Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/562

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542 C. 70 — 83. Anno viceiimo fexto Georgii II. A. D. 1753. CAP. LXX. An Aft for repairing and widening the Road from the Hand and Poji in IJpion Field in the Parifli of Burford in the County of Oxford, through the feveral Parilhes within mentioned, to a Place in the Parifh oi Puf- ton in the County of Glouce/ier, called Dancys Fancy. P R. CAP. LXXI. An A(5l for repairing and widening the Roads therein mentioned leading to and from the Towns of Shcpton Mallet and Ivelcbcjhr in the County of Somerfet. P R. CAP. LXXII. An A(3: for continuing and making more effeftual two Afts of Parliament for repairing the Roads leadin» from Ibfwich to Cleydon in the County of Suffolk, and other Roads in the faid Acts mentioned ; and for repairing the Road from Cleydon aforefaid, to Codenha?n Beacon in the faid County. P R. CAP. LXXIII. An A61 to continue and render more efFe£l:ual two Afts of Parliament, one pafTed in the tenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firfl, and the other paffed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, for repairing the Road from Dunchurch, to the Bottom o'i A'hredon Hill in the County of Warwick, and for repairing the Road from the Bottom of Meredon Hill aforefaid, to Stone Bridge in the faid County. P R. CAP. LXXIV. An A(3: for amending feveral Roads leading from the City of Exeter: P R. CAP. LXXV. An Afl: for widening and repairing the High Road leading from Northallerto7i, to the South Wall of the Church-yard of the Town of Tbirjk, and from the South Eaft End of the Street called Finkell Street in Thirfk aforefaid, to and through the Town of Eajhigwold in the County of York, to a Place called Biir- ■ ton Stone, near the City of York ; and alfo the Road from Thirfk aforefaid, to Topcliffe in the North Ri- ding of the County of York. PR. CAP. LXXVI. An hdi for repairing and widening the Road leading from Piper's Inn in the Parifli o^ AJhcott in the County of Somerfet, to and through Glafion otherwife Glaftonbiiry, and JP^elh to the Direction or White Port in the great Weftern Road to the City of Bath ; and alfo from IVclh to Riijh Hill, leading to the City of Brijiol. PR. CAP. LXXVII. An Aft to explain and make more efFeftual an Aft paffed in the fourteenth Year of his prefent A'lajefty's .. ;Reign, For repairing the Roads from Doncafter through Ferry Bridge to the South Side of Tadcafter Crofs ; and alfo fromVerry Budge to Wetherby, and from thence to Borough Bridge in the County cf York. PR. CAP. LXXVIir. An Aft to widen and repair the Road from the Guide Poft near the End of Drayton Lane near Banbury in "the County of Oxford, to the Houfe called the Sun Rifvig at the Top of Edge Hill in the County of //'«;•- ■ wick.' PR. CAP. LXXIX. An, Aft for laying a Duty of two Pennies Scots, or a fixth Part of a Penny Sterling, upon every Scotts Pint of Ale and Beer which {hall be brewed for Sale, brought into, tapped or fold within the Town ahd Parifli ' of Prrflon Pans in the Shire of Eajl Lothian, otherwife Haddingtoun, for repairing the Harbour of the faid Town ; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. P R. CAP. LXXX. An Aft to continue and render more efFeftual feveral Afts of Parliament for repairing the Highw.nys lead- ing to Highgate Gatehoufe and Hampjlead, and other Roads in the faid Afts mentioned, in the County of Middlcfex. PR. ^ CAP. LXXXI. An Aft for repairing the Roads from Livingffoun by the Kirk of Shotts to the City of Glnfgoiv, and by the ^own of Hamilton to the Town of Strathaven. PR. CAP. LXXXII. An Aft for repairing the Road from the Turnpike Road at Buckton Bourn in the County of Durham through Beriuick upon Tweed, to Lamerton Hill, and alfo the fexeral other Roads therein mentioned, lying in the faid County and within the Liberties of the faid Tow n of Benjuick. P R. CAP. LXXXIII. An Aft for repairing and widening the Roads from Kighlcy to Wakefield and Halifax, and from Dvdly Hill to Killinghall, and the South W eft Corner of Harrougaie IncloTures, and more effeftually to repair the Roads from Leeds to Hal fax and Boiuling Lane and Little Horton Lane, and for building a Bridge over the River Wharf at Poole in the Weft Riding of the County of York. P R. ■' CAP.