Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/648

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628 C. 4. Anno vicefimo nono Georgii II. A. D. 1756. and none under to receive the impreffed Men, to be under the Age of feventeen Years, or above the Age of fort y- 17, nor above 45 ^yg Years, or a known Papift, or who ihall be under the Size of five Feet four Inches without Yearsof Age,nor ci,„„. ' Hapifls, nof who OiiOcS. are under sFeet XII. And it is hereby enacted and (Iriclly enjoined by the Authority aforefaid, That the Inhabit- 4 Inches. gj^j.^ of every Parilli and Townlhip where any Perfons defcribed as aforefaid do abide, or are to be All Inhabitants found, at the luftiince of any one or more of the CommilTioners appointed for the Execution of rraiiired to be jj^jg ji^^^ ^j. q{ ^j^y Churchwarden, Overfeer of the Poor or Conftable of the fame Parilh or Town- ^ ' '"^" fhip, ihall (not having a lawful or rcafonable Excufe to the contrary) be aiding and alfifling in the Furtherance of his Maj.-fty's Service by this A<Ei defcribed. _ Clerks to be ap- XIII. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may be lawful to jjomttd by the ^j^^j f^j. jj^^ ^^ij (jomiriiffioners at their firfi: General Meeting affeinbled, to appoint a Clerk to at°thdr filii'^ attend them then and at each of their fubfequent Meetings ; and for the Commilfioners of the fevc- Meeting. ral Sub-divifions to appoint a Clerk to attend them at their refpeclive JVieetings in each Sub-divi- pdmeVfo^^the' ^*°" wherein Soldiers are to be lifted as aforefaid ; and fuch refpecfive Clerks, as a Reward for their sub-diviiions.'^ Labour and Pains in the Execution of this Act, Ihall be intitled to, and Ihall receive for every iviaii To be paid by who Ihall be lifted in purfuance of this A<5t, at the Meetings whereon they fliall refpeiftively attend, for e°^J mLi* ^'^'^ ^"'^ °f ^^^° Shillings of lawful Mo.iey of Gr,:at Britain, to be paid by the refpecftive Otficcr iniiiled. who Ihall receive fuch new raifed Men refpedively. Thefecondand XIV. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid CommilTioners, or fixh ■fixth Articles of of ihcm as Ihall be prefent at fuch Meeting for lifting of Soldiers as aforefaid, ihall caufe the le- Wartoberead cond and lixth Sedlious of the Articles of War againft Mutiny and Defertion, to be read to fuch Men!'" "^^w raifed Men in the Prefence of the faid Commiinoners then there; and the faid Commiirioners, Names of the or the major Part of them prefent, Ihall forthwith caufe an Entry or Memorial to be made in a Men, Parifh, Book or Books to be kept by them or their Clerks for that Purpofe, of the Names of fuch new Ir^o be entef' ^'^'f^d Men, and of the Parilhes or Places of their laft Abode (if they can be known) and of the td in a Book. Time and Place when and where fuch Men were delivered to the faid Officers or Pcrfons appointed to receive them, and the Names of the Officers or Perfons who received them, and for what Re- AtteftedCopyto giment or Company they were fo received, and the Sums paid; and fliall caufe true Copies or Du- with?n"4o"Days pi'^^^ss of fuch Entries, attefted by the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them then pre- to'the"Admiraity fent, within forty Days after the delivering fuch Men as aforefaid, to be tranfmitted into the Admi- or War Office, ralty, or Office of his Majerty's Secretary at War for the Time being, to be compared v>'ith the joif^"^^ °^ Mufter Roll ; and every Clerk, for every Neglect or Default in not tranfmitting the faid Copies or Duplicates of fuch Entries to the Admiralty, or Office of the Secretary at War as aforefaid, fliall forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds ; one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Suc- ceflbrs, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons wlio fliall inform or fue for the fame in fome of the Courts of Record at JVeJiminJier, or the Court of Seliions in Scoihnd ; and it is hereby Commencement '^^'^^^'^*^' That the Pay of every fuch new raifed Man fo delivered to the Officers or Perfons ap- of Soldier's Pay. pointed to receive them as aforefaid, fhall commence from the Time of his being taken and fecured After Articiesof as aforefaid; and from and after fuch Delivery as aforefaid, and reading the faid Articles of War, iie^'rs deemed°io ^^'^•'y P^rfon fo raifed flnall be deemed a lifted Soldier to all Intents and Purpofes, and fliall be be lilted. fubjed to the Difcipiine of War, and in cafe of Defertion fliall be proceeded againft as a Deferter No lilted I'erfon by any Law now in Force, or by any Law to he made for Punifliment of Defciters; and no Por- c° ti"servic°e"^ fon fo lifted fliall be liable to be taken out of his Majefty's Service by any Procefs other than for but lor criminal foiiie criminal Matter. Matters. XV. Provided always, That nothing in this k&. contained fliall be conftrued to extend to impower rr"d*nh'"' ^^® ^^^ Commiffioners to iiilift any Perfon as a Soldier, until the feveral Sums herein direcfted to t^ums payable te paid by the refpeitive Officers appointed to receive fuch new railed Men, lliall be tirft p-iid bytheOfticeis to the Perfoii or Perfons refpecffively authoiized to receive the fame. are fiift paid. XVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That th.e Officer or Officers and other «u?e"mmeiii;d ' P^^*"°" °'" P^fons appointed to attend the faid CommiHioners, and to receive ftich impreffed Men, Men. fliall, in cafe he or they fliall find it ncceflary, fecure fuch imprefled Men in fome fecure Houfc cr Place to be provide;] by the Juftices of the Peace in their Petty or Special Sefiions for that Pur- poie; but in cafe no fuch Houfe or Place fliall be fo provided, then in the Gaol of the County, Town or Place where fuch iMan fliall be received into his Majefty's Service, or in the Hou'e of Corredion or other publick Prifon of fuch County, Town or Piace, where Debtors are not uftiaUy Keeper to be a!- confined ; and the Keeper of fuch Gaol, Houfe of Corredion or Prifon Ihall receive fuch imprdftd ijwed tiuirSub- Men until they can be removed, without Fee or Reward ; and fuch Keeper fliall be allowed the ufual iiUence Money. Subfiftence for fuch Men, during the Time they fliall remain there, from the Officer by whom they Civil Officers, if ilia'l be delivered as aforefaid; and the Conilables, Headboroughs and other Ciil Officers Ihall, if ■Sn'^^nfeci^* required, be affifting to fuch Officer in conveying fuch Alan or Men to fuch fecure i^lace. Gaol' or rinK ihl'rn,"nd Houfe of Correflioii, and fliall be allowed fuch reafonable Sum cr Sums as the m:jor Part of the

to lie allowed for Commiffioners then prefent Ihall appoint, to be paid by the Officer or Officers who fliaJl require

their rroubie. f^^h Affiftance. ^ Commimoners XVIL And it is hereby further enadcd by the Authority af.-.refaid. That it fliall and may be n"t*'cxeeciin'"^ lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, to impofe upon any High loi. onConTia-S^o^ft^'^l'-N Churchwarden, Overfeer, Petty Conlable, Headborough, Tithingman or other Paiiih or bk,.<vc, for Nc- Town Officer, for every wilful Noglec't or Default in the Execution of anv Warrant, Order or Prc- gietloiDuty, cept, to them or any of them directed in purfuance of this Aol:, a Fine not cxcee.iing ten Po, nds, and to caufe every fuch Fuie to b; levied by Diftrei's and Sale of the Oilenders Goods,^ rendering the Overplus