Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/388

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life tfffatc 0. Ifmftatfon. Linen. 4. Eftablifhment of the 5w?y& Mi'feum, 26 Cm, 2, c, 22, 27 • G*-. 2. c. 16. § 3. /"or other Mailers, fee 2!$OOB0, jLlCCnccCj. See Ale, Brandy, Diftillers, Fore- fhllers, Hawkers, Lecturer, Marriage, Schools and Stamps. llCUtCnnnt- See Soldiers. life Cftatesf. i» Where Perfons for whofe Lives Eflates are held, fhall abfent themfelves for feven Years, they fliall be picfumed dead, 19 Car. 2, c. 6. 2. If Ceftuique vie return, LefFee to re-enter and recover Damages, 19 Car. 2 c . 6. § 5. 3. Etlates ^»r a&frv ivV fhall be devlfeable, and AiTets in the Hands of the Heir or Executor, 29 Car. 2. c. 3. § 12. fhall be diflributable, 14 Geo. 2. c. 20* § 9. 4.. Foilhumous Children enabled to take in Remainder, where the Life Eftate is determined, 10 W 1 1 W. 3. c. 16. 5. Perfons for whofe Lives Eflates are held, on Application to my Lord Chancellor to be produced, 6 Ann. c. 18. 6. If it afterwards appear that Infant were alive at Time of Or- der made, Infant, iSc, may re-enter and recover Damages, 6 Ann. c. 18. § 3. 7. The Tenant holding after the Determination of the Life, deemed a TrefpafTer, and Ferfons next intitled fhall recover Da- mages, 6 Ann. c. 18. § 5. For other Matters, fee 2SmtUftte0, CtJtteft?, ©Oljjer, <&t= V9j 3. i8eccbert> 5. IKent 3, 6, Csffc. ffillafte 4, isY. Lig&ts ants Lampg. I„ Houfholders in Middle/ex and Surrey within the Bills of Mor- tality, at what Times to fet out Lamps, 2 W,& M.ftJJl 2. c.S. § i<5,- 2. None but Briti/h Oil to be ufed for Lamps in Dwelling- Houfes, under Penalty of 40 s, 8 Ann. <v,9..§ 18. 3, Shares- in the Lights, how taxable, ^.Gei. 3. c. 2. § 54.. .for other Matter.!,, fee CailOleS, l&ltotng, Lignunrtntae. Where exempt from Duties, 1 Geo. 2. ft, 2.. f. 17. § 5. lime ant» Lemnton 3!ttice* To what Duties liable, 4 ^. & M. r. 5. § 2. limitation of aftions?* 1, Several- Limitations of feveral Writs in real Adlions, St. Mor- ton, 20 H. 3. c. 8„ 5/. Weftm.. 1. 3 Ed. 1. c. 3.9. 32 H. 8. f. ?. 21 ja.. c. ]6_ 2„. A Diftrefs for Services may be avowed on Seifin from the Time that a Writ of Novel Dijfeifin runs,. St. Wejlm. 2, 1 3 Ed. 1. c. 2.. 3. Special Limitations of Aftions for Trefpafles committed in an Infurreftion, 6 R..2..JI. 2. ^4.." 4. The Statutes of Limitations fhall not extend to Square Impedit, Darrein Presentment, Writs of Right of Ward and Ravifhment of Ward, 1 M._,<l..z..c. 5. 5. No Title to be impeached by the Crown, unlefs the King's Title appeared within 6o- Years before the holding the Parlia- liament, 21 Ja.i. c. 2. 6-. Saving of Duty on. Coals, in* the Portof Newcaftle^ 21. Ja: 1.. e. 2, § 5- 7. Writs of Formedon to be brought and Entries to be made with- in 20 Years, 21 Ja. I. c. 16, 8. Limitations of certain perfonal Aftions, 21 Ja, I. c. 16. 