Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/355

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A. D. 1 75 1. Anno vicefimo quarto Oe:orgii II. C. 23. ZZS The Calendar, with the Table of LefTons. MARCH hath xxxi Days. 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 1 1 12 ■3 '4 '5 lb '7 18 '■9 zo 21 22 2? 24 26 27 28 29 30 Calends 6 ^on. 5 Non. 4 Non. ! NOQ. Pr. Non. Nona 8 Id. 7 Id. 6 Id. 5 Id. 4 Id.. 3 W- Pr. Id. Idu3. 17 Cal. Apr. i6Ca!. 15 Cal. 14 Cal. 13 Cal. 12C.1l. 1 I Cal. 10 Cal. 9 Cal. 8 Cal. 7 Cal. 6 Cal. 5Ca). 4Ca). 3 Cal. Pr. Cal. David, Archb. Menev. Cedde or Chad. B. Lite. Perpetua Maiirit. Mart. Greg. M.B. of R. &; C. Morning Prayer. Evening Prayer I Leflbn. Deut. 15 19 24 28 -34 Ed. K. of Weft. Sax. Benedia. Abbot. — Faji. 33. SI. i^. Jofhna Judges 2 Leflbn. Luke 12 13 14 iS —19 — 20 21 22 23 24 I 2 3 I Leffbn. Deut. 16 18 —— — 20 —25 27 29 31 33 Jokn 10 12 14 iS 20 Ruth 1 3 I Sam. 1 Joihua 3 — 5 — ■ 7 — 9


Ephel". Philip. Color. I Thef. fudges — 4 S


— 10 II — 12 — '3 — 14 — 15 — 16 17 18 1 • 3 - 5 ' 7 - 9 -1 1 -•3 -'5 -17 -19 -21 Ruth 1 Sam. 2 I 1 im .


Tiius Phikm. Heb. The Numbers here preSx'd to the feveral Days, between the tvventy-firft Day oi .March and the eighteenth Y)ay oi April, both incUifive, de::ote the Days upon which thole Full Moons do fall, which happen upon- or next affer the tv/^-nty-iirH Day oi Mirch, in thole Years of which they are refpectiv;Iy the Golden Nu:nbers : And the Sunday A P R I L