Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/165

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A. D. 1757. Anno tricefimo Georgii II. C. 35. 131 {hall be bona fide feifed or poflefTed in his or her own Right of three hundred Acres of Land, which are or {hall be taxed by virtue of this A£t, or in the Abfence of fuch Perfon or Perfons, his, her or their De- puty appointed under their Hands as aforefaid, and fuch other Perfons as are hereby appointed and di- redted to be chofcn for the Townfhip oi Feltwcll^ and the feveral Parifhes o^ Helgay^ Southery and Meth- wold, fliall be CommifTioners for putting this prefent A61, and all the Powers and Authorities herein af- ter-mentioned in Execution ; and that Tho7nin More Efquire, Jonathan Page^ "John Templc?mn and John "^"^ Commi/Ti. Canham, fhall be the firft Commiffioners for the faid Townfliip of Feltweil; and that Thomas Brajfett and ^"^"^^ j^^j y* Thomas Weafenham fhall be the firft Cornmiilioners for the faid Parifh of Helgay, and that Jofeph Gordcn SoMlhtry-Anl Gentleman, Thontas Cheflerton, Edward Scotting and Williafn OJler^ fliall be the firft Commiiu ;r,crs for the Methwold, faid Parifh o'i Southery; and that James Fortrey Efquire, and IFiUiam Tokelove^ fliali be the firft CommiiTi- oners for the faid Parifh of 7l/<"//'W5W; and that thefe Perfons fhall continue Commiffioners for the faid Townfhip and Parifhes refpediively, until the laft IVednefday in March in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fcven hundred and fifty-eight; and that all fuch Perfons as are bona fide feifed or pofTefled in their ^°P'.^*°" '•* own Right often Acres of Land, taxed by virtue of this Aft, lying within the faid Townfhip o'i Feltweil, ^n^uaHy, rT {hail meet in the Parifh Church of Saint Mary in Feltweil and all fuch Perfons as are bona fide feifed or chnfe Commifli- poflefied in their own Right of ten Acres of like taxable Lands, lying in the feveral Parifhes oi Helgay, on^n, Southery and Methwold, fhall meet in their refpedive Paridi Churches, upon the laft Wedncfday in March in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-eight, and upon the laft IVedneJday in March in every fucceeding Year, and fhall rcfpe«Slive]y chufe fo many Perfons to be Commiffioners for the faid Townfhip and Pariflies, as fhall, together with the Perfons feifed or pofiefled of three hundred Acres of taxable Lands as aforefaid, make in the whole one Commiffioner for every three hundred Acres of Land taxed by Virtue of this Aft, lying within the faid Townfliip and Parifhes refpeftively; and in cafe the If no Ekaion Perfons who are to chufe Commiffioners for the faid Townftvip, or for any of the faid Parifhes, fhall neg- ^^ ^ maae ia left to meet in any Year at the Time appointed for fuch Eleftions, or fhall not chufe Commiffioners ac- commTm'onerj cordingly, then the Perfons who were Commiffioners for the faid Townfhip or Parifhes for the preceding f^j t^e prece- Year, fliall continue Commiffioners for the fame, until other Comnimiffioners fhall be chofen as aforefaid, ding Yeartobe upon the laft IVednefday in March in the next or fome fucceeding Year. continued. IL Provided always, and be it further enafted, That no Perfon fhall be enabled to aft, fit or meet as Qualification of a Commiffioner for any of the Purpofes of this Aft, unlefs he fhall be the real Owner of forty Acres of Commifiioners. Land taxed by Virtue of this Aft, except the Deputy of the Truftees of Feltweil School, the Deputy of the Fen Reeves of Methwold, and the Deputies of fuch Perfons as fliall be feifed or pofifelled of three hun- dred Acres of like taxable Lands as aforel'aid. IIL And be it further enafted, That the faid Commifiioners or their Succefi^ors, or any five or more of CcimmifTioners them, fhall twice in every Year, to wit. On the firft IVedneJday in April, and the fecond Wednefday in '° "^^^^ ^^'^" OSlober or oftner, as they fliall fee Caufe, meet at fome publick Houfe in Felt-well or Southery, to be ap- y"'^^>'° oft»s» pointed by the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them ; the firft General Meeting to be at the Cock in Feltweil, upon the third IVedneJday after the paffing of this Aft ; and the Meeting upon the fecond TheirfirftGene- IVednefday in O£iober to be at Southery; and the fucceeding Half-yearly Meetings to be at /V/^iw^// and '^^'^^'"S'o«  Southery alternately; and at fuch Meetings fhall have Power and Authority to make Orders, and give Di- ^^^^ atFekwell. reftions, for the better and more orderly Management of the Work of draining the faid Fens and Low Subfequent Grounds, and for making proper Banks, Cuts, Drains, Dams, Tunnels .and Outlets through the fame ; ^^^^^'"?^ where. and for m.aking and erefting proper Works and Engines thereupon, and for the Maintenance thereof ; ^"'"^^q"^"^ and alfo to appoint one or more Colleftor or Collectors, Receiver or Receivers, or fuch other proper Of- for'ofaining, &c. ficer or Officers as they the faid Commiffioners fhall think fit, for taking Care of fuch Works, and for ^^^ ^^ appoint collefting the Rates or Aireflfments made or afl^efled by virtue of this Aft ; and to allow and appoint to be proper Officers. paid to fuch Officers, out of the faid Rates and Afieffments, fuch yearly or other Wages and Salaries for their Trouble and Pains in their refpeftive Offices, as the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, prefent at any fuch Meeting, fhall think reafonable; which faid Collector or Collectors, Receiver or Receivers, or other Officer or Officers to be appointed as aforefaid, may be altered or removed at the Will and Pleafure of the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, afi^embied at fuch Meeting or Meetings to be held as aforefaid, and another, or others, chofen and appointed in his or their Room and Stead as Occafion fhall require; and fuch Colleftor or Colleftors, Receiver or Receivers to be named and Colleflorsto appointed as aforefaid, fhall before they aft in the Execution of their feveral Offices, give fuch Security g'^'e Security, for the due Execution of fuch their refpeftive Offices, and for performing the feveral Truus , to them committed, as the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them then prefent, fhall in their Difcretion think fit. IV. Provided always, and it is hereby further enafted. That towards defraying the Expences of the ^ *° fjepaidto faid Commiffioners upon Account of their Attendance at any of the Meetings to be held as aforefaid, for ^^'^^ F*'?'"'^ putting this Aft in Execution, the Sum of one Shilling, and no more, fhall be paid by the Colleftor or t^n^dan^ce a'j any Receiver of the faid Rates and Taxes to each of the faid Commiffioners prefent at any fuch Meeting, and Meeting. {hall be allowed in the Accounts of fuch Colleftor or Receiver, as fo much Money paid for the Purpofes of this Aft; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. V. And be it further enafted. That the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, or their Sue- CommiiTionew ceflTors, fhall have full Power and Authority, from Time to Time hereafter, at their Wills and Pleafures, impoweredto to fcour out, cleanfe, rode, repair or make fuch Banks, Cuts, Drains, Dams, Tunnels and Outlets p""*" ?I"*.'"^^ through the faid Fen Lands and Low Grounds, or any Part thereof fo bounded and defcribed as aforefaid; other Workr"*^ and to creft fuch Works and Engines thereupon for draining, and conveying the Waters from the fame, S z as