Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/387

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lettettf. tibmitg. 40. Commiffioners or other Officers not to influence Election?, 9 Ann. <r. 1 1 . § 49. 41. Increafe of the Drawback upon Leather exported, 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. a. § 64. 42. Tawed Sheeps Skins to pay the Smaller Duty, 3 Geo. 1. c. 4. § '3- 43. Counterfeiting the Leather Stamps Felony, 5 Geo. 1. c. 2. § 9- 44. Hides to be kept feparate till furveyed, 5 Geo. 1. r. 2. § 10. 45. Artificers may freely buy their Leather, and cut it, and fell it in fmall Pieces, 12 Geo. 2. c. 25. 46. Penalty on Curriers neglecting to curry Leather, 12 Geo. 2. c. 2;. § 4. 47. The Statute 1 Ann. ft. 2. r. 18. extended to the Manufac- tures of Leather, 13 Geo. 2. c. 18. 48. Journeymen to perform the Bufinefs they are engaged in, ibid. § 8. For other Matters, fee Certiorari 19. ;ffojeftaUers 8, 13 c. ^anttfaftures, Shoemakers, j&bins, banners, %at 5. leffurer. Penalty of Lecturers not conforming, 13 tif 14 Car. 2. c. 4. § 19. to 24. For other Matters, fee Reaching, JUe. See Rivers. JLeek 1 . The Articles of Frankpledge, Stat, for Vie-vj of Frankpledge, iSEd.z. 2. Shall be held but twice in the Year, M. C. 9 H. 3. c. 35. 3. Stewards of Courts Leet and Courts Baron, fhall not take any Profits or Perquifites, 1 Ja. 1. c. 5. For other Matters, fee 3Jffi01tS popular II. ConttabUS 8, 16. Cottages 3. JFirt) 13. jfljtanoamus 7. Lemoit 3iUice. See Lime. JLent. See Fafls. letters- 1. Where it is Felony to fend Letters without a Name, or in a fictitious one, 9 Geo. 1, c. 22. § I. 2. Offences againft this Act excepted out of general Pardon, 20 Geo. 2. c. 52. § 12. 3. Extorting Money, 13 c. by threatening Letters to be punifhed by Fine and Imprifonment, or by Pillory, Whipping or Tranf- portation, 30 Geo. 2. c. 24. § 1. For other Matters, fee felon?, ^>0tt=^)f&K. JUttetg of ^ai'CUte- See Marque and Re- prifal. Letter Of %Hft ContUtff. See Safe Conduft. Letters Patent^. See Patents. Leaping; KHar. See Treafon. ILlbCl- See Prohibition. I. Liberties granted, M. C. 9 H. 3. c. I, 13c, St. dt Tall, non cor.ced. 34 Ed. I. -ft. 4, c. 4. Vol. IX. Tab. 2. Cities and Boroughs, csV. mail have their Liberties and Cuf- toms, M. C. 9 H. 3. <-. 9. 1 Ed. 3. ft. 2. c. 9. 14 Ed. 3. ft. 1. c. 1. 3. None fhall be imprifoned, difTeifed, &c. without lawful Judg- ment of their Peers, or by the Law of the Land, M. C. 9H.3. c. 29. 25 £*/. 3.7?. 5. c. 4. 31 £</. 2. ft. 4. f. 16. 42 Ed. ■$■(■3- 4. None compelled to anfwer of his Freehold without the King's Command, 52 H. 3. c. 22. 5. Judgments againft the Great Charters void, 25 j?!/. 1. c. 2. 6. Great Charters to be read in Cathedrals, 25 EJ. i.e. 3. 7. Breakers of the Great Charter to be excommunicated, 25 Ed. 1. r.4. 8. Great Charters to be read quarterly in the Countries, 28 E. 1. ft. I.e. l. 9. No Tallage without AfTent of Parliament. Stat, de Ta/Iag. non concedend. 34 Ed. . ft. 4. r. I. 10. Anathema againft the Infringers of the Liberties of the Church, or of the Cuftoms of the Realm, Sententia lata, {3c. 28 H. 3. St. de Tall, non conced. 34 Ed. 1. ft. 4, c. 6. 1 1 . Statutes againft the Liberties of the Realm fhall be void, St. de Tall, non conced. 34 Ed. I . ft. 4. c. 4. 12. Juftice fhall not be delayed by Command under the Great Seal, 2 Ed. 3. c. 8. 13. No Man fhall be attached or forejudged contrary to the Great Charter, 5 Ed. 3. c. 9. 37 Ed. 3. c. 18. 14. The Peers engaged to procure the King to keep Statutes, and not to afTent to the contrary, 14 Ed. 3. ft. 1. c. 21. 15. Great Officers fworn to obferve Magna Chart a, 15 Ed.i./l.i. 16. None to be imprifoned but by Indictment, or by Procefs by Writ Original at Common Law, 2; Ed. 3. ft. 5. c. 4. 17. None fhall be imprifoned, tiff, without being brought in An- fwer, 28 Ed. 3. c. 3. 18. None to be put to anfwer but by Prefentment, or Matter of Record, (3c. 42 Ed. 3. c. 3. 19. Peace to be kept and Juftice done, 1 R. 2. c. 2. 20. Privy Seals not to be fent to difturb the Law, 1 1 R. 2. e. to. 21. None fhall be brought in Anfwer before the of any Lord touching his Freehold, or other Matter determinable by the Law, ijiJ. z. <r. 12. 16R.2.C.2. 22. The Subjects may freely purfue the Laws, 2 H. 4. c. 1. 23. No Matter determinable by the Law fhall be determined in other Form, 3 1 H. 6. c. 2. 24. Exacting Taxes, fummary Imprifonment, proceeding by Mar- tial Law, and quartering Soldiers, declared illegal, 3 Car, 1. c. I. 25. The Ship-Money Proceedings condemned, 16 Car. 1. c. 14. 26. No Rates can be impofed upon Merchandife but by common Confent in Parliament, 1 2 Car. 2, c. 4. § 6. 27. Soldiers not to be quartered without Confent, 31 Car. 2. c. 1. §54. 28. The Liberties of the Subjeft declared, 1 W. 13 M. ft. 2. c. 2. 29. Farther Provifions for fecuring Religion and Liberties, i2tif 13 W. 3. c. 2. For other Matters, fee HKtis 2, 3. Amerciaments I, 10, 11. flSenetoolences, Cbancerg 5. Cbttrcb, JDiftrefs i, z, t5V. Cjccommunication, prance, ^Franebifes, habeas Cojpus, Jlrelanu, 3u(tice, feing, J^oloiers 16, tiff. &tarcbamber, &a;es, abates, liberies. 1. Co';e» Library fettled in the Family for the Ufe of the Public' 12 13 13 W. 3. c. 5. 2. Veiled in the Crown, 5 Ann. c. 30. 3. Directions for the Prefervation of Parochial libraries, 7 .<fe'. c. 14. O 4. Eftablim-