Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/685

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A. D. 1756, Anno vicefimo nono Georqii II. C. 15. 665 being firft deduaed) fliall be diftributed, one Moiety thereof to and for the Ufe of his Majefly, his -Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety thereof to him, her or them wlio (hall inform or fue fortheotiiertothe the fame, informer. XV. And it is hereby further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhallPerfons fied be fued, molefted or profecuted for any Thing done by virtue or in purfuance of this Acf, or any the ™>' ?='"' Claufes herein contained, fuch Perfon or Perfons fliall and may plead the General Iffue, and give this'^"'"'*' ^'^"* Act and the Special Matter in Evidence, for his, her or their Defence ; and if afterwards on a Trial, a Verdia fliall pafs for the Defendant or Defendants, or the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs ihall difcontinue his, her or their Adion or Adions, or be nonfuited, or Judgment (liall be given againft him, her or them upon Demurrer or otherwife, then fuch Defendant or Defendants fhall have Treble Cofts to him, her ^"<' '■^'=°^« "■«- or them awarded, againft fuch Plamtiff or Plaintiffs. ^'wi/Jllr Geo, 2, c. 3a, 32 Oeo. Z. ('. 24. C A P. XV. An Aifl for granting a Bounty upon certain Species of Britijb and Injh Linens exported ; and taking off the Duties on the Importation of Foreign Raw Linen Yarns made of Flax.

  • "' H E R E A S the Wealth and Profperity of this Kingdom do very much depend upon the Pre- R^cr M28 //. 8,
  • VV fervation and Improvement of the Manufactures thereof : And whereas the Manufa6fure off- A-,

' Linen would be greatly improved, and the Exportation of it to foreign Parts confiderably increafed, '£g^^| '^'^

  • if a Bounty was allowed on the Exportation of all Britijh and Irijh Linens of a certain Value, and the i y/„,.7??i.'^c.'8i

' Duties payable upon the Importation of raw or brown Linen Yarn made of Flax were difcontinued :' 3 ^nn. c. %. May it therefore pleafe your Majefty that it may be enadted, and be it enaded by the King's moft Ex- ^o^^',. '■/■,„ cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Coufent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- ^2".'" '^' mons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That there fliall be'- Am.ji.-. given and paid without any Fee, Reward or Deduction whatfoever, a Bounty for every Yard of Bvhijh'^^'^p^ ^c'-e and IriJJ) Linens made of Hemp or Flax, and of the Breadth of twenty-live Inches or more, under 3 Cm. i. c. 7 if the Value of five Pence per Yard, the Sum of one Halfpenny ; and of the Value of five Pence per-'- Yard, and under the Value of fix Pence per Yard, the Sum of one Penny; and of the Value oi CixHq^I^' ^' }"' Pence per Yard, and not exceeding the Value of eighteen Pence per Yard, the Sum of one Penny2s, 27 £f 36-" Half-penny, which from and after the twenty-fourth Day of yu/ie in the Year one thoufand feven^if"'^- <:^-^■ hundred and fifty-fix, and within the Tenn of^fifteen Years, to commence from the faid twenty-fourth ^'J,^,'ty"Kra'nttti Day oi Ju/ie, or at any Time thereafter before the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament, ihall be on certain Spe- exported out of G>-eat Britain to Africa, America, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, the Illand of Minorca, or "^'^ "^ ^'■.'"' the Eaft-Indies ; which faid Bounty Ihall be paid upon Demand to the Exporter of fuch Linens, or the exported ; ""^^ Seller thereof for Exportation, by the Colledor of the Port from_ whence the fame Ihall be exported, viz. under 5 d. out of the Monies that fhall be in his Hands, arifing from any of the Duties, Revenues and Cuftoms pY^^', -^: "' colleded and received at fuch Port ; and in cafe any Colledor of the Cufl:oms in any Out-Port in Southl^_^^^Y™d id. Britain, or of any Port in North Britain, Ihall not have Money fuflicient in his Hands to pay fuch Boun- of 6 d. and not ty, that then every fuch Colleiflor (hall, if thereunto required, forthwith without Fee or Reward give I'fceeding is. to the Perfon or Perfons intitled to fuch Bounty a Certificate under his Hand, attefted by the Comp- j^; l"^ im iht troller, certifying to the CommilEoners of his Majefty's Cuft:oms at London, if fuch Linens are exported Term of 15 from any Port in that Part of Great Britain called England, or to the Commiifioners of his Majerty's|^^^=' Cufioms at Edinburgh, if fuch Linens are exported from any Port in that Part of Great Britain called to°tTe^Expo^rtei* Scotland, that he hath -not Money in his Hand fufficient to pay the faid Bounty, and alfo what is due or Seller, by for the fame to fuch Perfon or Perfons, and upon producing fuch Certificate, and the Debenture of p"^'^°',°f .1'^^ the Linens exported, the laid refpeCtive Commiffioners of the Cul^oms (hall caufe to be paid without „°ntoTMon'ey Fee or Reward, by the Receiver General or Cafhier of the Cuftoms at London or Edinburgh refpec- Certificates to be tively, to the Perfon or Perfons producing every fuch Certificate and Debenture, the Sum or Sums ofEa"te^*™ tti^- Money fo certified to be due, out of the Monies arifing from any of the Duties, Revenues and Cuftoms ^"^^' under the Management of fuch refpeilive Commiifioners ; and if the Receiver General or Cafiiier of the Cuftoms at Edinburgh fliall not have Money fufficient in his Hands to pay the Bounty fo certified to be due, the Commiffioners of his Aiajefty's Cuftoms at Edinburgh, or any three of them, fhall forth- with without Fee or Reward give fuch Exporter, or Seller for Exportation, a Certificate, certifying tlie fame to the Commiffioners of his R4ajefty's Cuftoms at London ; which Certificates being affixed to the _; l)ebentures for the Bounty of the faid Linens fo exported, and being produced to the faid Commiffioners of his Majelfy's Cuftoms at London, they the faid Commiifioners are hereby authorized and required on Demand by fuch Exporter or Seller for Exportation, or other Perfon legally authorized to receive the fame, tiiat (hall bring fuch Certificate and Debenture, to caufe the Money thereby certified to be due, to be i)aid by the Receiver General or Caflfier of the Cuftoms without Fee or Reward, out of the Mo- ^f^'g'^i "Jhe nies that (liall be in his Hands, arifing from any of the Duties, Revenues and Cuftoms under the Ma- Linens to be ea- ria?ement of the faid Commiffioners at London. tered and en- n. Provided always. That the Exporter, or Seller for Exportation, of fuch Britijh and Irijl} Linens, ^o'cq';i.°"and . fhall in his Entry thereof exprefs the Quantity and Value, and likewife endorfe on the Cocquet granted Certificate fiom upon liach Entry, the true Quantity and Value of the Linens intended to be (liipped ; and moreover tiie Searcher (hall, before he receive fuch Bounty, produce a Certificate from the Searcher or other proper Officer g^^rj';" ^iJ!";^ appointed to fee the fame (hipped, verifying the fhipping thereof, and Ihall likewife give fufficient Se-for nctreland- VoL. VII. 4 Q_ . ' curitying. ,.