Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/338

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304. C. 40. Anno tricefimo primo Georgii II. A. D. 1757. knowingly fuffer or permit any untrue Entry to be made in any fuch Book or Regifler, or fliall re- fufe at any feafonable Time in the Day-time, in Market Hours, to permit any Pcrfon to infpfeil any Entry which fhall be made in any fuch Book or Rcgifter ; every fuch Perfon who fhall fo oftcnd in the PremilFes, (hall for every fuch Offence, on being convicted thereof in Manner herein after No Reg:fter fo be made mentioned, forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding twenty Shillings, nor Icfs than ten Shillings, ot Hay or Siraw fold in VII. Provided al'.vays, and be it cnadted by the Authority aforefaid. That nothing in this A(ft a lefs<2uantity than four contained fhall oblige any Perfon to regifter any Hay or Straw which Ihall be fold within the Li- Truf^s, in a Day, to ^^j^.^ aforcfaid, in aiiy lefs Quantity than four Truiles in any Day, to any one Perfon. nor of" ny" delivered on VIII. Provided alfo, and be it further enatSled by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing in this fpecial Contraft: Acl contained fhali oblige any Perfon to regifter any Hay or Straw which he {hall deliver in London^ bat fuch only to be re- or within the Limits of the faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, on Special Contrail or Agreement ; but giilered as is brought to f^ch Hay and Straw only which fliall be fent or brought into London^ or feme Place within the Li- S'Aailbftherei-old. '^'^^ °^ ^^'^ '"^'^ Weekly Bills of Mortality, to be fold, and which fhall be accordingly there fold, ' fliall be regiftered as before is directed ; any Thing in this A6t before contained to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. Proper Scales and IX. And be it further enacfted by the Authority aforefaid. That there fliall be provided by the Weights, or Engines for Hay Weigher of the faid City of London^ and by every Clerk or Toll-gatherer of every Hay weighing Ha^^andS^raw, Market within the Limits of the faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, and kept at every fuch Hay Ha wXhersan'd Clerks ^^'^srket in London^ and within the Limits of the faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, proper Scales and o/the Markets. Weights, or Engines, for the weighing all Hay and Straw which fhall be there brought for Sale, or fhall be required to be there weighed ; and fuch Hay Weigher, Clerk, or Toll-gatherer of the Hay Market, or his or their Deputy, fhall on Application to him or them for that Purpofe made caufe all Hay or Straw, which fhall be there brought and required to be weighed, to be duly weighed, Feest>ayable for^the Ufe anJ ^'ith all convenient Speed, after any Requeft fhall be made for weighing thereof; and fuch Hay

    • ^'^^°^' Weigher, Clerk, or Toll-gatherer of the Market, or his Deputy, fhall be paid by the Party re-

