Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/420

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400 C. 51. Anno vicefimo quaito Georgii II. A. D. 1751. and the ufual or bccn rcfcrvcj, yielded or paid for the fame Manors, Lands or Kereditaments, for the greater Part of twenty at^raionablcRentYears ncxt bcforc the making of the faid Leafes ; and where no fuch Rent hath been refcrvtd or payable, to be rcfetveJ. j|^^f ^^^^^y upon every fuch Leafe there be, or ihall be referved a reafonable Rent, not being under the twentieth Part of the clear yearly Value of the Manors, Mefluages, Parks, Lands, Tithes, Tenements or Hereditaments contained in fuch Leafe or Grant ; and all Leafes and Grants otherwife made or to be made, fhall be null and void. Rcfervations in HI, And be it further ordained and enaifted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Covenants, Conditions, J.'^ ^^f"',^'^' Refervations and other Agreements contained in every Leafe, Grant or Copy of Court Roll made, or to eemc goo . ^^ ,riade as aforefaid, fhall be good and eftedlual in Law, according to the Words and Contents of the fame, as well for and againft them to whom the Reverfions of the fame Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments ihall come, as for and againft them to whom the Intereft of the faid Leafes, Grants or Copies fhall come rcfpeiSively, as if our fovcreign Lord the King's Majefty, at the Time of making fuch Covenants, Condi- tions and Refervations, and other Agreements, were feifed of an abfolute Eftate in Fee Simple in the fame Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments. Rights of other IV. Saving always. To all and every Pcrfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs l-'eiions laved, aj-jrl Succeffors, Executors, Adminirtrators and Affigns (other than to our faid fovcreign Lord the King, and his Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the Duke and Dukes of Co-rnwnll for the Time being, and his and their Heirs, and all and every other Perfon and Perfons that fhall hereafter have, inherit or enjoy the faid Duke- dom of Cij^vnya//, by Force of any Act of Parliament or other Limitation whatfoever) all fuch Rights, Titles, Eflrates, Cuftoms, Literefts, Tenures, Claims and Demands whatfoever, of what Nature, Kind or Qj-iality whatfoever, of, in, to, or out of the faid Offices, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or any of them, as they or any of them had, or ought to have had, before the. making of this Act, to all Intents and Purpofes, and in as large and ample Manner and Form, as if this Act had never been had or made ; this Adt or any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. LL Fcr/o^m/-LOTwAn Aft for encouraging the making of Pott Allies and Pearl Afhes in the BritiJIj Plantations mw.rtiing Plan- ' ^ America, tji'ior.s, refiT to 12 Car. z. c. iS, 15 CiZi-. 2. c. 7. 22 ©" 23 Car. a. c. 26 15 C,:f. 2. c. 7. 7 6f S ^. 3. r. 22. 11 fV. ■^, e. iz. 3 &? 4 y-?nfj. c 5 fef lo. 6 y^™. f. 3c Sf 37. % Ann. f. 13. 9v^«'. r. 17 &f 27. lo^nr. f. 22 fe? 2f . 4 Gfr. r. r. I f . S C™. I . r. 12 £? 1 5. z-^ Geo. 1. c. c. 3 C7t'. 2. <-. 12 fir 2S. aGcs, 2. c. 15. 5 Ceo. I. c. 7 £? 9. 6 Geo. 2, c. 13, 8 G10.2. c. ig. 12 Gei, 2. c. 3c. 15 Geo. 2. c. 31 ©'33. H E R E A S the making of Pott Afhes and Pearl Afhes in the Britip Plantations in America would ' be advantageous to the Trade of this Nation, as great Qiiantities thereof are ufed in the making ' of Soap and other Manufactures of this Kingdom, which at prefcnt being chiefly furnifhsd from foreign ' Parts, the Supply of that neceffary Commodity is uncertain, and the Price often exorbitant:' May it therefore pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted, and be it enaded by the King's moft excellent A'la- jefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this No Duties to be prefent Parliament aHembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the twenty-ninth paid on Poft.o Day of Scjrtnnber one thoufand fevcn hundred and fifty-one, the feveral and refpective Subfidies, Cuftoms, I'eari Afhes im- Inipofitions, Rates and Duties now payable on Pott Afhes or Pearl Allies made in and i in ported from portcil Irom the 1 • t ,r • n ? r-i 1 • ■ r • • n r /^ T-» • • n 11 r • 11 1 Brit. Ill Planta- his iViajeity s Colonies in ^fwif/'ifrt into any Part of G;Yi;r ii?7/ff;«, mail ceale, determine and be no longer tions. paid. Conditions to be H. Provided always, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That a due Entry fhall be obfcrved in the made of all Pott Alhcs and Pearl Afnes which ftiall be made in, and imported from the faid Colonies into Importntion cK Gfcat Britcihi at the Cuftom-houfe, at the Time of tlie Importation thereof, in the fame Manner and Form Aihcs!" ^" (expreiling the Package, Marks and Numbers, together with the C^iantities of the refpccStive Goods) as was Lifed and practifed before the making of this Ad: ; and the fame fhall be landed in the Prefence of, and examined by the proper Ofiiccr or Oificers of the Cuftoms appointed for that Purpjfe ; and fhall be im- ported in Ships or Veffels that may lavvfuHv trade to his R-lajefty's Plantations, manned as by Law is required ; and on Failure of the faid Conditions or Diredions herein before-mentioned, fuch Pott Afhes and Pearl Afhes Ihall b; liable to the Payment of the refpective Duties, as if this Ai5l had never been made. Perfon loading HI. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That in order to intitlc the ^u>i' ""• ' A^' ^"Poi-'^ ^"fl Importers of Pott Afnes or Pearl Afiies to the Eeneifit of this Act, every Merchant or other rica"to"muk'e' Perfon or Perfons vvhatfoever v/ho fhall, after the twenty-ninth Day of Sept mhcr one thoufand feven hun- Oaiii before tlie dred and fifty-one, load any Pott Afties or Pearl Afhes on board any Ship or Veffel in any of the Britijh Colltaor, ihat_ Colonics or Plantations

A/nericti, fhall, before the clearing out of the faid ShiporVeilel from thence, 

the f-uncareof make Proof on Oath before the Colledor and Conijitroller of the Cuftoms, and Naval Officer, at the Port 'j;-'j{^f^;'>.f^""= or Place where fuch Pott Afties or Pearl Aflies fliall be put en board, or any two of them, that the Pott Colonies, &c. Afhes or Pearl Aflics which he, ftie, or they hath or have fnipj-ied on board the faid Ship or VelTel, is bona fide of the Produd and A1anufa£ture of fome or one of the 5r/////!i Colonies or Plantations w America^ expreffing the exacSt Qiiantity of fuch Pott Afties or Pearl Aflics, and the Parifn or Place in fuch Planta- tion where the fame was made, and by whom (vi^hich Oath the faid Colledor and Comptroller of the Cuftcms, and Naval Officer, or any two of them, are hereby required and impowered to adminifter with- out Fee or Reward) and thj Malter, Cummaadcr, or other Peifon taking Charge of the Ship or Vcflel on board