Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/441

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I A. D. 1759. C. 1,2. 407 Anno trlcefimo tertio GEORGII II. Regis. ' A T the Parliament begun and holden at Wejlminjler the thirty-firft Day of May^ Anno ' / Domini one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-four, in the twenty-feventh Year of the ' Reign of our Sovereign Lord G E O RG E x^t Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, ' France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, l5'c. And from thence ccntinued by feveral

  • Prorogations to the thirteenth Day oi November one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-nine j be-
  • ing the feventh Sellion of this prefent Parliament.'

C A P. I. An Ad for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Ser- vice of the Year one thoufand icvtn hundred and fixty. E XP. CAP. II. An A6b to enable his Majefty 's Lieutenants of the feveral Counties, Ridings or Places, in that Part of Great Britain called England^ to proceed in the Execution of the Laws^ relating to the Militia, notwithftanding any Sufpenfion of the fame ; and for other Purpofes relating to the faid Laws. ' TT7HEREAS feveral of his Majefly's Lieutenants of feveral Counties, Ridings or Places, Preamble.

  • W within that Part of Great Britain called England, in purfuance of the Power veiled in them For former La-ws refer ta

' by an A£l made in the thirty-firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, for explaining, 4 ^5 -P- ^ ^- -^^ 3-

  • amending and enforcing, an Aft made in the then laft Seftion of Parliament, for the better order- ^^qJ^^''^^' 3*

' ing the Militia Forces in that Part of Great Britain called England, have fufpended all farther Pro- xl,i3'i'wX.c. iz. ' ceedings in the Execution of the faid A£h until the next Year; and others of the faid Lieutenants i Ann. ft. 2. c. 23. ' until March and April one thoufand feven hundred and fixty; fa that no Proceedings can be had 1 Geo. j.ft. i.^c. 14,. ' till the faid limited Times are expired : And w^hereas the fpeedy carrying into Execution the feveral 9^^"- i- <=• 8.

  • Provifions made by Lavi^, for the better ordering the Militia Forces of that Part oi Great Britain qq]^'.^'^'^'
  • called England, is moft eflentially neceflary at this Juncture, to the Peace and Security of this 31 Cco. 2. c. 26*.
  • Kingdom :' Therefore be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- 32 Gw, 2. c. 20,

vice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament aflTembled, That from and after the paffing of this Aft, his Majefty's Lieutenant of any County, Riding or Whereafufficient Mum- Place, where a fufficient Number of Perfons have not been found qualified and willing to accept ber of qualified Perions, Commiflions of Field Officers and Captains refpeftively, as were equal to the Number requifite for will' ng to accept Com- any one Battalion of the Militia within fuch County, Riding or Place, ftiall, and they are hereby re- Z T'^^w^ not been • 1 • 1 • iKit r » rr r • ^ I r^ r r. it • /- . • -ni 'Ound Within any Coun- quired, within one Month after the palTing of this Act, to lummon a Meeting at iome certain rJace ty^ ^c, within fuch County, Riding or Place, of all Perfons qualified and willing to ferve as Officers in the Mi- jj^g Lieutenant is i» litiaoffuch County, Riding or Place, in order that every Perfon fo qualified, and willing to accept any fummon a Meeting fuch Commiflion, may, at fuch Meeting, deliver his Name in Writing, or caufe it to be delivered to his within one Month after Majefty's faid Lieutenant, or, in cafe of his Abfence, to fuch Perfon as fhall be authorized by fuch pacing of this Aa, of all Lieutenant to receive the fame, fpecifying alfo the Rank in which he is willing to ferve; and his |^.aHro"ferf ^t ^offi Majefty's faid Lieutenant fhall proceed thereupon, and alfo in the further Execution of the Provi- cers, to deliTe/in their fions of the faid Afts, in like Manner, and to all Intents and Purpofes (except as is herein after ex- Names; cepted) as if fuch Proceedings had not been fufpended as aforefaid, and as he and they refpeftively and is to proceed in the ought to have done, in cafe a fufficient Number of Perfons fo qualified and willing to ferve as afore- further Ex«ution of the faid had been found in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-eight : And in every County, ^^^^ leiaiing to the Riding or Place, where a fufficient Number of Officers fliall not be found at the firft Meeting held ^^^'ll J' '^ "<* in purfuance of this Aft, the Lieutenants of fuch County, Riding or Place, ftiall fummon a Meet- thereof- " ^^" '""^ ing within fuch County, Riding or Place for the fame Purpofe, once in every fucceeding Month, ■ ^ ' • until a fufficient Number of Officers qualified and willing to ferve as aforefaid, have been found ; or ^"^^ FuTo'tk a7eo L until the Expiration of the Aft for the better ordering the Militia Forces in that Part oi Great Bri- fummoned monthly, till tain called England. a fufficient Number'/haii oflisr thcmfelves, or until the Expiration of the Mihtia Laws, f ^ IL And be it further enafted. That the like Method fhall be annually obferved during the Con- The like Method to be tmuance of the faid Afts, for carrying the fame into Execution, as is direfted in and by t'^he faid Aft ^"""^y obferved for of the thirty-firft Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign to be obferved in the Year one thoufand feven "r^T^^ln ,fi?l- hi J r r ■ r i »4->i P r- n /^ i iv /r • ,- 1 r . ■ '""0 txecution, as IS 01- undred and htty-eight ; fave and except. That the firft General Meeting of the Lieutenant and reftcd by Aa 31 Geo. 2. Deputy-Lieutenants, thereby direfted to be held on the third Tiiefday in Augujt, fhall from and after to be obferved in the the twenty-fifth Day of Z)iww^^r one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-nine be annually hdd on ^^"'■'758; the fecond Tuefday in January, ^ except, Tha the i^x^ -'•'«' ^ "X. General Meeting of Lieutenants and Deputy Lieutenants, fhall be annually held on the fecond Tuefday in January, YL, And