quiring any fuch Hay or Straw to be fo weighed, the Sum of one Shilling and no more, for weigh- ing every Load of fuch Hay or Straw ; and if lefs than a Load of Hay or Straw fhall be there weighed, then the Sum of one Halfpenny for every Trufs of fuch ?Iay or Straw which fhall be Where any Doubt fhall there weighed ; and if any Doubt fhall at any Time arifc, whether any Hay or Straw brought into arife abcut the due London^ OX in any Market or Place within the Limits of the faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, and Weight of fuch Hay or ^hjch fhall not have been weighed at any fuch Hay Market, is of the due Weight the fame ought bienVe' hcd'ir"thr* to be, then and in fuch Cafe it fliall be lawful for the Buyer thereof, on the Delivery of fuch Hay Market^'fthe Buyer may Or Straw at his or her Abode, Yard, Loft, or other Place, where the fame fhall be agreed by the weigh ihe fame in tlie Seller to be delivered, to caufe the fame to be weighed in the Prefence of the Seller, or his Servant Pretence of the Seller; Qp Agent, who fhall deliver the fame ; and if on the fame being fo weighed, the Buyer or Seller of apd It either be dilTatii- jjny fuch Hay or Straw, his Servant or Agent, fhall be difTatisfied with any fuch weighing thereof, fied therewit , j^. ^,^jj j^^ lawful for any fuch Buyer or Seller, his Servant or Agent, with all convenient Speed he may apply to the Hay then afterwards to apply to the Hay Weigher, Clerk, or Toll-gatherer of the Hay Market, his or Weigher 01 Clerk of the their Deputy or Deputies, which fliall be nearefl to the Place where any fuch Hay or Straw fhall be Markc:, who is to fee delivered, to fee the fame weighed over again ; and on any fuch Application being made, the Hay the fame wxithed over Weigher, Clcrk, or Toll-gatherer of the Market, who fliall be fo applied to, his Deputy or De- '^*'"' nuties, fhall with all convenient Speed after any fuch Application fhall be fo made, come to the Place where fuch Hay or Straw fhall be, within the Limits aforefaid, and fliall there fee fuch Hay or Straw as fhall be complained of as wanting in Weight, again weighed, and the Weight thereof an^ afcertaln the v.'hich fhall be afcertained by any fuch Hay Weigher, Clerk, or Toll-gatherer of the Market, or Weight; ' his Deputy or Deputies, fhall be conclufive to all Parties; but the Perfon who Ihall require any as. to be paid him for j^ch Hay Weigher, Clerk, or Toll-gatherer of the Market, or his or their Deputy or Deputies, to his Trouble, by the attend and weigh any fuch Hay or Straw out of any fuch Hay Market, fhall pay to fuch Hay oinpainani , Weigher, Clcrk, or Toll-gatherer of the Market as aforefaid, or his or their Deputy, to attend to fee the fame fo weighed, the Sum of two Shillings, before any fuch Hay Weigher, Clerk, or Toll- gatherer of the Market, his Deputy or Deputies, fhall be obliged to go to fee any_^ fuch Hay or fo be repaid, if the Hay Straw wcighcd out of any fuch Hay Market ; and if any Hay or Straw which fhall be weighed out or Mrawniaii beof due of any fuch Hay Market, fhall be found by the Hay Weigher, Clerk, or Toll-gatherer of the Wtj^t by ilic Bu)er; Market, or his or their Deputy, to be of the due Weight the fame ought to be, then the two Shil- lings which fhall have been paid to or for fuch Hay Weigher, Clerk, or Toll-gatherer of the Market, to attend to fee fuch Hay or Straw weighed, fhall be forthwith repaid by the Buyer of fuch Hay or ifwandngof its Weight, Straw lo the Seller thereof, in cafe the Seller paid fuch two Shillings ; and if tlie Hay or Straw ky the saier} which fhall be fo weighed, fhall be found not to be of the due Weight the fame ought to be, then if the Buyer thereof paid the faid two Shillings, the fame fliall be forthwith repaid to him by the Seller of fuch Hay or Straw; and if any Hay Weigher, Clerk, or Toll-gatherer of any fuch Hay Hay Weigher, &c. not Market, or his or their Deputy, fhall omit to provide and keep proper Scales and due Weights or ^7^v'^^hV'^'^'rt"icr- ^^"g'"^s for the weighing Hay or Straw at fuch Hay Market, or fhall negled or refufc to weigh any wife ntBU^hf>L°hi'i'Duty Hay or Straw, which fliall be required to be there weighed by him or ihtm, or to attend to fee the in th« P<en:i/r.s, forfeits func weighed out of fuch Hay Market at any Place within the Limits aforefaid, when thereunto re- not exceeding 20 s, (juircd at any feafonable Time in the Day-time, and fo as the faid Sum of two Shillings fhall have norJffsiban j&v. been paid or tendered to him fo to attend; every fuch Hay Weigher, Clcrk, or Toll-gatherer of the Market, his Deputy or Deputies, fo offending in the Premifi'ci, fhall for every fuch Oiience forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding twenty Shillings, nor lefs than tea Shillings, X. Provided