Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/544

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5IO C. 32. Anno tricefimo tertio Georgii 11. A. D. 1759, all Things relating to the Premifles, as the CommilTioners before-named forthe faid Diftri<£t are au- thorized and impowred to do by virtue of this A£i (which Order and Method fhall hereafter be ob- ferved ?.s to the Choice of Commiflioners for the faid Diftri<5t:, from Time to Time, as Occafion fhall require) ; and every fuch Eledion and Choice of any new Commiffioner (hall be entered and regiftered gratis^ by the Colledtor or Receiver of the faid Diftridl, in a Book to be kept for that Tk.' n vt • Purpofe. iijar QuahfitatKjn. y jj_ Provided always, and be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon (except the Lord Bifliop of Ely^ the Lord or Lords, Lady or Ladies of the feveral and refpedtive Manors of Littleport, Mildenball and Jfpalls in Mildenhall^ the Vicar of Mildenhall, and the Deputies or Agents to be appointed as herein is dire»fled) fhall be enabled to a<5t, fit or meet as a Commillioner for either of the faid Diftricls or Divifions, unlefs he be Owner of twenty-four Acres of Land lying within fuch Diftridt refpcctively, and pay the Taxes that fliall be impofed by virtue of this Ad for the fame. CommifTionerB to make VIIL And be it further enabled. That the faid CommiiTioners, or any feven or more of them, or ^"' ^^' their SucceiFors, in their refpedtive Diflrids or Divifions, are hereby authorized, and fhall have Power, from Time to Time, to make fuch Cuts, Drains, Dams, Banks, Tunnels and Outlets, through the faid Fens and Low Grounds, or any Part thereof, fo bounded and defcribed as afore- ercfl Engines, faid, and to erect fuch Works and Engines thereupon for draining and conveying the Waters from the fame, as fhall be thought fit, neceflary and convenient, by the faid CommifRoners, or any feven more of them, in their refpective Dirtricts or Divifions, at the Meeting or Meetings of the faid Commilfioners herein after appointed for the Purpofes aforefaid. (except, &c.^ IX. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That nothing in this Act contained (hall impower the faid CommifTioncrs to erect any Mill or Engine within the Diflance of one Mile from any Decoy now in being for wild Fowl. wid make Sarisfaftion X. Provided always, and be it further enacted. That if the Commiflloners for either of the faid for Damages. Diftricts Ihaii make, or caufe to he made, any Cut, Drain, Dam, Bank, Tunnel or Outlet, through any feveral Grounds, or erect any new Work or Works thereupon, then they fhall pay a reafon- able Satisfaction to the Perfon or Perfons who hath or have a Right to the Soil through which fuch Cut, Drain, Dam, Bank, Tunnel or Outlet fhall be made, or whereupon fuch Work or Works, Engine or Engines fhall be erected for the Damages fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall fuflain, and as fhall be agreed upon between the faid refpective CommifTioners, or any feven or more of them, and the Perfon or Perfons having fuch Ri;. ht as aforefaid : And if the faid CqmmifTioners, or any feven or more of them, and fuch Perfon or Perfons, cannot agree about the Amount of fuch Damage, that then the fame fhall be afiefibd, adjudged and finally determined by the Juflices of the Peace, or the major Part of them, at the next General or Quarter Seffion of the Peace to be held for the County of Cambridge^ if the Damage be done within the IJIe of Ely., or the next Quarter Seffion to be held at Lynn or Swaffham for the County of Norfolk^ if the Damage be done within the faid County, or at Saint Edmund's Bury^ for the County of Suffolk^ if the Damage be done within that County. Meetings of the Com- XL And for the better putting this A6t in Execution, Be it further enabled. That the Commif- '""^'°'^* fioners for each of the faid Diftricls, or any feven or more of them refpejSlively, fhall meet twice in every Year; to wit, the CommilTioners for the firft Diftritft at fome publick Place in Ely or Little- port^ to be appointed by them the faid Commiflioners, or any feven or more of them, upon the Friday following the firft Sunday after the eleventh Day of Jpri/^ and the third Friday in OStoher^ or oftner, if they fee a Caufe; their firft General Meeting to be at the Shire Houfc in Ely^ on the third Friday after the paffing this AiSl ; their fecond Meeting to be at Littleport and all fucceeding Meet- ings to be at Ely and Littleport alternately (except the Meeting on the aforefaid Friday following the firft Sunday after the eleventh Day of Jpril^ which (liall always be held at Ely) and the CommifTio- ners for the fecond Diftri*^ at fome publick Houfe in JWildcnhalU to be appointed by them the faid Commiffioners, or any feven or more of them, upon the firft Thurfday in May^ and firft Thurjday in NovembeVy or oftner, if they fee Caufe; their firft Meeting to be at the Cock in Alildenhidly on the fourth Thurjday after the pafTing this Ad ; and at fuch Meetings the faid CommifTioners fhall refpedtively have full Power and Authority to make Orders, and give Directions for the better and more orderly M;inagcmcnt of the Work of draining the faid Fens and Low Grounds, and for making proper Cuts and Drains through the fame, and for making and ercding OSccM to be appointed, proper VVorks and Engines thereupon, and for the Maintenance thereof; and alfo to appoint one or more Collector or Colledors, Receiver or Receiver-', or fuch other proper Officer or Officers in each of the faid Divifions, as they the faid Commiffioners ftiall refpecflivcly think fit, for taking care of fuch Works, and for coUccfting the Rates or Afiefimcnts which fhall be made or afTeifcd for the Maintenance thereof; and to allow and appoint to be paid to fuch Officers, out of the faid Rates or Afteflments, fuch yearly or other Wages or Salaries for their Trouble and Pains in their refpective Offices, as the faid Commiffioners rcfpcctively, or the major Part of them prefent at fuch Meetings, Ihall think rcafonable; and fliail alfo have Power, at any Meeting to be held as aforefaid, to remove any fuch Collector or Collcflors, Receiver or Receivers, or other Officer or Officers, and to ap- p( int another or others in his or their Room and Stead, as Occafion fhall require: And fuch Col- Icdtor or Collectors, Receiver or Receivers, to be appointed as aforefaid, fhall, before they adt in the Execution of their feveral Offices, give to the Commiffioners of the Diftridt for which they ferve, fuch Security for the due Execution of their refpcdtivc Offices, and for performing the feveral Tfufts