3, 9. After Judgment or Outlawry reverfed, Plaintiff may com- mence a new A&ion, 21 Ja. 1. c. 16. §4. 10. Writ of Error to avoid Fines and Recoveries to be brought within 20 Years, 10 W; 3. c. 14. 11. Suits for Seamens Wages in the Admiralty within the Statute of Limitations, 4 Ann. c. 16. § 17. 12. Statute of Limitations faved, where the Defendant is beyond Sea. 4 Ann. c. 16. § 19. For other Matters, fee StCCOimt ant) 28cCOUtttant 1 1 . 7^C= tions popular 10. 3frjbotrjCon 9. General 3Dffue, l£uc ano Crp 3. parliament 55, 56, isv. £&uo max* ranto, Wape 1. Lincoln. For the touching and marking of Silver in Lincoln, fee HUjfftol, And fee farther Attaint 9. Linen. 1. The Aflife of Doulas and Lockeram, 21 H, 8. f. 14. 28/if. 8. c. 4. 2. Againft Deceit in Linen Cloth, 1 El. e. t 2. 3. Duties on Linen imported, 2 W. & M.fejf. 2. c. 4. § 3, 6, 7. trW. Cif M. r. 5. § 12. 4. Borelapps to be entered «</ valorem, y&%W. 3. r, 10. § 16. 1 Ann. ft. 2. c. 8. 5. Linen, &c. may be imported from Ireland free, 7 £3" 8 W, 3. r. 39. 1 ^»». 7?. 2. c 8. 16 Geo. 2. c. 26. § 6. 6. A Duty on Scotch Linen, 9 c^ 10 #^. 3. r. 45. 7. Scotc'h Linen prohibited to be imported into Ireland, 3 is' 4 Ann. c. 8. § 4. 8. Irifh Linen may be exported to the Plantations, 3^4 Ann. c. 8. 3 Geo. i. c. 2i. 9. Provided that no Ship break Bulk till Notice to the Governor, &c 3 cif 4 v^»». r. 8. § 2. 10. Six Pence Duty on 40 Ells of Linen Cloth exported, 9 Ann. c.6. §53. 1 1. A Duty on printed Linen imported, ^r. 10 Ann. c. 19. § 66. 12 Ann. ft. 2. e.g. § 5. iff c. 19. Made perpetual and part of General Fund, 3 Geo. 1. c. 7. 12. Penalty of 100/. and Pillory on felling Silks with counterfeit Stamps, 10 Ann. c. 19. § 97. 13. Imported Linens and Britifh to be marked, 10 Ann. c. 19. h 97- . 14. Duties on Britijh Linens and Silks, 10 Ann. c. 19. § 69. I 2 Ann. ft. 2. r. 9. § 7. 15. The Duties laid by 12 Ann. ft, 2, c. 9. made perpetual by 6 Geo. 1. c. 4. and part fubicribed into South-Sea Stock, and Refidue mortgaged to the Bank by 2 Geo. 2. c. 3. 16. Regulations of the Linen Manufafture in Scotland, 10 Ann, c. 2X. 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. 20. 13 G^c. I. c. 26. 24 Gf<?. 2. 17. Exemption of European Linen, bfc. from the two Thirds Subfidy, 7 /^»». c. 7. iz Ann. ft. 2. c. 21. 1-3. Lawns and ftriped white Linens, £sV. not to be charged, 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. 19.. 19. Perfons printing from Home to pay the Duties firft, 1 Geo.}, c. 36. § 21." 20. Linfeed may be imported free, 3 Geo. 1. c. 7. § 38. 21. Britifl) Linen, &c. to be exported free, 3 G«. i.e. 7. § 39. 22. i>j$> Linen may be exported to the Plantations, ^peo, 1. c.2l. 23. Stealing Linen from bleaching Grounds, Felony without Clergy, 46^0.2. c.16^ Repealed, iSGeo. 2. c. 27. §4. and Judge impowered to tranfport Offender. 24.. A Bounty on coarfe Britijh and Irijh Linen exported, 15. Gco..2.. C. 29. § 2. 18 G«. 2^f, 25, 25, Penalties