Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/598

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5^4 C. 19. Aano prime Georgii III. A. D. 1760. further Sum of one million by this A61 granted ; fhall be further appropriated, and are hereby ap- propriated for and towards the feveral Ufes and Purpofes herein after exprefied ; that is to fay, i,ooo,oool. granted by this Act, v.z. Out of th: Aids in VII. It is hereby enadted and declared by the Authority aforcfaid, That out'of all or any the Aids ^" ' or Supplies provided as aforefaid, there fhall and may be ilTued and applied, any Sum or Sums of Mo- w3^d^'N ^ I's " "^^" '°' "^^' "°' exceeding three millions five hundred ninety-eight thoufand fix hundred twenty-four Pounds herein fprdficdT""" ^^^ ^" Shillings nnj ten Pence, for or towards the naval Services herein after particularly exprefied ; that is to fay, P'cr or towards Viduals, Wages, Wear and Tear of the Navy, and the victualling thereof, performed and to be performed ; and for or towards Sea Services in the Office of Ordnance, j-.'erformtd and to be performed ; and for or towards defraying the Ordinary of his Majefty's Navy, and (or Kali-pay to Sea Officers ; and for or towards maintaining eighteen thoufand three hundred and hfry-five Marines ; and for or towards the Buildings, Rebuildings, and Repairs, of his Majeity s Ships, for the Year one thoiifmd feven hundred and fixtv-one. 7,1301. fnwardsfinirhiiij: VIII. And it is hereby alfo ena£led by the Authority aforefaid. That out of all or any the near^!l!"^^"' "^'^^^ ^"^^ ^' ^'"^PP^'^? aforefaid, there fliall and may be ifllied and applied any Sum or Sums of Aioney "'*'°' ' not exceeding feven thoufand one hundred and thirty Pounds, for compleating the Works of the Holpital for fick and wounded Seamen at Hajler near Go/port. io,oool. towards fnifh- IX^. And it is hereby alfo enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That out of all or any the Aids in- tiie Hofpiiai near or Supplies aforefaid, there fnall and may be iflued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money not ex- P.>!ncuih. ceeding ten thoufand Pounds, towards carrying on the Works of the Hofpital for fick and wounded Seamen building near Plymouth, for the Year one thoufitnd feven hundred and fixty-one. <i- c-l % A ( ^' -^^d 't is hereby alfo enacSled by the Authority aforefaid, That out of all or any the Aids or ch!rgeof TMnfportSer-^^PP^i*^^ aforefaid, there fliall and may be iflued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money not ex- vice, ' ceeding four hundred feventy-nine thoufand thirty-five Pounds ninteen Shillings and two Pence, for the Charge of Tranfport Service, between the firft of OSiober one thoufand feven hundred and fifty- nine, and the thirtieth of September one thoufand feven hundred andfixty, including the Expence of viilualling his Majefty's Land P'orces within the faid Time. 718,7161. »3s.ii'^- for XI. And it is hereby alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That out of all or any the Aids or o?dnance forLand°Sei-^"P'?^'^^ aforefaid, there fhall and may be iffucd and applied any Sum or Sums of Money not ex- vice. ' 'ceeding feven hundred twenty-eight thoufand feven hundred fixteen Pounds thirteen Shillings and eleven Pence, for the Charge of the Office of Ordnance for Land Service, for the Year one thou- fand {even hundred and fixty-one, and for defraying the extraordinary Expence of Services per- formed by the Ofiice of Ordnance for Land Service, and not provided for by Parliament, in one thoufand (even hundred and fixty. ^'4-'5.29i!. 15. 4d. 2q. XII. And it is hereby alfo enabled by the Authority aforefi^^id. That out of all or any the Aids tov.Mids tiie Land ForcEs or Supplies aforefaid, there fhall and may be ifitied and applied any Sum or Sums of Money not ex- in general ; ceeding etght millions four hundred fifteen thoufand tv/o hundred ninety-three Pounds one Shilling and four Pence Half-penny, for and towards maintaining his Majefty's Land Forces, and other Ser- iiy, &c. ' Men, including tho.e in Gerriir.ny, and including Commiifion and Non-commiffion Officers, and alfo ^43'75'5l- 12^- 9^; for four thoufand and eight Invalids for Guards and Garrifons, and other his Majefty's Land Forces in Guards indCarrifons, Great Britain, Guervfty, and "Jerfey, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-one ; and any A:c. m the Plantations, c, ._ c.^_l „rn/r-^^:__ . / -:^/'i: -.i.. l..^j.._j r__... .1 . r^..^ r u i_„j £/•.__ r CJifaraltar, &c. p' Ph in Nova Scotia, Ncivfoundland, tribr altar, Providenc^ Quebec, Guadaloupe, Senegal, and Goree, for 7.z,i->tjL for Charge of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fix^y-one ; antf any Sum or Sums of Money not exceed- ihree Ri-Rim-nts ct Foot ing twenty-two thoufand One hundred and feventy-nine Pounds, for defraying the Charge of three Re- jrrvili ^Vn'M^Ateri^r'siments of Foot on th^ IriJ}} Eftablilhment ferving m North Jnierico, for the Year one thoufand fe- vi.Tnll.'iV. ad'^'/orPay^^" hundred and fixty-one; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding feventy-two thoufand ofi'h^G-BJiaUnd Gene- eight hundred ninety-fix Pounds fourteen Shillings and two Pence, for the Pay of the General and ralstafto.ficers, and or- General Staff" Officers, and Officers of the Hofpitals for his Majefty's Land Forces, for the Year ticersot tiie Hofpitals for Qpe thoufand fcven hundred and fixty-one; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding one hun- J40 iTsi. °/o"'4d for ^^^'^ f ^rty thoufand three hundred fifty-eight Pounds nineteen Shillings and four Pence, for defraying ChargJof the embodied ^he Charge of the embodied Militia of the f:.n'cral Counties in South Britain, and of thefencible Men Militii in S. Brit.t.n ; oi Jrgylejhire, and of Lord Sutherland's Battalion of Highlanders in North Britain for one hundred and the fcncibJe .McnofanJ twenty-two Days, from the twenty-fifth Day of Dece?rdjer one thoufand feven hundred and fixty, ur-w'of Hi.hralidefsin^*^ '^^ twenty- fifth Day of Jpril one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-one, both Days inclufivej N. Britain • with '^ '"and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding two hundred ninety-eight thoufand fix hundred fixty- the a'diiional ^ urn of eight Pounds nine Shillings and ten Pence, in Addition to the faid Sum of one hunJred forty thou- ac,3,563l. gs. lod. f^r fand three hundred fifty-citiht Pounds nineteen Shillino;s and four Pence, for defraying the Charge ■Tie faid Purpofes, to 24 ^f ^^,, embodied Militia of 1:he feveral Counties in South Britain, and of the fcncible Men of Jrgvu-- '"^' '^ /hire, and of Lord Sutherland's Battalion of Highlanders in North Britain, from the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fixty, to the twenty-fourth Day of December one thou- fand fcMQ.x hundred and fixty-one, both Days inclufivc, being three hundred and fixty-five Days j <fi,56El, 159. 2d. upon ^'»d "'ly Sum of Money not exceeding fifty-fix thoufand five hundred fixty-eight Pounds fifteen Shil- Ac.ou-.t, for cioath;ng lliigs and two PcHcc, upou Accouiu, for defraying the Charge of Cloathlng fof thc embodied Militia 3 fyi"