Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/340

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Caff 3lntsfa Company* CccMiafffcal Coutt&. Cattljen Otlait* To what Duty liable, 2 ZT. £sf M. feff. 2. r. 4. §48. ^aft=Sutiia Company. -j. Eaji-India Goods excepted out of the Navigation A£l, 12 Car. 2. c. 18. § 13. 2. Five per Cent, on Enjl-India Stock, how to be anfvvered to the Government, 4 /F. is' M. c, 15. §. io. 3. The Eafl- India Company's Fund eftablifhed, 9 fcf 10 JF.- 3. c. 44. § 46. 3 GVs>. 2. r. 14. 4. Limits of their Trade, 9 iif 10 ST. 3. c. 44. § 61. 5. Security to be given that Good; laden in India fhall be brought to England, 9 iff 10//'. 3. r. 44. § 69, 6. Their Stock a perfonal Eftate and exempt from Taxes, 9^10 W. 3. <r. 44. § 71, 72. 7. Duty of 5/w Cm;, to be paid to the Company, g& 10 W. 3. c. 44. § 76. 8. Exclufive Trade granted to the Company, 9^10 W. 3. c. 44. § 81. 3 Geo. 2. <r. 14. 9. The Proportions of Salt Petre to be delivered by the Compa- nies when united, r Ann. ft. 1. c. 12. § 113. so. Security to be given that their Goods (hall not be unladen out of Great Britain, 6 Ann. c. 3, 11. Their Capital increafed and their Term enlarged, 6 Ann, c. 17. • 12. Officers of the Customs mail take Bond for the Cuftoms, 6 Ann. c. 17. § II. 13. Their Trade to be fecured notwithstanding that their Fund be redeemed, 10 Ann. c. 28. 14. The Company's Security to be given for the Cuftoms, 10 Ann. c. 29. 15. His Majefty's Subjects reftrained from going to India with- out Leave of the Company, or from taking Commiffions from foreign States for that Purpofe, 5 Geo. 1. c, 21. 7 Geo. i. c. 21. 16. Not to prejudice the Right of the South-Sea Company, 5 Geo, 1, c. 21. § 5. 17. Impovvered to lend Money on Bottomry to their Captains, &c. 6 Geo. I. c. 18. § 26. 18. Regulation of their Power of borrowing upon Bond, 7 Geo, 1. c. 5. § 32. 19. Defendant on Acquittal intitled to Cofts, 7 Geo. . c. 21. § 1. 2.0. Contrails and Loans on foreign Ships bound to the Eaft-In- dies void, 7 Ge?. 1. c. 21. § 2. ■ 21. Bills in the Exchequer may be filed for Difcovery of unlaw- ful Trade, 7 Geo. 1, c. 21, §5. 22. May export Stores of War free, 7 Geo. 1. c, 21. § 13. 23. Penalty on joining in any India Company in the Aujlrian Netherlands q Geo. I. c. 26. 24. A Mifdemeanor for any Subject, to be in India, Sec. without Authority, 9 Geo. 1. c. 2.6. § 6. 17 Geo. 2. c. 17. § 11. 25. Annuity of 160,000/. reduced to 128,000/. 3 Geo. 2. c. 14. §4- 26. Reftrained from purchafing more than the yearly Value of 10,000/. 3 Geo, 2. c. j 4. § 14. 27. The reduced Annuity of 128,000/. charged on the Aggre- gate Fund, 3 Geo. 2. c. 20. § 22. 28. An Annuity of 30,000/. granted to the Eaft-India Company out of the Surplus of the Duty on Spirituous Liquors, 1 7 Geo. 2. c. 17. 29. Exclufive Trade not to be determined till after 25 Mar. 1780, 17 Geo. 2. c. 17. § 13. 30. Commiffioners of Inland Duties to attend Sales of E 'aft -India Company, and take Account of Lots of Tea, &c. 18 Geo. 2. c. 26. § 6, 31. Offences againft 5 Geo. 1. c. 21. excepted out of general Par- don, 20 Geo. 2.c, 52. §40. 