Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/658

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638 C. 6. Anno vicefinio nono Georgii II. A. D. 1756. Aiall be h'lnckred or fruflrated ; every fuch Conftable, or other Perfon or Perfons fo offending fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit any Sum not exceeding forty Shillings, nor lefs tlian twenty Shillings, to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifli where any fuch Offence (liall be committed : And all and every fuciv Offence and Offences fhall and may be enquired of, heard and fully determined, by two of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace dwelling in or near the Place where fuch Offence fliall be committed, who have hereby Power to caufe the faid Penalty to be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods and Chatties, rendering the Overplus (if any) to the Owner. ' XXVII. And whereas the refpeftive Sums of Money by this A&. appointed to be paid to the Con- ' ftables by the Officers demanding fuch Carriages may not in many Cafes be fufficient to anfwer the ' Charge and Expence of providing the fame, whereby the faid Conltables may be frequently at great ' Charges, over and above what is received by them of the faid Officers, to the great Burthen of the ' Townfliip of which they are refpeiRively Conftables, or elfe the Perfons furnifliing fuch Carriages may ' be grievoufly oppreffed :' To prevent which, and that fuch overplus Charge maybe borne by each County or Riding, at the general Charge of fuch County or Riding, be it further enaded by the Au- TVeafurers of thority aforefaid. That the Treafurer or Treafurers of each refpedtive County or Riding Ihall, without the County to Fee or Reward, pay unto fuch Conftable all and every fuch reafonable Sum or Sums of Money fo by ftTb?e's'^cx?r°aor- ^^^^ P^^ °^ ^^'■^ °^^ ^°'^ '""'^^ Carriages, over and above what was or ought to have been paid by the dinaryciiaiges. Marine Officer requiring fuch Carriages, out of the publick Stock of fuch County or Riding, according to fuch Rates, Orders, Rules and Diredions, as the faid Juftices of the Peace, in their Quarter-Seffions affembled, within their refpedlive Jurifdi6tions, (hall, from time to time, during the Continuance of this A6V, make, direct and appoint (which Orders fhall be made without Fee or Reward) Regard being al- ways had to the Seafon of the Year, and the Length and Condition of the Roads through which fuch Carriages are to travel, XXVIII. And in cafe the faid publick Stock of the County or Riding be not fufficient (over and above the other Purpofes for which it was raifed) to fatisfy the extraordinary Charge of Carriages before-men- The Money for tioned ; it is hereby further ena6ted. That the faid Juflices of the Peace in the General Quarter-Seffions thofe Purpofes, {^^] hay'e Powet, from time to time, to raife Monies upon their refpedtive Counties or Ridings, in fuch owto craife . ]/[ariner as they now raife Monies for building or repairing County Gaols and Bridges, to fatisfy the faid extraordinary Charge of Carriages. NoWaggon,&c. XXIX. Provided always, and be it further enafted. That no Waggon, Wain, Cart or Carriage im- to cany above preffed by Authority of this A61, (liall be liable or obliged by virtue of this Act to carry above twenty Weight."^ hundred V/eight ; any thing in this A61: contained to the contrary notwithftanding. Carriaees in XXX. And be it further enadted. That the Carriages for the Service of the Marine Forces xjuartered Scotland, how or matching in Scotland, fliall be provided in like Manner and at the Rates, and the Furnillier of fuch to be provided. Carriages fliall be paid, as was diredted by the Law in Force in Scoihvid at the Time of the Union, with regard to the furnifliing Carriages for Land Forces. Marines Wives, XXXI. And be it enadfed by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Officer, Military or Civil, by this &c. not to be Adt authorized to quarter Marines in any Houfes hereby appointed for that Purpofe, fhall, at any Time outConfenT." ' during the Continuance of this Adf, quarter any of the Wives, Children, Men or Maid Ser'ants of any Officer or Marine in any fuch Houfes, againft the Confent of the Owners ; the Party offending, if an Officer of the Marines, fliall, upon Complaint and Proof thereof made to the Commiihoners for exe- Penalty, cuting the OfHce of Lord High Admiral or Judge Advocate, be ipfo fucfo calhiered ; and if a Conflable, Tithingman or other Civil Officer, he fliall forfeit to the Party aggrieved twenty Shillings, upon Com- plaint and Proof thereof made to the next Juftice of the Peace, to be levied by "Warrant of fuch Juftice by Diftrefs and Sale of his Goods, rendering the Overplus to the Party, after deducling realonabie Charges in taking the fame. Penalty en Of- XXXII. And for the better Prefervation of the Game in or near fuch Place, where any Officers or rim:?deftro ■ ' ^o^'^'^^ '^^'^ ^t any Time be quartered. Be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That if from and th;"ca'me'."^'"^ ^ft^"^ the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and tifty-iix, any Officer or Ma- rine fliall, without Leave of the Lord of the Manor, under his Hand and Seal tirft had and obtained, take, kill or dellroy any Hare, Coney, Pheafant, Partridge, Pigeon, or any other Sort of, Poultry or Fifli, or his Majefty's Game, within the Kingdom of Great Britain ; and upon Complaint thereof fliall be, upon Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, convicted h>efore any Juftice or Juftices ot the Peace, who is or are hereby impowered and authorized to hear and determine the fame ; (that is to fay) every Officer fo offending fliall for every luch Offence forfeit the Sum of five Pounds, to be diftributtd among the Poor of die Place where the Offence Ihall be committed ; and every Of- ficer commanding in Chief upon the Place, for every fuch Oflence committed by any Marine under his Command, ihall f^,rfeit the Sum of twenty Shillings to be paid and diflributed in'Manner afore- faid : And if upon Convidtion made by the Julfices of the Peace, and Demand thereof alio made by the Conftable or C)verfeers of the Poor, fuch Officer Ihall refufe or negledt, and not witjiin two Days pay the faid refpedlive Penalties ; iuch Oflicer fo refufing or neglecting fliall forfeit, and is herebv_ declared to have forfeited his Conimiffion, and his Comniiffion is hereby declared to be null and oid. ' . ' XXXIII. And whereas fevei-al Marines, who being duly entred, may afterwards defert and he ' tound wandering, or othervvife abfenting themfelves illegally 'from his Maiefty's Service ; ' It is here- Conaables may by ttirther eiiadleil. That it Ihall and may be lawful to and for the Conftable, Headborough or Ti- apprehcncl De- thingnran of the Town or Place where any Perfon, who maybe rcafonably fufpedled to be fuch a De- .7 'rcnA'do" ^'='^'-"' ^^^^l ^^ found, to apprehend, or caufe him to be apprehended, and to caufe fuch Perfon to be ajiiUice. brought before any Juftice of the Peace living in or near fuch Town or Place, who is hereby impow- 8 eieJ