Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/508

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488 C. 18. Anno viceGmo fexto Georgii II. A. D. 1753. the ciiarge ddi- or Surveyor, by liimfcif, or fome other Perfon aftiiig on his Behalf, deliver, or caufc to be delivered, to veied to him. ^j^g CoIleiStor of the Cefs at his Office, a Note in V/ riting of the Wrong or Grievance of which fuch Per- CoUeftor to fon complains, and whereof he fhall be minded to feek Rcdrefs by Appeal ; and fuch Collector is hereby ™^'^'l?""5' °^ required to make an Entry in a Book to be kept by him for that Purpofc, of all fuch Notices given to him, ' from Time to Time, and to lay the fam.e before the faid Commiffioners at their firft Aleeting; and every fuch Colledior is farther hereby required, upon Demand made for that Purpofe by the AffefTors or Survey- and give a Copy ors, to give them InfpecSion and Leave to take a Copy of ail fuch Notices of Appeals, that they may at- to the Surveyors, j.gj^j (.[^g Meeting of the faid Commiffioners, prepared to anfwer the fame in Support of their Ciiarge. Appellant not XII. And be it further enafted. That in cafe the Party giving fuch Notice of an Appeal or Complaint ptofecuting, the {Jjall negleft to infift therein before the faid Comnnifioners at their next General Meeting for difcuffing of Charge to ftanJ Appeals, to be held Half-yearly in Manner herein afcer-mentioned ; then and in that Cafe fuch Complaint ^"^ ■ or Appeal fhall be held to be fallen from, and the Charge or Affeffment therein referred to fhail ftand m full Force.

  • ^TTd' g""" XIII. And be it enaifted. That the Commiffioners fhall hold a General Meeting for difcuffing of Appeals

Mecdnfs fe'^ upon the firH: Tuejday oi Auguli yearly, and another upon the firft Tuefdciy o^ March yearly, and upon fuch Appeals". other Days as the faid Commiffioners Ihall from Time to Time appoint for that Purpofe : And in cafe either the Surveyor, or the Perfon fo appealing or complaining, fhall be and declare themfelves dilTatisfied with Surveyor ov thg Determination made by the faid Commiffioners upon fuch Appeal, it Ihall and may be lawful to and for fjt'isfied w-th' ^'ther of them fo diflatisfied refpeiStively, to proceed and take the Benefit of the Provifion made in fuch their Detei'mina-^^afe in the faid A61 of the twenty-firfl: Year of his Majefry's Reign. tion, may take the Benefit of the Provifion in the Aft of 21 Geo. 2. c. 10. Surveyors to fu- XIV. And be it further enafted, That in cafe the AfTeflbrs to be appointed from Time to Time by the pervife tlie Af- faid Commiffioners, fhall perform the Duty committed to them by making their AfTefTments, and bringing feffnients, in their Certificates, as by the faid former AiJts is direfted, then and in that Cafe the Surveyors and Infpec- • tors appointed or to be appointed in the Manner direfted by the faid Act of the twentieth of his Majef!y, fliall proceed according to the Powers thereby given them, to examine and fuperx'iie fuch AfTefTments; (i?Vh'^"^H"'^ and as often as they fhall find any Perfon Occupier of a Houfe to have been under-rated, give Notice in rated to^giv"' Writing of fuch Negle£f: or Failure to the Occupier of fuch Houfe, and alfo to the Colle£lor hereby Notice to the appointed ; and fuch additional Charge may and fhall be paid, recovered, or the Juftice thereof tried Occupier and and difcufTed in the Manner, and according to the Rules lierein mentioned; and in cafe at any Time Colltftor, &c. the fiiid Commiffioners fliall negleft to appoint AfTefTors, or in cafe the AfT.-fTors by them appointed (hall Commiflioners fail or negleft to make the Infpsftion, and bring in the Certificates required of them, that then and in fuch negleaiiTg toap-Qj^Cg |(- fl-j^]| ^j^^^ ^^^ |jg Jawful to and for the faid Surveyor or Surveyors to make a Certificate in Writing orAn'^ffors^ne'"-""'^^ ^^h^'T refpedfive Hands of every Dwelling-houfe inhabited, or charged by the Tiid AcT;s of the twen- Iffting their ° tieth and twenty-firft Years of his Majefty's Reign, within the Limits of thofe Parifhes or Places in which Duty, they feverally a£t, and of the Number of Windows or Lights in each Houfe, with the Names of the feve- Surveyors to j-al Occupiei's of each refpeflive Dwelling-houfe, and of the Sums of Money which they ought to pay by "ific5te°of t^i*'^'^'^^'^^ of the faid Ails, and to deliver or leave a Note in Writing with the Occupier of every Houie that Duties, fhail have been by them refpeftively furveyed, or at the Houfe itfelf, of fuch Survey, bearing the Number and leave a Note of the Windows or Lights, and the Extent of the Duty with which the Occupier of fuch Houfe is charged, of the Charge at and fhall alfo deliver fuch Certificates as aforefai J to the refpeiScive CoIlesTtors of the Rates and Duties upon t e Occupier s Windows or Lights hereby appointed ; whereupon the refpeftive Occupiers fliall, in the Manner, at the and to deliver Times, and under the Penalties above-mentioned, pay or deliver their refpedlive Duties to fuch Colleiffor; the Certificates and in cafe of the Failure or Negle£t of them to make fuch Payments as aforefaid, fuch Colle£lor fhall, to the Coll'.c. according to the Certificates delivered to him by the Surveyor, call for, recover and bring in the refpeclive tors, who are toDutics and Penalties due and incurred by the Perfons fo pioing deficient ; and being reco-ered pay over ove^r the olfties '"'^^ fame to the Receiver General at Edinburgh, at the 'Fimes anci in the Manner above JireiSed. Where the ' " ' XV. Provided always, That in cafe the Occupier of any Houfe conceiving himfelf to be aggrieved by Charge fiuii be fuch Survcy, fhall enter and give Notice of his Complaint or Appeal as atbrefaid, tlicn and in that Cife o>ntrpvertcd, the Colledor fhall not proceed to recover by Diflrefs fuch Part of the Charge as fliall be complained of, kJ i°j "",'/°L or controverted by fuch Appellant, until the final D.fcuffion of the Appeal, either by its being fallen from DL made till the /- , r x^ • r ■ - /t 1 • 1 rij 1 ^ Appeal dctermi- ^'^ prolecuted to a final Ueciiion, in iVlanner above-mcnuoiicd. ned. See farther 1^ Ceo. a. c. 22. 32 do. z, c. 33, and z. Geo, 3. c. 8. CAP. XVIII. An Act for enlarging and regulating the Trade into the Levari Seas. •5&- 32 Gffl. 2. ' "€T^7HEREAS King y^OT^j the Firfl, by his Letters Patent bearing Date the fourteenth Day of ' VV D:cernber in the third Year of his Reign, di ' '■• 3+- ' V V December in the third Year of his Reign, did grant to fcvcral Perfons therei;i nanud, and to their Sons, and fuch others as fliould then after be admitted or made free, that they fhould be one Fellowfbip, and one Body Corporate and Politick, by the Name of The Governor and Company cf Mer- chants of England trad'mg into the I evant Seas., and by the fame Name fhould have perpetual Succellion ; and did direct, That all Perfons, Subjedts of this Realm, being mere IVIerchants, which then were, or after the Date of the faid Letters Patent fhould happen to be, under the Age of twenty-ii.x Years, or not out of his or their Apprenticcfhips, fhould be admitted into the Freedom of the /aid Ccmpany, if he or ' they