Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/514

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Anno vicefimo fexto GeorgiiJI. A. D. 494 G. 20. /inno viceiirao lexio UEORGiMi. j. u. 1753 fhall in all Things remain in full Force, fave only fo far as the fame are altered or changed by this prcfent Aa. Commencement XVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Acl (hall take place from the o( Uus Aa. twenty-ninth Day oi September in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-three. Not to extend to XVJII Scotland. oi Great Britain zati Scotland. Provided, That nothing in this A61 contained fhall extend or be conftrued to extend to that Part CAP. XX. An Acl for encouraging and improving the Maniifaflory of Linen in the Highlands of Scotland. 35 Geo. 2. c. 25. iS Geo. 2. c. 24 1% Geo. 2, 2oGep, 2. c. 3? . CzGeo, 2, c. 42 7HER.EAS by an Aft made in the fifteenth and fixteenth Years of the Reign of his prcfent Ma- ' jefly, intituled, An Ail far granting to his Majefly an aclelitionul Duty on foreign Cambricks ; and for altoi'.'ing thereout n Bounty upon a certain Species of Britifli and Irifli Linens exported ; it was, amongfl other Things, enacted. That out of the additional Duty by the faid Aft impofed on foreian Cambricks, there fliould he given and paid in Manner, and upon the Conditions therein mentioned, a Bounty of one Penny for every Yard of Britijh and Irijh Linens made of Hemp or Flax of the Value of fix Pence per Yard, and not exceeding the Value of twelve Pence per Yard; and of one Halfpenny for every Yard of fuch Britijh and /r///j Linens under the Value of fix Pence per Yard, which from and after the twenty-fiftli Day of Afjrr/; one thoufand feven hundred and forty-three, and within the Term of feven Years, to commence from the faid twenty-fifth Day of March, or at any Time thereafter, before the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament, fliould be exported oitt oi Great Britain ioJfrica, America or Portugal^ or which fliould be exported to Spain, from and after the Time that it fliould be lawful to export fuch Linen to that Kingdom : And whereas by an Aft made in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majeflry, intituled. An Ait for effeSiually preventing the Exportation of foreign Linens, under the Dcttomina- tion »/'Briti(h or Irifli Linens, the Payment of the faid Bounty is fubje"ft to certain Regulations in the faid Aft exprelled : And whereas by another Aft made in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An ASi for allowing certain additional Bounties on the E.xportation of ■Brm{h and Iriih Linens, additional Bounties were granted thereon, and the Payment thereof, and of the former Bounties, was made fubjeft to certain other Regulations in the faid Aft exprefled : And whereas by an Aft made irt the twentieth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled. An Act for granting to his Majejly a certain Su?n of Money out of the Sinking Fund, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven ; and alfofor enabling his Majefy to raife a further Sum of Money for the tlfes and Purpofes therein mentioned; and for the further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Sejlon of Parliament ; and for apply- ing a certain Sum of Money for defraying the Charge of the Allowances to feveral Officers and Gentlemen of the two Troops of Horfe Guards, and three Regi?nents of Horfe, lately reduced, for the Tear one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven ; and for continuing the Bounties on the Exportation o/'Britifh and Irifh coarfe Linens; it was, amongft other Things, enafted. That the Bounties on the Exportation of Britijh and Irijh coarfe Linens fliould continue to be paid under the Regulations of the Afts of the fifteenth, fixtcenth, and eighteenth Years of his Majefty's Reign; and that the fame fhould be paid out of fuch Part of the Old Subfidy as is applicable to the Payment of Incidents : And whereas by an Aft made in the twenty-fecond Year of thfe Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ai? for granting to his Majefly the Sum of one AliU lion out of the Sinking Fund, for the Service of the Tear one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine ; and for enabling hisMa]efly to raife a further Sum of 07ie MiVion for the Ufs and Purpojes therein ?nentioned; andfor further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seffion cf Parliament ; andfor applying a certain Sum for defraying certain Charges and Alloivances to the Officers and private Gentlemen of the reduced Troops of liorje Guards; and for contimiing the Bounties on the Exportation a/" Britifli a!:d Irirn'Lincns ; and for ynaking forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills, Lottery Tickds, Receipts, Annuity Orden, or other Orders, lojl, burnt, cr other- wife dejiroyed; it was, amongft other Things, enaft:ed. That the Bounties on the Exportation of iir.'f//& and Irifh coarfe Linens fliould continue to be paid in like Manner, and under the like Regulations, as direfted by the Afts of the fifteenth and fixteenth, and of the eighteenth Years of his Majefty's Reign, from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, for .ajid during the furtiier Term of three Years, and from thence to the End of the then next Sefllon of Parliament ;" and that the fame fhould be paid out of fuch Part of the Old Subfidy as is applicable to the Payment of Inci- dents : And whereas the Manufafture of coarfe Linens hath been increafed and improved in Great Britain and Ireland, and it may reafonably be prefumeJ that the Manufafture of fjch Linens may he carried on in Places where the fame hath been eftabliflied, and elfewhere, withour the further Continuance of any fuch Bounty on the Exportation thereof: And whereas under the Direftions of the Commiffioners and Truftees for improving Fiflieries and Manufaftures in Scotland, fome Progrefs hath been made in the Mantifaftures of Linens in the Highlands of Scotland; for the better civilizing and improving whereof, feveral Provifions have been made in this prefent Parliament, manifeftly conducive to the Publick Tran- quillity and Welfare : And whereas the Encouragement of the Manufafture of coarfe Linens in thofe Parts of the faid Highlands, wherein the Manufafture of Linens hath either not been already eftabliflied, or hath not already been advanced to any confiderable Degree of Perfeftion, will be a further Means of improving and civilizing the faid Hiii^hlar.ds ; and the Succefs of anv Provifion for that Ptirpofe, will tend to the general Good of the wliole Onited Kingdom, and alfo of Ireland; Be it enafted by the King's 2 IliOft