cited A&. of the eighth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign ; and the feveral Sums of Money which had been collcfted and received by the refpeftive Receivers of the Rents and Profits of the aforefaid Premifles, which vvere not paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer on or before the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-five ; and the Arrears of Rents and Profits of the fame Premifles, due and «  owing from the feveral Farmers, Tenants and Occupiers thereof, at or on the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-five ; and alfo the Rents, Ifi'ues and Profits of the faid Pre- miffes, which from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand I'even hundred and thirty- five, to the Time of making this Aft, have accrued, or become due or payable, or fo much thereof as could be got in and received, have, from time to time, been applied for fuch Purpoles as the fame were di- refted to be applied by the faid Afts of the eighth and eleventh Years of his prefent Majefty's Reign, as by the Account of the Proceedings of the Commiflioners or Governors of the faid Royal Hofpital at Green- 'cvkh, with refpeft to their contrafting and agreeing with l^radefmen. Artificers, or other Perfons, for ' finifliing and completing the faid Royal Hofpital, in the Manner mentioned in the faid Aft of the eighth 'Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, and alfo the annual Accounts of the faid Commiflioners or Gover- nors, with refpeft to the Rents, IfTues and Profits of the faid PremiflTes that have been received by them, which the faid Commiflioners or Governors have, from time to time, according to the Direftions of the faid Aft of the eighth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, laid before his Majefty and both Houfes of Par- liament may appear : And whereas the faid Lady Catherine Radclijfe, fecond Daughter of the faid Francis Earl of Dcrwentwaier, is reputed to be dead, and all Arrears of the faid Annuity or yearly Rent Charge ■ of one hundred Pounds, payable to her as aforefaid, are fuppofed to have been paid and fatisfied : And whereas the faid Robert James Lord Fetre (who intermarried with the faid Anna Maria, Daughter of the faid James late Earl of Derwcntivater, by the faid Amta Maria his Wife} having refufed to accept of any lefs Intereft for the faid Principal Sum of twenty thoufand Pounds, due for the Portion of the faid ^ Anna^Maria Lady Petre his Wife, than the fame was then at ; and the Right Honourable Sir Charles JVa- ga- Knight, Sir Thowas Littleton, Sir Thomas Franhland, Baronets, Sir Jacob Ackworth Knight, Thomas rca'-fe, George Purvis, Jofiah Burchett, Tudor Trevor, Lieutenant Governor Nicholas Clarke, and TFil- liam Baxter, Efquires ; ten of the Commiflioners or Governors of the faid Royal Hofpital, authorized 'and impowered by his Majefty's Sign Manual, bearing Date the twenty-feventh Day of June one thou- fand feven hundred and thirty-eight, purfuant to the faid Aft of Parliament made in the eleventh Year of his prelent Majefty's Reign, having agreed with the Governor and Company of the Bank oi England, for advancing Money at the Rate of four Vounis per Centum per Annum, for paying off the faid Principal Sum of twenty thoufand Pounds; and the Term of five hundred Years, limited by the faid Settlement of the tvventy-fourth Day oi June one. thoufand feven hundred and twelve, to the faid Other Earl oi Plymiouth, and WilUam Lord Widdrington, having hy the Attainder of the faid Lord IViddrington, who furvived the faid Earl of Plymouth, been vefted in his Majefty, the faid Robert James Lord Petre, and Anna Maria Lady Petre his Wife, in Confideration of the Sum of twenty thoufand Pounds to the faid Lord Petre paid by the Governor and Company of the Bank of iiV?»7ff«fl', did by a certain Indenture Tripartite, bearing Date the eleventh Day of May one thoufand ievfin hundred and thirty-nine, by tlie Appointment and Di- reftion of the laid Sir Charles IVager, Sir Thomas Littleton, Sir Thomas Frankland, Sir Jacob Ackivorth, Tho- mas Pearfe, George Purvis, Jofuib Burchett, Tudor Trevor, Nicholas Clarke, and William Baxter, bargain, fell, and afflgn, unto the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of Eniland,_ their Succefl}jrs and Af- figns, the Barony, Manors, Lands and Hereditaments, by the faid Indenture of Releafe of the twenty- fourth Day o^Junc one thoufand feven hundred and tVv?elve, limited to the faid Earl oi Plymouth, and Lord PFiddringion, for the Term of five htmdred Years as aforefaid ; and all the Eftate, Right, Title and In- tereft, of the faid Robert James Lord Petre, and Anna Maria Lady Petre his Wife, of, in and to the faid Barony, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and in and to the faid Term of five hundred Years, and of, in and to the faid twenty thoufand Pounds, to hold the fame to the faid Governor and Com- pany of the Bajik of England, their SuccelTors and Affigns, for the Rcfidue then to come of the faid Term D d 2 of