Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/738

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A.D. 1762. Aiino fecundo Georgii III. C.35 699 rize to receive fuch Money as aforefaid, (hall be a fufficient Difcharge to fuch Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax, for the feveral Sums of Money fo by him or them paid. IV. And be it enadted, That the Clerk of each Regiment or Battalion of Militia (hall forthwith, The Regimental and after the Receipt of fuch Sums of Money as aforefaid, pay or caufe to be paid, one Calendar ^^^"fnTdv'"'" "* '** Month's Pay in advance to the Adjutant of fuch Regiment or Battalion refpedlively j and to the ^^^"j^'j P3y " °"^g ^^j. Captain or Commanding Officer of each Company belonging to fuch Regiment or Battalion, tvi^Ojutant; and two Months, Months Pay in advance for the Serjeants, Drummers, and the contingent Expences of his refpec- Pay to each Captain for tive Company; and alfo to the Commanding Officer of the Company to which the Serjeant Major tl^fiS^J-3"tS' •^■^u'"' and Drum Major fhall belong, two Months Pay in advance for fuch Serjeant and Drum Major ; '"^^^^^'^J"^'[j|;^^^".|^^^ and fo from Time to Time, fo long as any Money on that Account fhall remain in his Hands: pany" and for^the Ser- Which pay every fuch Captain or Commanding Officer is hereby required to diftribute to each Per- jeant Major and Drum fon belonging to his Company by this A(5l intitled to receive the fame, as it fhall become d ue ; Major ; and to the Com- and fhall once in every Year^ give in to the Clerk of the Regiment or Battalion to which fuch manding Officer of the Company (hall belong, or if Captain of an Independent Company, to the Receiver General, an ^rngTSrai'nrt^d'- Account of the feveral Payments he (hall have made in purfuance of this A61, according to the fol- (tribute the Pay accor- lowing Form : dlngly ; and account for the fame yearly to the Clerk or Receiver General, if an Independent Company, according to the following Form County of Dr. To Cafh received of Mr. Re- gimental or Battalion Clerk, or Re- ceiver General, as the Cafe Jhall be^ for two Months Pay in advance £• Per Contra Cr. s. d. Paid Serjeant for Days Pay from the of to the of following Ditto as Serjeant-major (if one in the Company) •■ ■ • Paid Serjeant for Days Pay from the of to the of following Paid Drummer Days at 6d. from the of to the of following Ditto as Drum-major (if one in the -s Company) ? Paid Dummer Days from * the of to the following ■■ Two Months Contingencies for Men and two Drummers at 5^. perK. Month each j


)m -1 I- s. e con- which accounted for. And fhall pay back to the faid Clerk, or to the Receiver General, as the Cafe fhall be, the Surplus and pay back theSur (if any) of the Money by him, from Time to Time, received and then remaining in his Hands, ex- plus Monies in his cept the Money by this A61 allowed for contingent Expences, which fhall once in every Year be ^^"^^> except the accounted for by the Captain of each Company refpedively, in Manner aforefaid, and the Balance js"fJbe fcwun^d thereof fhall be by him paid into the Hands of the Clerk of the Regiment or Battalion to which fuch a"ounte Company (hall belong, to be applied to the general Ufe of the faid Regiment or Battalion, as the and applied to the general Field Officers and Captains thereof, or the greater Part of them, fhall at a general Meeting dire(fi:; Ufe of the Regiment, &c. and the Captain of each Independent Company is hereby required to diftribute to each Perfon be- Captains of independent longing to his Company intitled thereto, fuch Money as he fhall receive by virtue of this A6t ; and Companies to diftribute the faid Money allowed for the contingent Expences of each Independent Company of Militia (hall ^nd a^^i*°the M^^"' be refpedtively applied to the particular Ufe of fuch Independent Company by the Captain thereof. lowed'forcontin^nY Expences. V. And be it enabled. That the faid Regimental or Battalion Clerk may and fhall retain to his cierk to retain Money own Ufe, out of the Money fo by him received, fuch further Sums as (hall complete the Allowance in his Hands for his own herein before made for his Salary; and fuch Regimental or Battalion Clerk fhall pay to fuch Perfon Salary; or Perfons as (hall produce an Order from his Majefty's Lieutenant, or from the Commanding Of- and difcharge the Cloath- ficer of fuch Regiment or Battalion, fuch Sums of Money us (hall be due and owing for or on ac- '"^ ' "* count of the Cloathing of the faid Regiments or Battalions, not exceeding the Rates herein before mentioned. VI. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That when ever his Majefty's Lieu- -vvhen the Lo-d Lieute- tenant together with two o'r more Deputy Lieutenants, and on the Death or Removal, or in the nant and Deputies fliail' Abfence of his Majefty's Lieutenant, any three or more Deputy Lieutenants of any County, Ps-iding have fixed the Days of or Place, (hall have fixed the Days of Exercife for the Militia, he or they (hall, as foon as may be, Exercife, certify the fame to the Receiver General of fuch County, Riding or Place, fpecifying the Number ^^^ ^'^ ^^^'^'^'^^ ^^'^ of Men, and the Number of Days fuch Men are to be abfent from Home on Account of fuch Exer- ^"^^ to ' ^ ^ "o'vcr cifej and fuch Receiver General is hereby required, within fourteen Days after the Receipt of fuch from Home. 4U 2 ecL'ivcr General, fpecifying the Number of Men, and Days they fliai! be abfent Receiver General to ifTue thereupon Pay for the Men to the Regimental Clerk, Hec. CeriiUcate,