Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/426

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Hobtetp.' ftome*' Euflia Company; €>afe ConTuicf* JFcloits, Clcvgp, 5E>i(Tctffit 2. tffelom'es toitlj ant) toftl)= out Clergp, 77//<?1Robberp. I)?ue anu Cry, H?unD?eB,

  • " 31velanB, i^etcljattts 6. Cranfpo?tation 3 Scales.

Hacljeffo: ano Iftocljeftet 25jiO0;e. Gyfter-Fifhery in the Medivay how regulated by the Corporation of Roche fler, 2 Geo. 2. c. 19. /V «/£«■ Matter:, fee ■J15jitigc0, ^PljCerS. Eocljeffer (JFcancte, loio 15ifl)0p-) Subjected to Pains and Penalties, 9 Gfo. 1, c, 17. 3R0Cfiet£. See Fire. BQCfc ©alt See Salt. EO0UC0. See Vagrants. EOH0. See Records. Eorne* I. The King and the great Men to aidoneanotherinprofecuting fcch as fue to Rime, .38 £//. 3.7?. z. <r. 4. z. None flinll pay more for Firlt- Fruits, than was anciently paid, on Pain of general Forfeiture, 6 H. 4. c. I. 5. All Dependance on the See of #«/»? abolifhed, 24 /£ 8. c. 12. Z5J7. 8.<r. 19 y 20. 2% H. 8. r. 16. 4. Appeals to J?jw« prohibited, 25 H. 8. r. 19. 5. Biihops presented by the King may be confecrated by .an Arch- bifhop, or two Biihops, 25 H. 8. c. 20. § u 6. No Firft-Fnrits, {ffo. to be paid to Rome, 25 H. 8. r. 20. § 3. 7. Peter Pence and other Impositions payable to Rome, abolifhed, 25 H.S.c.2t. 8. The Penalty of fuing to Rome for Difpenfations, 25 £/. 8. r. zi . § 22. cj. The Effect of Bulls granted to Monafteries, 25 H.S.e.zt. § 23, CSV. 10. Every Perfon to abjure the Bifhop of Rome, on Pain of High Treafon, 28 H. 8. c. iq. I I. Former Bulls from Rome, void, 28 H. 8. c 16. 12. Repeal of all Statutes made againft the See of Rome fince 20

  1. . 8. 1 £if 2 P. cif M. e. 8.

13. The Penalties of bringing Bulls, dgnus Dei,&c. hom Rome, 13 £/. c. 2 . 14. Concealing Bulls Mifprifion of Treafon, 13 El. c. 2. § 5. 15. Withdrawing any to the Romijh Religion, or being with- drawn, High Treafon, 23 EL c. 1. 16. The Penalty of faying or hearing Mafs, 23 EL c, 1. § 4. 1 7. Jeluits and Priefts banifhed, 27 EL e. z., 1 8. A Popilh Prieft, born a Subject, being within the Realm, Treafon, 27 El, c. 2. § 3. 19. Subjects in Popilh Seminaries Abroad not returning, guilty of Treafon, 27 El. c. 2. § 5. 2Q. Sending Relief to Popifh Seminaries prohibited, 27 El. c. 2. §6. 21. The Penalty of not difcovering a Jefuit or Prieft, 27 El. c. 2. §13. For other Matters, fee 3lbfolUti0lt, 2ffoij0lllCoit 8. <Scde= Gaftical Courts, &c. iising, £>bltsation 1. f2>apifl:iS> 5&jemuntre 3 J9joUifo?s, IRecuCaius, Creafon, JRopeg. Old ones may be imported Duty-free, 11 Geo. 1. c. 7. § 10. l&opal Crcfjanffc ants Lonuon affumnce. See lafurance. Eoyffon. The Town reduced to one Parifh, 3 2 //. 8. c. 44. 1. In what Ships to be imported, 12 Car. 2. c. 18. § 8. 2. The Importation of it from the Netherlands, or Germany, how prohibited, 1 3 £3* 14 Car. 2. c. 11. § 23. 3. Rozin to what Duties liable on Imponation, 4 W. (J M. c . 5. 4. The bringing it from Scotland how rewarded, zAnn.Jl. 1, C.J.. Ettbics?. May be imported Duty-free, 6 G«>. 2. r. 7. JRtim. See Brandy, Plantations. Emmets of jf o?ein;it ©ooog. Who may be deemed fo, and how punifhed, 8 Geo.. 1 . c, 18. § 6«  /> «/£«■ Matter, fee CuftOtng. Eufl>£ia;Ijt£. See Candles. Enflia ano Ettflta Company. 1 . Goods of the Growth or Manufacture of RuJJia not to be im- ported but in Englijh Shipping, CSV. 12 Car. 2. c. 1 8. ■§ 8, 9. 2. Any of his Majefty's Subjects to be admitted into the RuJJia. Company, 10 & 1 1 W. 3. c. 6. 3. Account of Stores imported to be laid before Parliament, u> cif 11 #'. 3. <r. 6. § 4. 4. Trade opened to /V/?,z through RuJJia, 14 G«e. 2. f. 36, For other Matters, fee J&tyyS, j&flfc, Eutiann. The Statute of Rutland, ioW.i, E^C See Harbours. S. ©aUUatlj* See Holy-Days. ^aCl'antCUt. See Service and Sacraments. ©allege* See Clergy. €?aOtet£. See Shoemakers. ©afe Contmft 1. Breaking of Safe Conduit High Treafon, 2 H. 5. ft. 1. c. 6» Repealed, 20 H. 6. c 11. 2. There (hall be a Confervator of Peace and Safe Conduit in every Port, 2 H. c.ft. 1. c 6. 29 H. 6. c. 2. 3. Safe Conduit not to be granted without naming the Ships, Mailers, C3r. 15 H. 6. c. 3. 18 #. 6. <:. 8. 4. All Letters of Safe Conduit fhall be inrolled, 20 H. 6. c. 1. 5.. The Chancellor mail redrefs Perfons having Safe Conduit who are robbed at Sea, 31 H. 6. e. 4. 6. Confirmation of Statutes againft Breakers of Truce, 14 Ed. 4. c. 4. iV e//*r Matters, fee ^crcljants, Cruce HUjeafecrs.