Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/680

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66o C. 13. Anno vicefimo nono Georgii IL A. D. 1756. Mark ufed for fealing, ftamping or marking the fpotted or painted Side of any fuch Card, with an Intent lo defraud his Majelty, his Heirs and Succeffors, of any of the Duties on Cards and Dice ; every Perfon fo offending, and b>;ing thereof lawfully convided, Iliall be ailjudged a Felon, and (hall fuffer Death as in Cafes of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy. ' VI. And whereas great Frauds are or may be committed by Makers of Cards and Dice, under Pre- ' tence that the fame are intended for Fxpjrtation, in whicfli Cafe the fame are, by the faid AcT: made ' in the tenth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, exempted from the^ Duties payable for the fame ; ' And whereas the Provifion by the faid xii made for preventing fuch Frauds, has by Experience been Cards for Kx- ' found ineffectual;' Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Playing Cards made P°."Y d" 'd ^-l '" ^^'^^'^ Britain, which (hall be intended for Exportation, fhall, before they are packed up for Expor- aTthc^Comma^ tation, be inclofed in Paper and Thread, in Packs or Parcels, in fuch Manner as the (aid Commif- iioneisfh:iii di- fioners for managing the Duties on ftampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper fhall direcft: and appoint, reft, and Co be, j^, order to dillinjuilh them from other Cards liable to the Duties thereon impofed ; and that for the '""*■ faid Purpofe one Card in every Pack of Playing Cards fo made or intended for Exportation, or fo many Cards in e'ery iuch Pack as the faid Commiliioners (Irall direft and appoint, ("hall alfo be marked or ftampt on theVpotted or painted Side thereof, with fuch Mark, and in fuch A4anner as the faid Commif- ao!. Penalty on fioners ihall direct ; and if any Perfon or Perfons (hall, from and after the palTing of this Act, vend, Se'f!]^e"in ""^ ""^^ " *^"<l'o^ to la'^s to be ufcd in GvMt Britain, or (hall ufe or permit to be ufed in any pub- Great Britain, lick Gaming-houfe, any Playing Cards fo marked, ftampt and diftinguiflied as Cards for Exportation, every Perfon fo oficnciing Ihall for every Pack of Cards fo vended, uttered or expofed to fale, or ufed or permitted to be ufed as aforefaid, forfeit and pay the Sum of twenty Pounds, to be recovered and diltri- buted in fucli Mannei-, as Penalties by any former Law relating to Cards and Dice are directed to be re- covered and dirtribured. Bond given for VII. And be it further enadfed by the Authority aforefaid. That no Bond which fhall be enter- Exportation of ed into purfuant to the (aid A6t made in the tenth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne for expon- not^lo be vaca-' '"S Cavds and Dice, (hall be vacated or delivered up, unlefs and until Proof be made that fuch Cards ted till Proof or Dice have been entered and (hipped for Exportation as Cards and Dice, and not as ftationary and Certificate Wares ; and unlefs and until a Certificate of fuch Entry and Shipping, ijgned by the proper Officer duiyentereda^nd ° Ofiicers of the Cuftoms, be produced ; which Certificate the (aid Officer or Officers are hereby fliipped. direded and required to give without Fee or Reward ; any thing in the faid Aft made in the fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft to the contrary thereof in any wife not- withftanding. ' VIII. And whereas a fraudulent Pradtice hath prevailed of felling and buying Covers and Labels, • which have before been made ufe of for denoting the Duty payable upon Cards ; ' For preventing fuch sol. Penalty on Frauds, be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon (hall, from and after the palling buying Covers of this A(5t, fell or buy any fuch Cover or Label, in order to be made ufe of for the inclofing any Pack forenfa'd ^ f "^"f or Parcel of Cards, every Perfon fo offending (hall for every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum of twenty d eu eo . pQ^^jg . jQ jjg recovered in Manner aforefaid, and to be diftributed, one Moiety to the Ufe of his Ma- jefty, his heirs and Succe(rors, and the other Moiety thereof to any Perfon who (hall inform and fue for the fame. Buyer or Seller IX. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Atithority aforefaid. That if either the Buyer or Seller informing, to be ^f ji^y ^^t^^,]-^ Cover or Label (hall inform againlt the other Party concerned in buying or ielling fuch Cover dence,rfd in-" or Label, the Party fo informing fliall be admitted to give Evidence againft the Party informed againfV, demni'fied. and (hall be indemnified again(t the Penalties fo by him or her incurred. 20 1. Penalty oil ^- -^"^ ^^ 'f further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Maker of Playing Cards, or any felling Warte Other Perfon ihall, from and after the palhng of this Ad, fell or difpofe of any Cards, commonly Cards unmark- called lV(2Jh Cards, unlefs he or (he (liall, before fuch Sale, mark the Back or plain Side of every painted or pidured Card in fuch Manner, as to render the fame unfit to be ufed in Play ; every Perlbn lb of- fending fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds, to be recovered and dilVibuted in Manner aforefaid. Perfons fued on XL And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Adion or Adions (hall at any Accoiintoi this Xime or Times hereafter be brought againft any Perlbn or Perlbns whatfoever, for any Matter or the Geacrai'r^ Thing which he, (he or they (hall do, or caufe to be done, by Virtue or in Exccation of this Ad, that tuf, in fuch Cafe the Defendant or Defendants, in every fuch Adion or Adions, (hall and may plead the General Iffue, and give this Ad and the fpecial Matter in Evidence, on any Trial or Trials to be here- after had in fuch Aiition or Adions ; and if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs fliall difcontinue fuch Adion or Adions, or become nonfuit ; or if Judgment (liall be given againll fuch Plaintiff or Pl.iintiffs in fuch Adion or Adions, that then the Defendant or Defendants in every fuch Adion or Adions ihall recover and recover tre- his or their treble Cofts of Suit ; any Law, Cuftom or Ufage whatlbever to the contrary in any wife not- Me Colts. withftanding. Dvitiestobecar- XII. Antl be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Duties hereby charged for v't '""V-'"' Cards and Dice (hall be carried to and made Part of the Fund, commonly called T/v Sinking Fuki!, to- cZ"rIl,^^"tamb wards making good the faid Intcreft of the Sum of two Millions charged thereupon by an Ad made iii ihti.t/fKfarthir this Sdiioa of ParUament, 3;, Ceo. ■/,. 4. 5 y CAP.