Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/443

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A. D. 1752. Anno vicelimo quinto Georgii IT. C. 25. 423 Sums of Money not exceeding eleven thoufind feven hundred thirty- fcven Pounds fourteen Shillings and tiilfngSpi.ituous four Pence Halfpenny, to replace to the fuid Sinking Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to niakeL:.juors ai Lady- good the Deficiency of the Duty of twelve Shillings a Barrel on Sweets or Wines made from Britljh or'^'^y '75 loreiga Fruit or Sugar at Michaelmas one thoufand fjven hundred and fifty-one; and any Sum or Sums of"'737'- 14s. Money not exceeding twenty-four thoufand one hundred and two Pounds nineteen Shillings and fivejj^^.^.^;, ,'"/ 1",* Pence, to replace to the faid Sinking Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to make good the Defi- Duties on Sweets- ciency of the additional Duties on Wines at Alidfunmier owz thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one; and-'t Mii-hjeimas any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding fifty-two thoufand nine hundred fixty-nine Pounds one Shilling '75'- and feven Pence Halfpenny, to replace to the faid Sinking Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to"°-'- 'S'- make good the Deficiency of theDuti;s on Ghfs and Spirituous Liquors at Midfummer one thoufand f-ven ^j^^/" 'n^l,/^^'_ hundred and fifcy-one ; and any Sum or Stims of Money not exceeding fity-one thoufand and fixty-fixd t maiDotKson, Pounds feven Shillings and ten Pence Farthing, to replace to the faid Sinking Fund the like Sum paid cutWmes at Mia- of the fame, to make good the Deficiency of the Rates and Duties upon Houfes, Windows and Lights, at'^^'"'""- i75"- Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred :-nd fifty-one; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding '5^^9'- ' '• fifty-four thoufand feven hundred fifty-one Pounds five Shillings and five Pence Halfpenny, to make good n.^cl^.n^ '"J- ,5^^ the Deficiency of the Grants for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one; and Duties on Giafs any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding feventeen thoufand one hundred nineteen Pounds fourteen Shil-^nd Spirituous lings and four Pence Halfpenny, to make good the Deficiency ztChriJimas one thoufand feven hundred and^"i"°*- fifty-one, of the Duties on Spirituous Liquors granted to his Majefty from the twenty-fifth Day of March'y^-°^^^' " ^ , one thoufand feven hundred and forty-three ; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding fix thoufandoeficiency of the fix hundred ninety-three Pounds feventeen Shillings and four Pence, to make good the Deficiency at CAr//?- Duties on ?/ms one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, of the additional Duty on Wines; and any Sum or Sums Houfes, &c. of Money not exceeding twenty-four thoufand nine hundred fixty-eight Pounds twelve Shillings and ten 54.75' '• 5 = 13 Tjr^liT i„ l,„ 1 ,.l_ _ T~ - £! _! . . /^t • n ^1_ _ . r J r 1 1 I J i^r^__ ^ r c d. 7, a. to T the in fuch Manner as his Majefly fhall think proper; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding four^d. iq. to thoufand Pounds, to enable the Truftees for eftablifhing the Colony of Georgia in America to defray the the Deficiency Expences incurred by them ; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding three thoufand Pounds towards ^'_ '-'"■' 'l'"^* laying out, making and keeping in Repair, a Road proper for the PafiTage of Troops and Carriages between q^^'^'j onV-^r;^ the City of Carlijlc and the Town of Nnvcajllc upon Tyne. tuous Liquors ; 6,693!. 17s. 4d. to the additional Duties on Wines at Chriftmas 1751 ; 24,968L 12s, lod. 2 q. to the Deficiency of the Duties on Glafs and Spiritnoua-- Liquors; io,oooL to the Settlements on the Coaft of Africa. 4,000!. to the Truftees of Georgia ; 3,000!. towards making a Road froniCarlifle to New- ■ caftle. ' XVIIL And whereas by an A£l of Parliament made and parted in the fixth Year of the Reign of her5 Ann. c. n.

  • late Majefty Queen June, (intituled, Jn Ait for continuing om half Part of the SubfJies of Tonnage and

' Poundag,', and other Duties upon JVines, Goods and Merchandizes imported, which ivere granted to the Crown ' in the twelfth Tear of the Reign of King Charles the Second; and for fettling a Fund thereby, and by othr

  • Ways and Means for Payment of Annuities, not exceeding eighty thoifand Pounds per Annum, to be fold for

' raifing a further Supply to her Majefty for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and eight, ' and for other Ufes therein expreffcd) certain Annuities were granted and made payable at the Exchequer ' out of the faid Duties by that A6t continued : And whereas in purfuance of an Act made in the fixthe G.o. i. c ^. ' Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, (intituled. An A,:i for enabling th: South- ' Sea Company to incrcafe their prefent capital Stock and Fund, hy redeeming fuch puhliek Debts and Incumbrances ' e:s are therein mentioned; and for raifing Monies to be applied for Icffening feveral oj the puhlick Debts and '■ Incumbrances; and for calling in the prefent Exchequer Bills remaining uncancelled; and for making farthe ' nevj Bills in lieu thereof, to be circulated and exchanged upon Demand at or near the Exeheq-er) feveral of the ' Proprietors of the Annuities before mentioned did fubfcribe the fame into the Capital Stock of the faid. ' South-Sea Company, upon the Terms in the faid laft recited A£t mentioned ; by means v.-hereof the faid: ' Company are become intitled to the yearly Sum of thirty-nine thoufand one hundred forty-fix Pounds '^ five Shillings and feven Pence, for Intereft and Charges of Management upon fuch Part of the faid An- ' nuities fo fubfcribed into their Capital : And whereas the Monies arifen into the Exchequer of or for the ' Rates and Duties by the faid firlt recited Aft granted, have proved fo low and deficient, that at the Feaft ' of the Birth of our Lord Chrift one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, there was due and payable^to,

  • ■ the feveral Perfons intitled to fuch Part of the faid Annuities as were not fubfcribed to the_ South- Sea

Company, as alfo to the S:uth-Sea Company upon their Annuity aforefaid, the Sum of eighty-nine thoufand nine hundred twenty-five Pounds ten Shillings and feven Pence: And whereas no Proviilop is_ c ttwenty-fiye Pounds ten Shillings and feven Pence, to make good to the feveral Proprietors of the laid An- and to the South nuities, as alfo to the South-Sea Company, the feveral Sum or Sums of Money due to them, to iatisfy their Sea Company ths.- refpeftive Annuities payable by the fidd Ads of Parliament, to or for any. Time before the faid Fealt Day |'^"oj^ du^^.v th^- of the Birth of our Lord Chrift one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one. ' XIX. And whereas by an Aft of Parliament made and' paffed in the fourth Year, of his prefent Ma-4 Geo. 2. c.p,. ' jefty's Reign, (intituled, An Aafor raifing one million two hundred thoufand Pounih by Annuities ami a Lot- ' tery, in manner therein mentioned; and for appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seffton oj Parliament; "^ and for making forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills, Lottery Tickets and Orders loft, burnt or othcrivije