32. Infurance of Ships and Goods trading to India under new foreign Commiffions prohibited, 25 Geo. 2, c, 26. 33. The Troops of the Company made fubjeft to martial Law, 27 Geo. 2. c. q. 34. Mifdemeanors of their Presidents and Council may be tried in England, 27 Geo. 2. c. 9. § 13. 3;. His Majefty may empower Directors to authorize their Go- vernor and Council to hold Courts Martial at. Fort Marlborough, 1 Geo. 3. c. 14. For other Matters, fee IBattfe 16. 015aitferupt 14, 15. H5«0o feere 13. China SJtare, Copper 4. CuLTome, SDiamorms 2. felony initljout Clergy, Tit: fo&ztv anti IRoDberp, ^Funos 6, ©V. 31nt)ia €>oot>e, jlnfurance 9. aiinnen, £>ail--ciotb n. teamen 60. S>Ufes, s>ourt)--£>ea Company. Caffiano €raOe* All the King's Snbjefts may ufe the Eaft land Trade, or be ad* mitted of the Eajiland Company, 2 5 Car. z. r. 7. § 5. Catou College. 1. How difcharged from firft Fruits and Tenths, 1 El. c, 4. § 34, z. And its Maintenance provided for, 1 8 El. c. 6. Ccclefiaftica. Courts, petfows, ano poiv feifiong* 1. NoWafte fhall be in Church Lands during Vacation, M. C. 9 H. 3. fi 5. i^Ed. 3./. 4. r.4. 2. Ecclefiaftical Perfons fhall be amerced after their Lay Tene* ment, M. C. 9 H. 3. f/14. 3. Patrons fhall have the Cuftody of Abbeys in Time of Vaca- tion, M. C. 9 H. 3. r. 33. 4. The Succeffor fhall have a Remedy far a Trefpafs done to his Houfe in the Time of his Predeceflbr, St. Marleb. 52 H. 3. c. 28. 5. None fhall refort to Religious Houfes, and put them to Ex- pence, CSV. St. Weftm. I. 3 Ed. I. f. 1, Lit. pat./uperprif. honor. Cler. 3 Ed. 2. ^rftV. C/*r. 9 Ed. 3. ft. 1. c.' 11. 6. Eleftions fhall be free, St. Weftm. 1. 3 Ed. 1. r. 5. ^4-/. C/W-. 9 £</. 2. c. 14. 7. Bifhops fhall hold Plea' in Matters merely Spiritual for Cor- rection of deadly Sin, as Fornication, &c Circumfp. agatis, IS Ed. i. ft. 4. 8. Alfoiro coemeterio nan clavfo, 15 pro ecclejid nan decenter ornaia, ibid. 9. For Penfions, Circumfp. agatis, 13 Ed. I. ft. 4, i-o. Alfo for difputed Tithes not exceeding a Fourth of the Church, ibid. Art. Cler. 9 Ed. 2. ft. 1. c. I tif z. 1 1 . For violent laying Hands on a Clerk, or Defamation, ibid. Art. Cler. 9 Ed. 2. ft. i.e. 3 iff 4. 1 2. No Tax fhall be laid upon the Religious Orders, to be car- ried out of the Realm, Stat, de apportis Relig. 35 Ed. 1. ft. 1, c. z iff 3. 4.&Z. 3. c. 6. 5 .£y. 3. c. 3. 13. None fhall buy the Goods of the Clergy againft their Will, 3 Ed. 2. 14. Where Spiritual and Temporal Courts may both proceed, 9 Ed. 2. c. 6. 1 5. Clerks in the King's Service fhall be corrected by their Or- dinary, but are excufed Refidence, Art. Cler. 9 Ed, 2. ft. 1. f. 8. 1 6. Diftreffes for the King fhall not be made in PolTeffions of the Church, Art. Cler. 9 Ed. 2. ft. I. c. 9. 17. The Ability of a Perfon prefented to a Church fhall be ex- amined by the Ordinary, Art. Cler. 9 Ed, 2. ft. 1. c. 13. 18. The Temporalis of Bifhops fhall not be unduly feized, 1 Ed.